Every miner starts out in the suck, just like a real job, you don’t get to be the CEO on your first day.
I just moved 20b through lowsec and thought of you Dryson. Why didn’t you stop me?? Also thought of @Altara_Zemara and her little adventures moving 5 million isk through Uedama. Anyways, Highsec island miners are gonna start dying - that’s on you Dryson, you had your chance to stop me and you BLEW IT.
Hey, that Veles Supratidal Entropic Disintegrator and 2 Republic Fleet Large Cap Batteries was somewhat more than 5m ISK
Nonsense. I’m playing a character in a dystopian universe 21,000 years in the future. What have 21st century ‘morals and standards’ got to do with it ? Or do you think Harrison Ford is a bad guy in RL because he acted a blade runner ?
Buddy, if I was trying to hustle you, you’d know, because I’m bad at hustling. I’m not playing both sides, or at least not intentionally. I’m trying to remain as neutral as possible, simply because I’m trying to see both sides of the argument as objectively as possible.
I know you have issues with me, because you presume to know me. You are being judgmental in your efforts to subvert the meaning of my written word. This attitude you have seems almost akin to being a cyber stalker, antagonizer, or troll. Let me once more explain to you, so others can understand;
On the other thread, I didn’t insult the players or the community. The other topic was addressing the game was “broken” and “unplayable” due to CCP’s actions or inactions. The game works, it wasn’t a bug or glitch, the person’s complaint was about how others play the game. Therefor the community is at fault for the way they play the game and not the game staff. CCP gives us the tools and it is up to the community to use or abuse the tools as long as it doesn’t violate the rules.
Some say three or more times for serial killers, but others say two times is enough.
Dictionary Definition
Gank verb.
- to rob or mug (a person).
- to steal or seize (something of value).
Eve Online Lexicon
Gank - To ambush and destroy an enemy, without giving them the chance to fight back.
I don’t know, but sure sounds like what happened. I don’t see anything mentioning the value or net worth. I keep telling people, I play the game, I don’t work the game.
I wish you to understand, I don’t think better of myself or have a high and mighty attitude. I don’t think any less of you for misinterpreting my postings. Carl Rogers had much to say about problems associated with being judgmental. It’s okay to disagree with the opinions expressed by other people. That doesn’t give one the right to deny any sense they might make or one to accuse someone of poorly expressing their beliefs. If we judge ourselves only by our desires and everyone else only their activities we will reach a very false conclusion. Try to understand what is written when you read it, even if it means overcoming your pride and opening your mind beyond what is comfortable.
Have fun!
What are we arguing about again? I need to know because I wanna join in.
In no way is that the common definition of ganking in eve. If you are going to play this game you need to use the correct terminology or constant misunderstandings are going to happen. Ganking happens in hi sec. Period. Everywhere else is pvp.
The easiest way to get around all this drama is to simply label all PvP, aside from large-scale fleet warfare in null-sec, as “griefing.”
Its a lot simpler just to label all the anti gank threads as forum griefing.
Does this also include forum PvP?
While I appreciate your definitions, I read gank from the Eve wiki here and what you are describing is suicide ganking described here.
PvP is a very generic term, when you are in a player versus player game, it is like describing everything within the game using the concept. People buying and selling in the market are engaged in PvP. I have said it before, my definition of PvP ( player versus player ) is two or more players with the same chances to win a match. For example; Chess is a player vs. player strategic game. However allowing one player to have only 8 pawns and a king is not PvP. That is my simple definition, but the wiki has a whole page dedicated to the definition. However near the bottom of the page they have this statement;
Player-vs-player dynamics involve ethical issues with players. Because of ganking, some game developers view PvP with contempt. Despite the advantage experienced players have over new players, many game developers have assumed an honor code would prevent PKing.
Have fun!
This is the best way to summarise pvp
I’ve never said new players are driven away by ganking, they have their safe starter system too be safe in .
Most player that get driven away are players who take a big hit and have never prepared them selves for eve true nature.
The real issue here is the moral point , ganking came from the lack of a war Dec system that worked, ganking is part of our game but like all game mechanics it’s how you use it .
We have ganked pilots that we feel need to be ganked , your organisation has no scruples about ganking poor mining and industrial group for the simple purpose of forcing them out of a system so you can have more control of said area’s but then we have the ganking that is shown on the safety blog .
It’s all comes down to how you use the ganking mechanism of the game. I’m sure it must be fun for people who want to be cold blooded killers, a lawless pirate, the ones who say that I have respect for, I have issues when we move closer to the line of grieffing.
Btw out of just general interest is your leader a refugee from the serenity server
No, I don’t know you. I just take your words at face value. I don’t have to be judgemental.
We could be friends, but the way you communicate makes it impossible to bridge ideas. You’re very interested in going into tangents that border on real life philosophy or psychology rather than engaging with the people here directly.
Here’s an example where I don’t have to judge, I can just take your words at face value:
You’re not technically calling me a „cyber stalker, antagonizer, or troll“ outright, but what you’re doing is again like your first post I called out doing a „wink-and-a-nod“ in actually calling me a cyber stalker, antagonizer, or troll. I’m „awfully close“ to „behaving“ like one. How else am I supposed to take this?
That’s not being judgemental, that’s me literally seeing the words you write at face value and calling them out (three times now). You somehow expect me to take this lame „not-technically an insult but it’s an insult“ lying down.
Well, let me put it into equal wording so you can understand. I apologize for calling you high and mights and the like earlier. Let me have a chance to rephrase: your posts as written at face value appear to come from someone with an attitude almost akin to someone that is high-and-mighty, judgemental and salty of other Eve players, and with incorrect understanding of colloquial terminology.
All better now? Now I’m the same of you, I am not being judgemental and certainly not insulting you.
The post you just made is number three in the pattern.
Your „insults that aren’t“ kind of words don’t leave a lot of wriggle room to „open my mind“. However, myself and others are trying to get you to understand basic game mechanics (killrights being useless on -10s, ganking only being in high sec) because doing so will open your mind to better game mechanical gameplay and more positive interactions with the players that won’t result in your „disappointment in the community“.
The Eve Online Lexicon is written by someone random and is wrong. I didn’t talk about net worth either, I said only high sec has ganking. You were just getting destroyed in lowsec and nullsec. If you call things by their correct name you can better prepare for being prey for the rich and diverse kinds of hunters out there.
As of now if I tell you to „prepare for a gank“ you likely would have completely nonspecific and general ideas whereas people who understand that it means high sec may bust out EHP/ISK computations, a Higgs rig, and other specific countermeasures that are effective. They are more effective than you. Accurate jargon helps have these conversations, being married to a dictionary is just being pedantic.
Funny, in the last couple of days a newbro asked for a venture, I told him that I did not give out mining ships but he could have a battle venture. No miners attached.
I also hand out cats and Thrashers that are very gank fit.
But do go on.
That’s good as frostpacker is looking forward to donating some more this year.
Thanks for your update.
2 points here , did @Aiko_Danuja really try out the NPE.
And the other point is way so many people put their heads in the sand about ganking like it’s a dirty word. From CSM members to CCP and even well know streaming shows.
Then many of the above showing up in gank fleets for the kicks.
Part of the NPE should be ganking tutorials, as another part should be how to stop them , gankers kill NPC miners and haulers jumping gates in gank type ships only, why other player try to stop them. Setup properly it could be fun
Who of us is what/who people think they are.
There are words and deeds, I am willing to be known by mine, for better or for worse.
You know if Princess was not from the Amarr Empire I wouldn’t care to fight the way I decided to these past years.
My duty is not always clear so I don’t go full out Faction War.