Why does CCP hate care bears?

CCP are trash bags thats why they dont care just lost 2 bill in the abyss because I dont have the ability to pause the content because i had to go take a crap and piss. So Because of that im prob done with this stupid game and ccp are losers trash company. Its nice that the one damn thing i like doing is so damn dangerous that i have to choose to either crap or piss on my self because im in the first room of a run or die is freaking stupid as crap. Every other activity you can just warp off and freaking dock. The abyss should have a pause function period and i know blah blah blah its the most lucrative thing in the game bleh bleh bleh bite me i can make 500mill an hour doing alot of things in this damn game and you make about the same in the abyss so dont give me that crap about it being the most lucrative thing in the game either

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Well, you can always use that thing they use in hospitals for peeing when patients are not able to move out of their bed on their own. Like pilots and astronauts have built in their flightsuits, it might even add some immersion…:wink:

This is meant seriously, not trying to troll you…


CCP also hate Linux gamers, even when they pay.

Or hell ccp heres a even better idea you dont wanna add a pause feature to the abyss how about a button we can press to just literly end our run if we have to go afk poe has a feature for parts of its game so dont tell me it can be done we lose isk on the run and the keys we use and we dont have to lose our ships and pods that we spend billions on to do the content. but that would require ccp to actually give a crap about its playerbase and we all know that aint true they clearly dont give a crap about the playerbase with all the changes they make. Played the game 6 years and its just gotten worse and worse over time. CCP really want to kill there own game and not give 2 shits about the people who play it and pay there bills

Activate cloak module is the pause button.


LOL that’s your fault bruv. The rules were clear and you knew them.

Next time, bedside commode it bro.

Mm lets go with a hard no. The Abyss is literally supposed to be unforgiven. It is also designed for you to sometimes lose. Learn to EVE :smiley:

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and more dumb asses that think making something better qol for people isnt a good thing it is unforgiving and if you screw up you generally die but there is a limit its a damn game and you should beable to get up and walk away if you need to. Like you can with any other aspect of the game god are you people idiots and just want to hate any freaking qol change? I really wish idiots in eve would just go away but ya know thats ccp for ya they welcome trash like idiots who scam steal and what not. So it is what it is. But the abyss needs the damn ability to just stop the activity with out the choice of just freaking losing alot of isk. There is plenty of bloody risk involved in the activity with out adding to it.

Literally it doesn’t and never will. That defeats the entire idea of the Abyss ROFL.

You want risk free? Run lvl 1s in a cap stable Myrm LOL.

Just say you can’t cut it bruv, take the L like a man and keep it moving.


first off I’m not your bruv and its bro idiot second of all i don’t mind risk i take plenty of risk going into the abyss i shouldn’t have to make a choice of shitting or pissing on my self to finish a run and I have done plenty of abyssals . How many have you done dip ■■■■? yea i thought so. I really wish dumb shits like you that are here just to piss some one off would go else where you aren’t constructive just a dumb ass

  1. Bro is bruv, bro :smiley:
  2. I’ve done a ton of abyssals LOL. You did make a choice to run it, and you chose wrong. Whenever I choose to run the Abyss, I do so when I know my internet is good and I won’t be interrupted. This includes using the bathroom before hand ROFL

The Abyss has clearly laid out rules and it should be tough. 20 mins you live or you die. For some of most rewarding ISK wise PvE activity.

You are literally just asking it to be like another mission. How about if you use the pause button, your take gets a 70% hit? I’d support that :smiley:

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Couldn’t you just use the restroom before making the abyssal run? It’s 20 minutes. I’ve never done any abyssal runs, so yeah, I’m one of those who you thought so…
But sincerely, before you activate a filament, wouldn’t it be a good idea to make sure you don’t need to use the restroom or dock, then use the restroom, return and continue on your merry way uninterrupted?
That seems like a plausible solution instead of demanding CCP make changes to the game (and the little I know about EVE, the one thing I know for a fact is if a feature is added, crafty players will find a way to abuse it to their advantage).
What makes EVE unique is it is not like other games that allow you to pause and come back when it’s convenient. There are solutions besides altering the core of the game - that is, no pausing - and those solutions have been mentioned: urinals, bed pans… or even a 5-gallon bucket if you’re hard-core!
OR… prepare ahead of time. We all know there’s a 20 minute window for wandering around the abyss. Prior to entering, use the restroom, grab a snack, get comfy for that one-third of an hour’s run.

… and there’s no reason to be all rude and flinging obscenities at people because you lost one time. We’ve all had our moment of losses. It’s EVE… you have your ups and your downs and everything in-between.

Now, since I have not made any abyssal runs, I’ll ask you. Is there no way to cut your losses and call it early and leave the abyss with whatever loot you have collected? If you have an IRL issue, just call it a day, leave the abyss, dock and hit the facilities so you don’t dirty yourself. Sure it sucks that you didn’t get the full 20 minutes to milk the abyss dry… you can always get another filament at the market to make another run later.

If I read your comment from earlier correctly, you’ve been playing EVE for quite a while now and probably have billions of ISK saved up. So you lost a couple B’s… you know this game. Suck up the losses and use it as a learning experience for next time… and if you consistently have emergency restroom-runs where it comes out of nowhere and you suddenly have to GO, maybe see a doctor about that. What if you were driving and stuck in traffic and had the same thing happen? I may be young, but I have known a lot of people in my lifetime. I’ve not come across anyone who couldn’t “hold it” out of the blue unless they had the flu or food poisoning.

You really want to ruin the unique aspect of EVE where some players can just pause the game for however long they want? You don’t see that being unable to pause this game is one of the special features, that it forces players to play until they dock or log out?

Come on… just suck it up to a bad day. We all have them. I would wager that this happened to you once, you were in the abyss and had to make an emergency run to use the restroom. You lost your loot. It happens, but to change the game for something that rarely happens? Really?
I think you are just super irritated that you lost a few minutes of play time (20 minutes max, but you weren’t in the abyss for the whole time)… so I would say learn from it, prepare for emergencies, then go for it. If, on the one-in-a-million chance something else happens where you have to leave the abyss early… there’s always another opportunity to make another run.
Please don’t be mad at everyone else or demand the game be changed because you had a bad experience one time.

Learn from it and drive (fly) on!

… and as always, Fly Safe :slight_smile:


Nope. You either kill everything and the gate home opens………or you don’t and your ship goes boom. It’s why I don’t run abyss much as on some days i can be plagued by disconnects and that usually means I’m logging back in to destruction.

But yeah………20 minutes. That’s a pretty bad curry if you are going from everything is fine to “i cant sit here a second longer or ill sh*t myself”.

The mechanics are what they are. A “panic” button would just be abused. While it would undoubtedly help in the cases of genuine emergencies loads of players would just hit it anytime they messed up and went into hull to avoid losing their ships. But in a genuine emergency who is going to care about an eve ship? I’m really not sure sh*tting ones self qualifies.

Maybe Eve could sell adult diapers in the store?

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The abyss is meant to be a risk, it’s also why if there is a disconnect and your ship goes boom, ccp will not reimburse. With the gameplay of abyss, and you never running one, you hit the nail on the head that you should be prepared before activating a filament. I’m like you, never ran one, but playing for over 10 years, I understand the rules around how the game works for different aspects.

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The one exploit that immediately springs to mind is having an alt on your abyssal return - you see gankers there, pause and go for a walk until they get bored and bugger off.

So… No, there will never (or should never) be a pause button added for Abyssals.

If you’re running them right, you should be well into profit before you come across the crap yourself or die point anyway.


Not sure if you read what i said but i also said a pause button is ok no but what about a button that brings you out so you can dock or go do what you need to do and to answer above post about being prepared for 20 minutes i guess you have never had an emergency in your life where you had to drop what your doing and leave. Must be nice also your not looking at the bigger picture is what I’m saying and you don’t even know how the abyss is you haven’t done the abyss you’ve not done the highest abyss content either so. Do that before answering my post plz and thanks. There should be away to leave the damn abyss if emergencies a rise period and yes I take a risk going in news flash the abyss it self is challenging enough to be enough damn risk your throwing billions into doing it and it does for say a gila that cost you 10/15 billion to run t6s right to make that back takes days of effort for a cruiser. So you say o you should be well into the profit before you lose your ship or o dont fly what your not willing to lose that doesn’t justify the flaw that is in this part of the game. Non of you look at the bigger picture but your monkeys to ccps ways so its ok I guess

Holy wall of text batman.

Also no, no button. Just get gud mate :smiley:

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Hey bud.

So, I’ve run a fair share of T6s. Didn’t do the cruiser ones, as the bling to get into a comfy fit just wasn’t worth the investment to me. There’s too good a chance of ■■■■■■■ up your return, and that was running them out of a safe pocket in null. Buddy of mine lost a 20bn officer abyssal rolled Sacrilege. He rage quit for a fortnight afterwards. Nope, not for me thanks.

Me and that buddy ran frigates instead, two retris and a deacon. All three fits plus implants cost under 500m. First clear run usually puts you on break even or profit.

If you’re running 5b+ fits, that’s your choice. If you lose, that’s just tough. If you have a genuine emergency that genuinely cannot be put off for 15 minutes, then that’s shitty luck in your video game. But as it’s all pixels and nonsense, losing on that rare set of circumstances just doesn’t seem to outweigh the game balance change to giving people an easy out for their blingy fits if they ■■■■ up, or get a spawn that they can’t tank, or whatever.

The only way to make what you suggest here possible would be to remove the instanced nature of the sites, put em behind acceleration gates, and make folks gankable while running them. Or dramatically reduce the loot drops. Somehow, I doubt you’d be in favour of either of those options…

As seems to be common with these types of threads, this really is one of those HTFU moments.


When reading all the hate here you could really get the impression we are not talking about a game but real life… like people would really lose a bunch of real € or $… but it‘s just fake money, fake ships and fake losses… unless yes unless you traded real money for them… in this case… own fault!

People spend billions of ISK to refine their fits. They look up guides and videos on how to do various things. They generally prepare themselves for whatever PvE activity it is they are doing… the least you can do is put on your gamer diaper so that when the urge arises and you have to choose between your ISK /hour and your trousers, the clear answer is “SHOW ME THE ISK!” And you let it rip.

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