Why I dislike gankers and people opposed to ganking

Well, that’s easy!

Anti-gankers are angry because gankers are responsible for making most of the players (and especially new players) quit the game. All they want is for gankers to man up and go to null-sec, where the real PvPers are, in order to do real PvP with the rest of the real PvPers. They just want the game to prosper, and all of its players to be happy.

On the other hand, gankers are angry because they know that they don’t have the skills needed to do real PvP. They look at the kill boards of elite anti-ganker PvP fighters and become livid with jealousy, because they wish they had such a level of skill, and it frustrates them greatly that they don’t. I mean, would you want to mess with an elite player like this? I definitely wouldn’t. So instead the gankers choose to go after targets like new players flying freighters and Orcas—easy prey that can’t fight back—in order to hurt EVE Online and get it shut down, because if the game finally dies then no one would be able to make fun of their lack of skill anymore.

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I’m assuming he refers to himself as a new player because eve has been out since 2003 and lots of people have account over 10+ years old. His is only 2 years. So compared to some of us he is new.

How can you dislike gankers as well as those against ganking at the same time? It cancels itself out, lol.


By hating everyone equally lol

It’s because I dislike people who claim they’re doing the right thing and proceed to act like someone who doesn’t understand the concept of decency. I don’t hate the arguments, I hate the people making them

Compared to you, I’m new, which really puts a dent in your whole argument that ganking is punching down and harms new players.

Okay, but ganking by very definition is punching down. You are targeting players with little to no defense.

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That’s not true.

There is no effective defense against 55 methheads running t2 catalysts. Therefore, they are defenseless

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Yes there is.


There is a difference between avoidance and defense.

You are whining.

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You’re not providing any valid arguments

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I don’t need to provide any arguments.

You are the one asking for the game mechanics to change.

I’m fine with the current situation.


I’m not. The entire point of this post was to get different perspectives on the same issue and understand all the hatred that’s been going both ways

You are not even being honest about your own arguments. If you are unable to be objective or honest, there can be no discussion.

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Okay, let me clarify. Bias is impossible to escape, because we are human, unless you are an AI pretending to be a human. And also, I couldn’t care less about what the game does. I already know about the methods to avoid a gank. At the end of the day, it’s not really up to us. I’m more complaining about the people who make the arguments.

The forums would be really boring without those though.

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Everybody likes a know it all.

“New players can learn how to avoid ganks”, well that’s solved then. GG.