Why is EVE so toxic?

He seems unable to comprehend the possibility that someone might undock without exploding. Judging from his killboard, he’s never tried it.


The contradiction is yours. I’m just pointing it out to you.

I guess he should’ve asked your permission :sweat_smile:

So? He’s allowed to play however he wants. Look at Mike Azariah, he goes around giving stuff to new players, what’s that, PvP or PvE? :rofl:

According to your killboard, you don’t do anything.

Ok buddy!


Please do not make such comments.

That is sexual harassment and I do not have to take it.


Why is EVE so toxic?

Because it was designed to be. The toxic environment was the main draw when I started. A very hard game and to quote someone else who said this about the US Navy at the start of WW II. “A brutally Darwinian way of weeding out the weak captains”.

Toxic? This game is tame compared to what it used to be. Epically the forums! :wink: You can win easily win as long as you’re at your keyboard…


There’s another reason. Destroying asteroids so your ship was destroyed. The shear lun*cy involved with someone protecting asteroids and destroying ships from being ‘destroyed’ by mining ships is the same mentality as the Defias Brotherhood that did the same thing manner years ago.

By the way, those ships that destroy mining ships because the mining is r*ping the roid, where the hell do you think the materials come from for those hulls?

A galactic sized ball of cotton candy?

Of course…and face the consequences.

Ya know…if I sit outside Jita as a suspect in a 20bn ISK pod and go 'nanananana…I’m playing Eve just how I want in my vastly expensive pod ! ’ , I very much doubt everyone else is gonna go ’ Oh…fine…we’ll all leave you alone and mind our own business '.

It might have escaped your attention but Eve is a multiplayer game. Everyone’s ‘personal play style’ overlaps with everyone else’s. That is how MMOs work.


Apparently, none as far as EVE goes. Meh…

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I have another fish on the line! Shame it’s not Friday!

Come back when you have something to add other than insults.


Nope. Just experience in the game. Something you should try to acquire.

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At least we know why EvE is so toxic.


Hugs and kisses sister!

90% of Eve is in the mind. I used to be scared of all those people lurking outside Jita. Now I am one of them.

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hey Kirito Kazuto here. The only reason i didn’t pick up your gear is that it wasn’t worth it to me. I really just wanted to provide content to myself and as you were a easy target you had got selected. what i really hoped for was to get ore strip miners from you. seeing as you did not i left it. here is the zkill Retriever | Runnerkermit | Killmail | zKillboard


Thank you for your service.

@Runnerkermit Hello, Runner.

I don’t think that the players in the game are toxic but it definitely looks like a lot of the members in this forum are.
Be well

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Then it’s toxic AND contagious.
Or the toxicity is contagious ?