Why is everyone multiboxing so many accounts now

So now we want a social rating system? Welcome to commie land.

I am one of the many watching the horizon for a decent competitor to eve. CCP hurt me when they nurfed my mining ships I stayed.
CCP moved roids into low sec, I stayed.
CCP increased the monthly sub, I dropped to alpha.
Come on someone create a good alternative to this dying ccp bot filled game. Tired of being played for a sucker. and you should be too.


Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, and X4 are that way ----> You missed that left back there at Albuquerque… :wink:

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50K player counts started almost in 2008 but really hit in 2009 until about 2014. 2016, later in that year, was when alpha clones were formally introduced.

As for others having alt accounts… saying only Kusion had lots of accounts is quite narrow minded imo. Again theres no official information from CCP yet I know others had more back then too, but again at best its anecdotal versus anecdotal so YMMV.

That the days of alpha clones and the changeover to them offered many alt “expansion” opportunities is a fact though, whether people took advantage of them or not is up for grabs in CCPs data streams.

As for the Incursion fleets I did FC many fleets back in the day, not with ET mind you, and would regularly FC them for a long time and didnt often have to pick up stragglers from pub channels often. You certainly didnt see many guys solo running incursions back then as much as you did after a long time yet there was one guy running 10 man incursions solo with legions and logi running either the NCOs or the NMCs, we concentrated on the OTAs because of blitzing potential. Then CCP changed the OTAs to not be blitzable after a while.
I know of a guy that would run VGs solo for alliances looking to get rid of them quickly in their spaces and made oodles of isk. Basically he soloed them with 10 accounts till the MOM would show up and then let them end the incursion and would pocket billions a day doing that.
As for that multiboxing was never “legal” Id say that was a hard no. Since playing from 2003 I have yet to hear someone complain about not being able to run more than one account other than on these forums with alphas or botting. So to say that CCP only full endorsed boxing around the time of alphas I would say is silly. They know more accounts means more income to them. Yet again YMMV.

That Homefronts was a good way of allowing players TO box in a visible way is true, I wouldnt argue that ever. But ice mining and ore mining was the original ways to multibox even back in 2005ish Id say, well not ice at that time yet but ore for sure, then manufacturing sure scaled well with multiple accounts for more “manu/R&D slots”. Now you just notice them more cuz the players are kinda brain dead in naming conventions and arent very original. :roll_eyes: Hence you get ALTNUMBER1, ALTNUMBER2, etc.

Im sure if CCP ever released the real numbers youd be shocked to see how far back it went or how prolific it was or is, yet I know CCP never will because its not in their best interests to do so. But that it has always been there is a thing. As to whether its out of hand is a general consensus and opinion issue for me. I agree it smack of low hanging fruit and will probably end up being another cross for players to hang on and scream about and fight over. WIll that mean CCP changes their stances? Hmm… I highly doubt theyll slit their own financial throats in order to curb it, but thats just me. Again YMMV.

Its a polarizing topic really.

I’ve been multiboxing 4 accounts since 2006, so yes, players have been multiboxing in EVE since day 1.

That is not what I wrote.

I used parenthesis for a reason. It was never illegal obviously. But since you needed unique email for each account, it wasn’t clear. Players, even those doing it in my noob corp back then wasn’t sure about legality and considered it to be a grey zone. The unique email kinda sent a message that you should only have one account.

Likewise, CCP did not say anything officially about multiboxing when they changed it. They didn’t wrote on their webpage “we now embrace multiboxing and fully support players who want to run more than one account”. But them allowing to share one email over multiple accounts kinda did that.

It simply wasn’t spoken about anywhere. Maybe there were singular threats about it on forums, but that was about it.

It is possible. What I am saying that it wasn’t as visible and as common as it is now.

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Nope they killed eve.

(Actually, more like suicide)

So you admit to multibox out of butthurt ?

Granted other groups multibox just as much, so you’re only contributing to the problem at large, and screwing other single account solo players on the way … who don’t want to be forced into the multibox playstyle …

Their solution to bots was to have it become central part of Eve’s business plan.

And it’s working, somehwat.

Well, mostly account farming.

The result though, a stale and dead game with no consequence nor emotional involvement.

Big price to pay imo, for what Eve started out as.

Definitely more and better games out there now, have fun.

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Not around the time of alphas, but around the time of CCPs acquisition by PA.

With a declining population, the business plan changed drastically, and account farming became the financial backbone.

Alphas and Injectors were the catalyst to a much broader move for CCP.

Botting was mainly boxed in null back then.

High and low sec were still places were groups of real heads would converge and play together, and not the current one-man armies we’re seeing all over the place at the moment.

Ive been long enough in Low (since 2005) and FW (2010) to tell you, it was never like this.

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You lost 22 badly fitted ships and it’s CCPs fault ? I mean, two of your mining ships had no fittings at all, and all the rest have some slots vacant. And you lost a Gnosis with 10 slots vacant, and a Condor and a Caracal both with zero fittings.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :joy: :joy:

There is no MMO like EVE and noone will create one due to the current market conditions. Too expensive to maintain, no guarantee players will migrate and stay, and it wont be as detailed as EVE.

CCP has a monopoly on the space game MMO. Period. Full stop.

Try Star Trek Online with their 2008 graphics :joy: Wonder why STO has been the ONLY mmo with a star trek theme on the market for 10+ years. :thinking:

Comon man put 2+2 together. This is it.

Off the cuff estimate here but if you wanted to recreate EVE or make an EVE competitor you’ll probably need $20 million to $100 million + in funding, coding, maintaining the thing, and then just creating straight up content (artists, Syfy nerds, etc.) All making at least $50k in annual wages.

$50k in annual wages x say… a team of 50-100 ish people? (however many employees CCP has?) then take into account probably 1-5 years of working on the infrastructure of the game before people can even play.

You would be burning serious cash every year and with stressed out devs the game will probably flop.

So if you do read this. Why would ANYONE go through these headaches to create a competitor to EVE Online? Why would a venture capital firm or some multi million/billion dollar investor give YOU or anyone else cash for this very risky project??

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Is what you wrote, it might be a reading comprehension issue, yet saying ‘only’ does allow for for a narrow viewpoint. Yet… Okay. Im not pedantic in that sense and would rather have a conversation than a fight over whos right or wrong here.

As for this I think the many times, Im not sure when it started though, that they advertised the power of alts in their sales a few times that Ive noticed in the past alluded to it. And I know that having multiple accounts for caps and scouting and other issues was a well known phenomenon for many years. Im wracking my head trying to figure out the first time it came about in game for myself. Id say when capitals were newish and you needed cyno alts was probably the first real time. Yet I know mining and manufacturing alts where common as well as Jita, or other hub, trade alts were also a big thing. Though many people would use multiple characters on their accounts at first I know it eventually split to more accounts.

I honestly dont think CCP would ever outright say it that you “have to” have more than one account as that would set a dangerous precedence for solo players and the game in general, yet ‘encouraging’ players to have multiple accounts with sales and offers was a definite tactic for the marketing department imo.

Though it may have exacerbated the issue more accounts has ALWAYS been the business model imo. The need to make a profit and have more players, accounts, money coming in has always been a need for any business. Growing market share is a thing for Eve and CCP too. Like I think Vokan alluded to as well is it has gotten more obvious and pushed more into the open now for players. Again I think the naming conventions of ALT1, ALT2, ALT3 is that visual reminder of that fact. I think now players arent trying to hide it at all like they wouldve in the past so as not to create targets of themselves. Again its a hypothesis of mine, so YMMV. Years ago the need to hide financial gains, methods and alts from prying eyes was always a huge issue. Secrecy and therefore trust was a high commodity. Now the entrance to these multiboxing accounts is low, so low that things like piracy, ganking and other interference is not possible or worthwhile in order to do. Maybe something along the lines of competing like incursions do with DPS numbers might help, yet if these events/activities are only for true newbies then is that fair? I think in many ways teaching even newbies to compete out of the gate might be a viable alternative. Then income would be balanced against not only saturation of sites but also allow competition outright in farming, whether thats income incentivized or whether it is just outright because one can do it. Then growth along those lines of activities, ship types, models, etc can happen on a greater level for those who enjoy that style of gameplay.

I think some of it has to do with requirements of computing resources these days compared with Eves lack of need to be a resource heavy gaming setup. I dont argue CCP needs to raise computer reqs mind you but the overall gaming systems you need to run a single account versus multiple accounts has gone farther than anyone imagined in the past. Its way easier, and cheap enough, that many people can build systems that can handle many accounts at once. Multicomputer and Multimonitor setups are nerd havens now.
Its not the sole issue but one of the issues imo. Those that have stuck around have got the systems to do whatever they want. Its a human problem not just an eve thing. “I do it because I can” mentality and itll never go away.

The real challenge for CCP would be to build and design content so ridiculously complex, yet designed for a team to run. A team that must do multiple solo ventures that build on the completion of another team members success or shore up their failures in ways that cannot be botted en masse but one that requires actual inputs from each member to succeed. Have say 3 or 5 man fleets where each member must contribute unique items, issues, hacks, take out certain enemies all in concert with one another perhaps in different systems, rooms, or grids. Not a matter of one failing and all fail but in that A event creates B event which then needs C item or D specific npc killed in a room full of enemies, which creates E hacking event. Where each member might have to travel to different systems or rooms within a complex using accel gates and others must wait for them to do so until they can go further in the chain of events. Yet waiting in a room might spawn rats that escalate with time to overwhelm or just have it all timed in such a way that one single person literally cannot manage it all with multiple accounts.

Then youd get your single heads coming together moreso while still allowing the other form of multiboxing gameplay to exist. Simply have content designed for both with proper risk/reward ratios.
But yes I remember the days of long ago before I even envisioned multiple accounts being a thing let alone that I should feel the need to do it or use it myself. And yeah you stated its never been like this and youre right but that is life, always moving forward, never backward is the march of time and advancement and that ever present “change”.


Great points The content would have to be SO DYNMAIC and so changing that multiboxing would not be freezable Meaning you can’t just brute force everything with a marauder for example… or a fleet of ospreys like we see in homefronts. CCP can create content that is really lethal and complex if they wanted to we saw that in the trig war blending PVE, HS, and PVP. (No, Pirate FW is not like what the trig war was.)

Only thing I disagree with is that this game can be ran on a potato lol.

Heck this game can run on my $350 Chromebook thanks to EVE Anywhere (videogame streaming) LOL Real shame that was shut down…

So funny when all the ancient players who played on old versions of windows cried when CCP dropped support. (Windows 7? I forget :joy:) Upgrade yall rigs guys. Get out of the stone age!

EVE Anywhere shutdown in May - so time to upgrade

Yes it is comprehension issue.

No. That began with the change of emails as I stated. Before that, sure they sold you more accounts, but each must have been linked to unique email which sent a message that players are expected to have only one account.

Maybe because the game is so complicated and so hard that one account just doesn’t cut it for most players.
It certainly is more complicated than it needs to be.

Nah…a lot of the ‘complexity’ is just the large amount of basic knowledge required. There’s very little fundamentally ‘complex’ about Eve.