Why I dislike gankers and people opposed to ganking

Thats because the content that is actually intended for PVP is awkward. Make the actual PVP content simpler and gankers will have something else to do. Ask me how

FW in its current state is complex and glorified PVE and the LP stores are a mess. Gankers dont like this so they stick with ganking.

What if FW became about simple PVP and LP stores was simplified so it was easier to collect rewards for participating

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Why? Why would you do that to us?

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No that’s sheer nonsense. The claim is not that the amount ganked is some substantial part of the economy. The claim is that with zero ganking, everyone and their dog will be AFK mining and hauling 24/7 with impunity as the risk in highsec is a large part of the reason many don’t mine. Remove ganking and there will be a flood of new miners and haulers…whose collective impact would be far larger than simply a negation of ganking ISK loss.

Absolute rubbish. There’s no reason whatever why people who don’t currently PVP or FW would suddenly start to do so just because ganking didn’t exist. Quite the opposite. Remove ganking and you’ll simply see more miners and more haulers.


It would be far more than just the gankers who would leave. It would also be all those who favour the ethos that space should not be 100% safe anywhere in Eve…which has been the status quo for 20 years. Remove that status quo and, like Io Koval says, you’d get a whole lot of 'I don’t like the direction the game is going ’ even from people who have never ganked. That would include me…I’d cancel my subscriptions the minute there was even the remotest hint that ANY part of space was going to be 100% safe.

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Didn’t they buff barge HP? And make it so you have to be Omega to aggress in hi-sec? And disabled docking for blinky reds in hi-sec?

They’ve taken steps to make ganking more difficult, but if 10 people fleet together to blow somebody up then 10 people are having fun and one person is getting a tough learning experience. It’s not like those Catalysts, Taloses, and Tornados build themselves, either.

It does get old seeing so many “ganker bad” topics. I’d bet it’s done more to make players double down and become more involved and ultimately appreciate the game’s depth and freedom.

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Ganking is the shallowest form of PVP if you can even call it PVP. Back in the day people would duke it out over Delve in particular and it was spectacular. But the game has degraded in every area pretty much that the only way to get some satisfaction is to go gank some innocent person. Such behavior should have no place in any game. But its a consequence of how other activities have been made super awkward


Definitely like this Attracting PVP to FW

Delve is for noobs. Highsec is where it’s at.

Ganking is for noobs because it requires no skill. As previously mentioned here by others, if other forms of pvp were less skill intensive and easier to do maybe some of those gankers would transfer over.

The absolute easiest pvp in the game, fleet pvp in null sec, is by far the largest pvp in the game. It couldn’t be any easier at all. You don’t have to fly your ship, choose your fittings, pick a destination, pick a target, pay for your ship, anything. How much easier could you possibly want it to be?


Yea but it’s one of the arguments they use lol

It requires way more skill than sitting at Jita and padding your killboard with ‘solo’ killed ships and pods where Concord or a Caldari Sentry Gun did 98% of the shooting…lol. Now I wonder who does that.

If that were true, new players should gank, since it is an easy way to make isk. Right? See how your argument is nonsensical and circular?


I don’t think RGC understood what you wrote.

Does it count if I got through being a new player by buying months of subscription, setting up a skill queue, and playing something else? I really should recover my third account. It’s like a mystery box I haven’t opened in an unknown period of time.

Why wouldn’t it? I certainly don’t care you spent money for a game you didn’t play.

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:rofl: Like that’s going to make any difference. They already do.

Here I was recently caught by a gate camper in Vecamia.

Shortly after this, I contacted him in chat and told him, “You are suppose to blow those up when they are full not empty.”. I believe they thought I was complaining, but I wasn’t. Just pointing out the fact that when you hit a miasmos, it would be a good idea to cargo scan them to make sure it is worth the effort. When I seldom do lose a full load, I don’t throw a fit. I do attempt to contact the ganker and congratulate them on the whole 25 cents earned.

I RP ( role play ) a lot too. Since my ladies belong to the corp P.R.I.C.E. I will say something like, “Someday you will pay the PRICE!” but then players take this game far too serious and think I am making idle threats. Oh well, que será, será…

I got a real hoot out of this guy blowing my pod as I ran the gate in Vecamia multiple times. I have a lot of kill rights on him now to last a long while. I can be clear on the other side of the galaxy and sell his kill rights when he is online trying to PvP. If the shoe was on the other foot, I would be hunting armed ships and not splatting pods, ventures, and haulers for nickles and dimes. No salt here, just disappointed by the players.