Why do you want to say GF after PVP, is it praise or ridicule?

@EnatKinu Had so much fun passing through your system today that we wanted to share this with you!
Created in your honor o/

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:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smirk: :blush:


Was drinking spirits when I came up with that idea along with when accepting the challenge.

One of them even waved at me which was a bonus as I really tried.

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“GF” means nothing as when you say “fly safe”. When you say “fly safe” to a random player it doesn’t mean that he even has any idea how to fly safe or he really will fly safe as you wish. You just want to project your positive and friendly attitude towards a capsuleer. You are trying to be with, what are those words? - “Excellent communication skills and a willingness to collaborate with team members”. Just imagine you have headache and somebody is asking you: “How are you?”. You usually will respond smiling, like a Matrix script, “I’m fine, I’m ok!”.

Therefore, GF in this context doesn’t mean that you fought good or bad and it doesn’t mean that they fought good or bad.

The truth in this case is probably simple and boring. But maybe the loser just wants to show there are no hard feelings. Even tho there might be. But i dont think the winner should say GF first unless he means it, and it was close or something. Idk. Not sure what the proper etiquette is tbh. For example if you gank someone and say GF thats kinda retarded

As a low sec solo pvper and the occasional high sec ganker, the proper etiquette is to say “good fight” after every engagement, regardless of the circumstances and outcome. Win or lose.


Sometimes a little salt can work over better than just typing GF ie; I hope you’re happy that ship meant something special and now it’s gone!

Or I”m really going to miss Maggie

Show sentimental value in the ship that they are about to take away from you helps make their day seem more worthwhile in New Eden!

/GF sounds better suited for Faction Warfare

EVE PVP is a niche that no other game seem to come close. And its also a small community? So when it happens you gf. I think thats why. But maybe i butchered it.

I always say GF in the hope of finding those rare players who I can chat with, explain why they got caught and pay them double for their loss.

Now days…


I tend to congratulate people after PvP encounters (which I almost always lose). PvP is a contact sport, in a way, and it’s customary for players to congratulate one another on a good game, good effort, etc. after a match. Certainly there are those who will say it sarcastically, but more often than not I would take it as a player saying, “I had fun with this encounter.” When in doubt, I default to taking it as a compliment, since most players who would say it insincerely wouldn’t bother with it in the first place.


So to summarise saying GF is to say everything and nothing :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

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Everyone has their own interpretation of a GF. Some learn, most don’t.

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GF is like GG in every other game. It’s good manners, but always dependent on the context. If you’re in a mining barge and you get turbodunked by 15 catalysts, it’s not a good fight, you just got utterly destroyed. So unless you’re a masochist and you want to give a courtly nod to every person that rips apart your ISK Wallet, you will feel if it is appropriate to give a GF or not.

With sporting regards
-James Fuchs

I am on the camp that a gf/gg can be mocking them if the context is right. If it’s a close fight or even if I had a chance of fighting back/making a bigger “play” as they say in Dota 2 then yah that’s a gf.

How can it be a “good fight” when there was 0 hope of victory? Obviously to me it was a horrible fight. :joy: I am more literal in the interpretation compared to the other side. I just can’t subscribe to the idea that if I get destroyed by a gank, gate camp, or even a titan DD how is that a “good fight!?” I GOT DELETED :joy:

I mean congrats you killed a ship worth 1/200000th in value compared to yours. Only like 500 more kills needed to go pay it back! I guess a little of my care bear side is showing as I grew up building ships/gear for my personal fleet. :sweat_smile:

That’s the most pro ganker statement I’ve ever heard. So when @Aiko_Danuja kills a marauder worth 4b with 200m of ships, that’s really ultimate pvp. Unless you mean that ship values must be identical for a ‘fair’ fight.


The fight starts the minute you undock…at which point it consists of your ship fitting. It then goes on to consist of which hauling route you take, whether you use scouts, and so on. For miners it consists of whether they are alert and active, watching d-scan…and not AFK watching Netflix.

Those things are effectively your shots in the fight. Most people get ganked because they never fire those defensive shots.

I last night moved over 2.4bn worth of ships back to our HQ…which includes going through two 0.5 systems. Juicy targets for gankers, especially my unarmed 400m ISK logistics Guardian, and Safety were in the area. I tend to remove some of the armor and fit several inertial stabilisers, as a gank fleet would destroy me anyway even with full armor so it makes sense to have as short an align as possible and be able to get away. On top of that, I dual boxed a scout in front the entire way. 10 ships moved, in all…successfully.

To me the ‘fight’ is there even if I don’t encounter gankers. It is always there…the minute you undock.



Just the way I feel I guess.

If I get deleted by the many powerful ships/groups out there and literally didn’t react fact enough to even lock them, it was not a GF in my POV. Take it as you may. GF is dependent on the context as the minority have stated.

I know the talking points and respect what the campers/gankers do. It’s just a feeling I have.

Now when I was in a spectre fleet of about 40 people in NS. We got rekt by the t2 BS response fleet. At least I got to shoot and maybe do my part. I feel so sorry for the people who get primaried first in these huge blob fights. :laughing:

It’s more like hot/cold zones to me. Ofc there is no “front line.” and the smart people know to live in the cold zones away from gankers/traffic.

Never said I was anti gank. :stuck_out_tongue: People know what I said about gankers here.

No, I know that. It seemed almost a little out of character for you. We all have a little carebear from time to time.

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I know of numerous 0.5 and 0.6 systems where one can mine for hours on end and barely see anyone at all, let alone gankers. I rarely mine these days, but when I did I’d have a mining alt in 0.6 Azerakish, down near Amarr. Empty all day. Another good system is Aurcel…not far from Dodixie. It does get gankers more often, but most of the time has just 3 or 4 people in it. My noob alt goes ratting there as well.

Could there be a reason for not acknowledging a good fight that goes far beyond the combat interaction?

What is there was no agenda to be engaged in combat in the first place?