Why I dislike gankers and people opposed to ganking

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for removing ganking from the game and sending all the gankers to real-life jail where they belong, but this is a very bad argument to make from a logical perspective.

Either all forms of PvP should be accepted equally, or none should (with players being able to opt out of combat with other players at will).


Same goes with you good Capsuleer.

May you too have a fine week!

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He knows because it’s drilling in the heads of the people around me. Unfortunately I don’t have access to all the new players or I’d make sure it’s drilled in all of the new player heads. And honestly I shouldn’t be doing ccps job of teaching new people how to deal with current game mechanics. If it’s an intentional game design it should be covered in some sort of new player training.

Most of the ganks aren’t against new players. Stop pretending like it is, no one is buying it.

You’re also not the only one helping newbies understand stuff and in fact looking at your corp, your players understand very little so well done.


Being a new player isn’t about age, it’s about what you identify as.

Also unfortunately account age doesn’t really play well into play age. Several people quit the game and come back months if not years later. Also I’m not seeing many of my members getting ganked lol my corp isn’t exactly a strict corp either my players generally have free will to do what they want. The services and training are available and on hand but I can’t make people take the classes or be involved. You know how the saying goes. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.

I see a lot of low/nul/wh deaths sure. People trying new things and dying doing it. That’s understandable. I believe a few filament deaths but that’s to be expected of a newish player trying things out. We have a full abyssal guide for the corp readily available but we can’t make people read it. And reading it doesn’t guarantee they still won’t die doing it. I do believe we have had someone get ganked? But statistically it’s a very low number. We did have an idiot join and lose a rorq day one of joining. No clue how or why but he was removed lol

Can’t be that serious of a problem then…

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Instead of talking to him and seeing what happened and trying to help him? Or just letting him enjoy the game and not be worried about how it somehow reflected on you? That’s seems pretty crappy of a corp.

No we tried to reach out multiple times with no reply. None of the chats or messages. He was removed after that. Guy didn’t even ask for help in any of the chats or even say anything at all. Not a word.

Oh gawd. I mean…‘compared’ with a Roman chariot, a Model T Ford is new. ‘Compared’ with a 16K modem, a 56K modem is new. Just how far do you want to take this absurdity ?

I mean, no…a 2 year old player is not a noob.

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Most of the anti-gank rhetoric is based on some mysterious and un-evidenced ‘they’ about whom myths are just invented on the fly. Even when you present them with actual data from CCP, the anti-gank crowd just pretend that some new intern was working at CCP that day and got it all wrong…yet they madly scramble about for even the remotest hint of anything CCP might ever have said that might ‘support’ their stance.

It is the very epitome of people who have made up their minds and are not the slightest bit interested in the actual facts.

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All of highsec only makes up almost 20% of the destruction. And that’s all destruction not just ganking. Ganking is a small portion of that. Gankers like to throw the excuse that removing ganking will crash the game economy. Proof has been provided on multiple occasions of how that’s false.

Removing ganking would push people into real forms of pvp like Hs war corps, fw corps, lowsec, or null sec. Those numbers would see a decent spike in % to offset the smaller percentage of the highsec that’s actually just ganking. Hs % would drop a little but not at the extent gankers want everyone to believe. A big part of that rough 20% comes from hs war corps and fw. A few losses from mission runners or incursion runners round out the rest of the majority with ganking being a small contributor of that 20%

Would the market magically crash because gankers aren’t killing things? No and anyone who says yes doesn’t understand basic economics. Would some people have to change what they are making/selling? Absolutely. A single battle in ns costs more in losses to replace then what most of the gankers in eve kill all year. They still need to replace those ships just like everyone who does anything in this game needs to replace ships when they lose them, or even buy new ones they’ve skilled into for that matter.

Then it’s not a problem.


The reason it is a problem isn’t isk (as a majority not individually based) related yet it’s the main excuse gankers throw for why it should remain in the game.

Sounds like you are just making excuses for your lack of evidence.

Maybe you should make a support ticket?

You are saying that ganking, which has an overall small impact on PvP volume, would lead to an outsize gain in PvP volume if it were to be removed. By effect, something big would come from something small. You need to prove this, mathematically.

Or change your wording to use “it is my unsupported opinion that…” instead of just “would.”

People who wanna kill ■■■■ will find new ways to kill ■■■■. That’s not something that needs to be proved it’s human nature. They aren’t going to change who they are as people. And as you can see from the charts, the cost of losses in the other areas out weight heavily the cost of losses in hs. I’m talking from an isk perspective, More people flying more expensive ships means more expensive losses. Your standard cheap destroyer isn’t going to cut it in a large fight in those other areas as effectively. So they will upscale to the new environment and learn to play in those areas.

From an isk perspective a smaller cost ship not being killed in hs won’t effect the hs % as much as the more expensive ship being killed in ls/ns would effect its equivalent %

Actually, yes, it is. You are making very concrete claims, and aren’t speculating. You need to provide mathematical proofs for your theories before we can evaluate whether or not they are worthwhile considerations to put into practice.

Not necessarily. I think that if ganking was outright removed, most of the players who currently gank would simply quit the game and that would not be good for the game.

As I said above about the table saw accident, these anti-PvP folks are not going to complain about that. They won’t openly celebrate it, as that would be saying the quiet part out loud.

There’s a reason you don’t find people in game who say “I used to be a high sec outlaw pre-Crimewatch“ or „I used to solely PvP in nullsec pre-passive Moon Mining“. But you’ll bump into those guys outside of the game, and when asked why they don’t play now it’s always something along the lines of „I don’t like the direction the game is going“.