Why do you play in Highsec space?

Hmmm last I checked, Clone Soldier tags were rat drops, not sold on the NES.

lol coming to eve soon, drops removed and only purchased with RL money. this year ? or next year !


Any and all loss equates to CCP making money.

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wtf does that even mean

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Economics 101.

Nice non-answer. I suppose you don’t really have an answer, since you’re talking out your rear.

Wait, let me get a stab at the follow-up response you’re going to get:

“Maybe you should try working on your reading comprehension.”


Oh, one of those people. Thanks for the heads up! :heart:

Generally speaking, people try to replace what they’ve lost. How do we replace things in Eve?

As I personally enjoy WH the most, I cant get myself to invest the time needed to get into the WH space. For NS is WH without the excitement.

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By filing a reimbursement petition?



Most null alliances make the game feel like its a f*kn job! Mandatory this or a requirement for that… the big battles are all in slow motion (fun!) or youre in some blob with a screaming idiot shooting at another blob with their own screaming idiot!..

Home is wherever I log off! I jump between two clones, one for krabbin/pve and the other for pvp, hunting other players… using wormholes to navigate the universe. Playing by my own rules, how, where, and when I want. SOLO Eve is the way to go!


Really… Gonna pay for a game where the other players tell me what I’ll be doing?? :rofl:

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I take my 300billion ISK and go buy it off the market.

It’s like magic. Where do you think most “wealth” comes from in EVEOnline?

If you’re asking how ISK is generated: NPC bounties, mission rewards, Incursions, blue loot, etcetc.

If you’re asking how players accumulate wealth, all I can say is that in my 10+ years of playing the game, myself and everyone I’ve flown with have accumulated our wealth via a long grind involving patch speculation, mining, industry, PI, theft, scamming, inheritence, FW, and WH farming. To address your leading line of questioning: I’ve met a grand total of 1 person who derived a significant portion of their net worth from selling PLEX.

If you mean to imply “something something PLEX”, you’re just speculating and probably incorrect out of necessity.


I don’t talk to scammers.

Good Day Sir…

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THAT’S your excuse to dodge my points? Next time just say “you got me; I was wrong.”

giphy - 2020-09-27T143121.748

You talk to me all the time :smiley: