Why I quit AG and why you should too

We don’t care. Did you see us ever docking because these kill mail whorers targeted us? And I have even a method how to deny them killing me if I truly cared. I don’t.

What I am saying is that it is pointless and waste of time and that I pity anyone who does that. The ship was doomed from the beginning as you said and you cannot prevent the gank or save victim by shooting us either so why waste hours spamming F1 on us? There is really nothing lower than this.

And I wrote it already. AGs are accusing us from “being too bad/noob in PvP hence has to resort to ganking unaware and unarmed targets who can’t fight back in safe zones”. How is whoring on our alpha strike ships anything else or any better?

Why do you get upset about it?

You did detail one of the reasons for doing it, well played sir.

Well, as I stated in this very topic the only good ass AG that could be possibly be cool is that suggestion I gave, which would be truly saving a target and demanding payment, if the guy doesn’t pay then gank him over and over until he loses 10x the value… if he disapears then gank his corpies, if his corpies disapear then gank his alliance. Make them pay the bill or lose 10x more.

Just like in real life the bounty hunters come to your house to collect your stuff because you didn’t pay for them.

That would be really engaging, would demand intel, tracking, hunting, ambushing, ganking, plus you would have a logi wing to save your alts and your friend’s alts if needed.

Any other AG idea is boring to me, a waste of everybody’s time and possibly bad for the EVE community because whales who just don’t care aren’t dying enough.

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Tried and failed as a Ganker (guess it’s not for everyone).

Created an alt who’s name pays homage to a prolific Uedama Ganker (Jason Kusoin | Character | zKillboard). As a social experiment, it was interesting to receive abuse either in local chat or via eve mail. Also interesting to witness players repeatedly making the same mistakes and expecting different outcomes.

As an aside, it definitely takes a fair bit of skill to coordinate your fleet of alts (5+) to simultaneously strike a single target - not sure how players achieve this themselves but I assume they have extremely nimble hands.

Regardless of my experience, I’d encourage others to try Ganking for themselves.


HAHAHA it was YOU who were Jason Kusoin! That’s funny!
Everybody noticed that it was someone learning the thing and I respected it and because of that I never stole your loot and watched your progress.

Why didn’t you call me? I invited you into it quite a few times.
I still have at least a hundred fitted catalysts in the Fortizar.

You gotta use Eve-O, but I suck at multiboxing, never did more than three accounts and then when i started getting the muscle memory then I stopped, I’m not Aiko good.

@Aquablue c’mon, let’s give a second try!

@everybody who has gank alts, let’s do a small fleet for the lulz

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I’m up for it if you are :joy:

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Will send invite to the secret chat ak cool kids secret club… I already invited you months ago if you remember.

From now on the talk continues ingame… cia

Yeah absolutely, the guys I watched ganking in Uedama coordinating up to 30-70 Catalysts perfectly synchronous are for sure experts in multitasking, having 71 Monitors on their desktop and 71 mice connected with tape and strips, have trained with the best elite proGamers to manage all their clients in a single servertick when it comes to alignment, warp and fire. And extremely nimble hands of course. :rofl:

When I was multiboxing I was doing it via alt-tab. And it was not a problem to undock at once and shoot at once. The delay between the clients is about second.

And from what I saw, nobody is multiboxing gank perfectly synced. This second delay is there, sometimes more. If they were synchronous, then that would be a proof of botting and for that I have no sympathy.

But rest assured, pretty much every carebear who gets ganked is reporting them for scripting. I know I did when I was new… Afaik CCP didn’t find any gankers doing this yet.

Because multicasting is now a bannable offense, since that time people started running 10 bombers and multicast the bomb launch and they were one shotting people… because of that CCP banned multicasting. Nowaways Eve-O will let you do all your things click by click. So no multiboxer today will perfectly be at synch because he is as fast as his hands are.

When I started multiboxing I was using ALT-TAB too, it was a ■■■■ show, my performance was an embarassment until I started getting the muscle memory for it.

CCP not finding anything is already a meme, “our logs show nothing”.

There are games out there having measurement methods implemented to count how fast players can interact with the game client. StarCraft and StarCraft II for example do this for years. There are simply human limits how fast people can do reasonable clicks or hotkey presses. The world-best of these players are able to achieve around 300-400 APM (actions per minute) consistently that they can send to their game client via Mouse (20%) and Keyboard (80%). Which translates to ~5 per second. On a single-client, without need to change focus between different windows. Which would seriously slow you down because you can’t use keyboard spam any more, since keyboard presses are only recognized by the active focused window. But, lets say they can even keep up this performance and do 5 actions per second even when having to deal with multiple windows, which is highly unlikely anyone can do. And we are talking about the absulote fastest and precisely clicking players in the whole world here, by far superior to the average joe spinning ships in EVE.

If I have counted correctly, a single Catalyst needs at least 5 clicks after falling out of warp: approach target, activate guns, activate propmod. Thats 3. And usually they also have a scram, a web or an ECCM. Would be 5. Correct me if I am wrong.

So you can assume with a 100% certainty that for everything after the second ship you would see real bad delays ingame. 3 Catalysts to activate would already cost you 3 seconds aka 3 server ticks, 5 catalysts activating manually would take 5 seconds. 10 would take 10 seconds. At the best imaginable case, which will never happen. You know where this leads. No one in the world can efficiently manage more than 3 Catalysts manually and efficiently. Its impossible without having significant delays in module activation. But you don’t see these massive delays at Uedama. Not when they undock, not when they begin to orbit their lootship, not when they align to the gate (no, not fleetwarp, just aligning). Even when 60 or 70 Catalysts are used, they all open fire within the same 2-3 server ticks. And you won’t try to sell me they have 60 real players online to manage these?

No way, all the ganking of high value targets like freighters, orcas, sometimes even battleships, is done with multicasting in this game. But feel free to believe otherwise.

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Any kind of fleet ganking is done usually with either a neutral combat prober who warps the fleet on target (and then if target didn’t move all ships will be within 2500 which is conveniently catalyst optimal) or with ships with long range that doesn’t have to move like ruptures/tornados. So no approach nor activating prop mod is needed.

And since most ships, especially those which require 20+ swarm of catalyst to take down cannot have more than 2 strength of warp stabilization, only first account has to use warp scram. Or two, if each will have 1 warp scram.

So what happens is that you warp your fleet, and after you land you click on both warp scrams, then you target and press F1. And alt-tab, target F1, and again and again. Well at least thats how I did it. But with 5 accounts I had enough time so I could even wait with last catalyst to see if he is even needed and if not warp him back to station.

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Not only I managed to manually manage 5 catalysts to gank, I even managed 3 nightmares with 2 augurors to bash athanor manned by player. Hell, pretty sure many ppls multibox 3+ in pvp. 3 were already a thing back in 2016, Manjuro used 2 neutral logis, and YouLikeIt is using 2 combat ships for pvp + 1 scanner. And he probably upped this since I left.

Well from my observations nearly all Catalysts dying to CONCORD in Uedama are fitted with Propmod and Medslots full, so I don’t really see why the gankers should fit them if they are not used anyway, they could just fit TrackingComps for better application instead or even shield buffer to take a few more sentry hits. But they dont.

Thats not the point, in your setup you never had the task to activate different modules on all of these 5 ships within 2 serverticks. I can also manage 3 RR-frigs in the abyss, I have also seen players managing 2 logis and a scout in PvP. But that is all not comparable to what is going on in Uedama for example, because this 3-acc-action is usually streched over minutes, leaving a good amount of buffer to activate modules, switch targets and leave the other account alone for several seconds while doing so.
The point is: what is going on in Uedama/Sivala happens in such a short timespan of just 2-3 server ticks, that it hardly explainable by manual managing these clients. And since I have seen multicast-programs in action in the past, I can tell that what they do exactly produces the outcome you can see at the big ganks.

Most likely due to the multifit limitations or easy to use distribution. But tracking computers are needless, target is already at optimal, not moving or moving very slowly and is large af so missing or even grazing hits is unlikely. What we actually use for other alts is dual sensor boost, either with ECM scripts if AG is present on grid or scan res scripts to lock pod fast and kill him before he warps away.

Are you sure about that? Really? If all 20 catalysts attacks withing 3 server ticks then that is obvious botting. IF those are multibox accounts and not real players / or if it is not 10 different players with 3 accounts each but 1 player with 20 accounts. Do you know who is controlling how many accounts? I don’t know Safety to disclosure that and even if I knew them I am not sure I should be doing that.

But typically, for a solo 20+ multiboxer the first catalysts starts dying before the last catalyst starts shooting.

I will add to this. When I was bashing that Athanor I actually had to. Owner for some reason tryharded and kept firing at me whole 2 hours it took to kill it. Switching targets all the time, ECMing my logis and even draining cap. I even had to warp away with the logis like 20 times it was ■■■■■■ up… So I had to constantly alt-tabbing all ships including the nightmares who were setup to just press F1 once and forget because he was neuting them randomly. And reactivating both logis remote shields as he kept switching the guns on my nightmares constantly. I won, but after that, if the owner defended it with offensive modules in citadel and my friend bailed on me I didn’t bother with it anymore.

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Thanks for your explanations. To shorten this up, next time I observe an active gank with a large number of Catalysts I will specifically look for medslot activation, approach behavior and reaction times. If I can manage to set up a streaming service, I might even clip certain parts.

Try OBS Studio, I downloaded it specifically for EVE and it is really great capture tool. It can stream as well, but I didn’t try that.

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Modules can be pre-activated and heated in warp. Then you just select the target as soon as you land to automatically start firing.

This video shows one method of multi-boxing 12 gankers:


Good video - my setup was no where near as slick and resulted in me failing in my attempt. My failure was pitiful and certainly knocks the confidence.

You clicked target and pressed the F1 and F2 keys on each tab looking at the gank, but I am not sure about that, I looked at them in slow motion and they appear to be already flashing when you tab to them.