having suffered a one shot gank before id even loaded in amarr last night im wondering why i play in eve now full stop ive had a year of omega after a long lay off and my last 3 months of graft went pop but it kinda did me a favour as im coming up for renewal on my 3 omegas but wont be bothering when they end and will go back to world of warships like i did last time…
That’s a nice, juicy hauler. Thank you for your contribution!
Why do I play in hisec space?
Why not?
I mean, is there a problem with playing in hisec?
But that in itself is half the problem with highsec. The bigger ships are too expensive to proactively waste on a ganker catalyst…and catching flashies is not that easy. The Gnosis has an absurdly long locking time…as I know from trying to lock on Aiko when she passed through a gate. And the Gnosis has high EHP and a group of half a dozen gankers are never going to attack one except maybe in 0.5 space. The best thing to take out a Catalyst with is…I think…another Catalyst. The best use for the Gnosis in highsec is transporting stuff about, relatively safely.
But why are you flying 650m ISK worth of stuff around in a ship with just 4K EHP ? All your cargo apart from the missiles would have fit snuggly in my 87K EHP Gnosis ( which itself cost just 60m ISK…and 900m3 cargo hold ) and the missiles would have required 3 trips but they were actually the cheaper part of your cargo. It makes far more sense to do more trips in a higher EHP ship…and it would take quite a few Tornados to gank a Gnosis in 1.0 space.
Nevermind, misread- thought you were talking about the MWD (which is for mass, getting back to the hole and the MWD-clock-warp trick). Yeah, an MJD would be for defense.
as i was going to be moving mins and moon goo parts back for manufacturing i was using a hauler as i said its the fact i was dead before i saw myself actually land and within the docking area as i used a bookmark fair play to the guy and his 2 alts its a slick operation on his part but the fact you have absolutely no counter to it that has me finished…no doubt its another few years away and maybe back but the older i get the less time i want to waste on things i cannot escape
… or change.
I feel the same way.
I think OP was asking what’s your personal reason why you play in HS. Not if HS was good/bad
Can be RL schedule. Commitment issues to NS/LS/WH. Or you simply like the dynamic in HS.
For me it’s my schedule that prevents me from playing full time exclusively in NS/WH. It’s on my EVE bucket list.
@Anthony_FatTony_Amico What if someone plays in all secs? I can see myself mining in lowsec, exploring nullsec and ratting in hisec or whatever combination of those actions that would bring me entertaining hours and learning the game.
I think having a presence in all secs would be advantageous.
This is the main one for me. If it’s like I haven’t played in 4 months, and I have a friend coming to visit in a few days, and I’m kind of busy, but I have a few hours to kill, I’m probably going to go do missions or something in HS. If I expect I’m going to have a few hours, here and there, over the next couple months, I’m probably doing something in LS or NS or Pochven. If I think I’m going to be potentially playing for hours per day, every day, for a few months, it’s WH time.
Other than that, I guess I sometimes play in HS just because it is chiller. Maybe I’m mostly watching a movie or whatever. Or just killing time while I decide what I want to do next in the game.
No it isn’t.
The best thing to take out a -10 flashy cata is a fast locking warping frig that can kite the cata.
Effortless gaming mode.
Well, the biggest problem anyone relatively new has is working out what can take on what. Of course, as you predicted, I soon found that big blingy ships are useless for taking on gankers. The locking time on the Gnosis…well, the gankers are 6 systems away and long gone before it locks. On the other hand, a Slasher probably doesn’t have the firepower ( about 100 DPS ) to take on a Catalyst. It’s never gonna kill a cat before the other gankers blow it to bits. So…I need a fast locking ship with good alpha shot, that doesn’t cost 10 times the ganker ship. Any suggestions ?
Maybe a stupid question, but you’re aware of sensor boosters, right?
Gnosis actually has a pretty high base scan resolution (about that of some higher-end, faster cruisers). Two sensor boosters will put you above 900.
I am…but for that reason I am creating a different version of Gnosis for each task. For transporting expensive stuff I have an absurdly tanked out 100K EHP one. Another version skips some of the shield extenders and has 24km Warp Disruptor. And so on. But yes, for sitting waiting at a gate for flashies to show up I need the sensor boosters.
So you gotta decide which tactic you want. If gate camping, you need sebos and tackle.
If you’re pursuing dessies, you just need range. If they are -10, you don’t need a huge alpha but if you are flying solo you gotta accept you’re only gonna take out 1 realistically.
An arty thrasher or arty rifter might be good for popping catas. I’ll make some fits.
Just use a Hurricane Fleet Issue.
It’s not that expensive, and has the highest medium ship volley damage aside from the Loki and Sleipnir.
Also, the navy ships have inherently high EHP, and it could have a good buffer even with a full rack of artillery.
way too juicy, bound to be baited. If for whatever reason you don’t kill the target (lack of understanding of tracking or positioning or just bad rng) they’ll be on top of you and kill you. Normal cane does less alpha yes but it’s also far more disposable.
On the subject of high sec , why looking for pods in this hunt event , I’ve come across many of the old control towers and things anchored around them 90% off line.
Is the only way to remove them to war declare the owner and if you do do you get anything dropping from them or can you take the anchored stuff.