Isn’t that @Iceacid_Frostpacker 's job description?
Others do it out of fear , he likes it
thx for the video, looks pretty satisfying for the Logi Pilots. I would bet AG’s reputation would rise by a fair margin if you’d do that a bit organized and more frequently.
Its called manners, something most people seem to have forgotten about in the RW
It’s not that they have been forgotten, it’s something that isn’t being modeled to our younger generations and/or even being taught.
Social media has destroyed the nuanced and subtlety of face to face, person to person etiquette.
I dunno I have an impeccable phone manner
“Oldtown 374, McCandless Residence, Lady Ramona McCandless OBE speaking. To whom are you wishing to speak?”
That’s good!
I don’t hear that much anymore, even calling a place of business.
Keep etiquette and manners alive!
We did in Uedama and saved many but if we had the numbers they would not gank .
Even to the point of one well known ganker asking if we could back off a bit , why he ran a special fleet , for him we did for 2 hours or so .( That’s all I’ll say on that .
The only people we have a bad rep with are the gankers and their onlyfans supporters
So I show proof and all the naysayers keep quiet,
Anonymity likely has something to do with that, “Ramona”.
– “Gadget”
But Im not anonymous in the RW…?
And I dont see why it makes a difference.
Manners cost nothing.
Yeah, well, isn’t exactly that the purpose of your roleplay as police officers? OP success I’d say. Thats the point where your PR-department would have to kick in…^^
Can’t make deals with criminals if you want to RP your thing seriously. If he can’t beat you, he has to run, like all those who can’t beat him when he has the upper hand.
Criminals can bribe CONCORD with tags to restore their sec status and corporations can do the same with ISK so they look the other way for a while so they can have their private wars in hisec and stuff so it is not out of the question when it comes to the dystopian world of New Eden.
Thats why I added the other half of the sentence which you left out in your quote. Of course NEPF can make deals with gankers, but it would surely hurt their RP-credibility if it becomes known
More like PR, if they RP a corrupt police organization then their RP (roleplay) value is intact and praise worthy, though their in-world PR value within the fictional scenario would indeed take a hit.
Make up your mind
EDit: dang, Uriel beat me to it
But we have to play the game and give new people an insight into what we all do but enough said as to what the actual circumstances were.
I’ve always said both sides are legitimate gameplay
Come to think about it, there seems to be an alarming lack of smart bombers sitting along the lowsec pipes. Like when had you had a really good smart bomb… lately?
O a second thought, put that in my job description…
Ability to evade smart bomb destruction.
The only place I ever see them is Ahbazon.
Didn’t actually mean what you fit on your spaceship.
To answer the OP’s question, to summon my guardian force and then send it to get me a beer