Why is everyone multiboxing so many accounts now

EVE in its early days could be ran on a 1987 Nintendo Gameboy. There was nowhere near the current level of graphics detail. Multiple PC’s are also a thing, even today… :wink:

Its very basic logic. Sorry. I mean, just take Freighter Ganking as example. If a Gankfleet would actually need to have 40 real people in fleet and on comms to gank a Freighter, you’d see barely any Freighter ganks, simply because the times they can actually get these numbers of real people together are very very rare. Simply because so much people don’t all have time at the same moment.

I think that entirely depends on who you actually talk to. From the guys I play this game with and regulary talk to, at least 50% would instantly remove (mass-)multiboxing, or at least make it a lot less lucrative. And no, they are not jealous, most of them are filthy rich vets who could easily PLEX multiple accs for years.

It was far less common in these times. FAR less. Even if some of your friends did it already. I joined in 2009 and back then the majority had 1-2 accounts, very rarely people had more. Since then, the number of Alts did go up significantly as the computing power and connection capacity increased. Thats just logical, I hope you don’t really doubt that. And since I personally know multiple guys who dislike EVE for exactly this development, it isn’t that hard to estimate that there are many many others out there. But as said, we will never know since we are only able to experience the situation as it is.

@QuakeGod All nice and fine, I doubt we will find a common ground so I won’t waste time with an endless discussion. I’ve said what I wanted to say and believe it to be true in all honesty. I think the game misses much of it’s potential because it caters the big groups too much, for too long, because that actually hinders “grassroot growth” which ensures a future of competitors and challangers which make established empires crumble at some time. You are free to disagree tho, we probably won’t convince each other.


Still, it took ages to train chars and we didnt have skill injectors.

It was a lot less common than now, face the fact or buzz off.

Yes, I know. I was there. We had to mine Veldspar in cruisers, in the snow, uphill, both ways… :wink:


Other than a few well known cases, I don’t think anyone is running 20 man alt armies. Maybe there are mining fleets with 20 alts sitting in the far depths of safe nullsec, but the whole ‘20 man army’ thing is hugely over-played. In all the combat I’ve been involved in, fleets and station bashing and even some ganking, I’m not aware of any situation where anyone has ever run more than 4 or 5 chars simultaneously and even those cases are rare.

Fact is, in fleets where there may be a call for a new target, and scrap the existing one, every few seconds, it is simply not possible to multibox those effectively with more than a handful of chars. To be a little cynical, I’ve been in fleets where people seem to have a hard enough time managing one char…let alone more.

So the entire ‘problem’ is grossly over-inflated. I can multibox, but 9 times out of 10 when I do so it is purely the use of a scout.


I think there’s also ‘Alle Menschen müssen sterben’, which is perhaps just my own experience of the game!

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We say “Valar Morghulis” in Halaima.


The servers in 2010 were able to handle more players than nowadays…

Tell us some war stories grandpa!

Some people will multibox simply ‘because I can’. Others will do so because they enjoy playing solo. Others again are driven by the urge (mediated by their means) to acquire as much of what they value as they can.

I multibox because it’s no longer possible to solo gank a mining vessel in an asteroid belt (one ganker, one scout), and I perform poorly in normally constituted fleets. For me, it’s as straightforward as that.

I have no issue at all with any other player fielding as many alts as he can manage. I struggle to understand the mentality (occasionally on show, above) behind the wish to regulate the behaviour of other gamers, wrapped up in ‘it’s bad for the game’.

As usual, it’s a dime-a-dozen thread title which - if commentors stay on topic - cannot possibly yield fruitful exchanges.

‘Everyone’ isn’t multiboxing, and any increase in the incidence of the practice - perceived or actual - cannot surely form the basis of an argument for its stricter regulation, or removal.


Indeed, in our trusty stabbers, and other mates to can and hoard the rocks away …

The mutual and cooperative needs of many …

The chatter …

Far far away from today’s individualistic and socially averse tripe, where no one needs anyone, since everyone does everything…

Eve has achieved where all mmos could not : To survive by actively promoting the removal of players from its own game ….

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If you all you need is another ganker, why not simply convo someone ingame to play with you ?

Oh, thats right, no one plays like that anymore.

Eve, the singleplayer experience …

You sound kind of like you don’t play EvE Online.

I was involved in an “animated” discussion three months ago about growth vs decline of the EvE population. Altara and I were able to dig up some numbers from a FanFest presentation:
That seems to be the official number anno 2022 (and no, we still don’t know how they defined the “Average EVE Player”, most likely active omega accounts?). That hardly looks like “everyone multiboxing so many accounts now” :wink: It also seems to fit the next statement quite well, 13 years earlier:

and not so much with the rest of it.

I’ve read your earlier posts about less social contacts in the game. Can it be because the newest generation of EvE players don’t reach the point where they start feeling the need to have someone else around, iow they don’t stick around long enough ? Personally I often chat during/after chance encounters (usually botched attacks etc, lol). Or because they don’t plunge into non-hisec ?

Last time I logged on was to get creamed in a kity breacher by someone not even bothered to gf the exchange, and systems full of awoxing Frats in multiboxed Algos fleets.

Well they can inject skills and become self sufficient in almost anything significantly more rapidly than before. So there’s less need to appeal to someone else’s services or different spec. You can be self-sufficient from your first week more or less, it’s that easy now …

Also because well, the games so fkin old, most of the core playerbase either already peaked end-game for all their chars, and left, or the ones that stuck around are entirely self-sufficient.

Interaction dies when you have everything you need.

If it were me, I would introduce serverwide wipes of assets and skillrot, but thats just me

So based on your lack of experience, you probably should move along, friend.

I heard the Farmville forums are still up.

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First char made in 2005, stfu and go back to alt-tab simulator.

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Cry more bitterboomerbear.

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I dislike grouped activities. always have done. I like to rely upon my own abilities and resources in seeking out entertainment and the other good stuff. I am not antisocial, I simply have a preference for activities which can be soloed.

EVE is a multi-player game, so I’m going to encounter lots of other folks (hopefully!), and either blow them to smithereens or enjoy a chuckle before we part ways. Sometimes, both.

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