Why is everyone multiboxing so many accounts now

For non-pvp activities that could certainly be a valid point. But nothing can replace fleet pvp of any size, let alone the fun of being in a close knit or well functioning group. They’re missing out on their money’s worth, for sure, not to mention they won’t be able to learn how to do some serious industry, or experience some very intense pvp.

In my alliance the average sp per player is most likely high, and it has a high concentration of veterans. Yet we constantly make use of each other’s expertise and specialization, even rely on it in some cases. I guess luck is involved in who you end up with, to experience the game in its social aspect.

I mean if you choose to adapt to keep spending your time playing what this game still has to offer to you, thats fine.

I chose to exit because that part required to fundamentally change from the way I would get enjoyment and entertainment value out of it.

It’s a different game now, and despite what some trolly ones here might say, it’s not necessarily for the « best », as it turns into something that defies a common sense.

Like I said before, you could reduce the games playerbase to 2, one noob, one multiboxer controlling all the ships ingame, and you’d have a pretty good model of what this game strives to be, now.

An individualistic wasteland.

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Well maybe Ive been stuck in lowsec for too long, but I havent witnessed much of said cooperation, even pvpwise, in a very long time. Everyone has an alt for each need, you feel « welcomed » but not « required » …

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…and I would do the same, in an instant, if what I enjoy became unavailable or unattractive to me.

Ha ! They give you a “director” role if you are anywhere near “required” :crazy_face: From “welcomed” to “stuck” in one easy click !!

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When fresh noobs in fast tackle atrons were a requirement …

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Oh yeah, had the experience in Provi. “Fly tackle”, they said. “Pfffft”, was my reply. lol.

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You can almost guarantee that any thread that is titled ’ Why…’ will then add some question that is in fact actually a statement and an untrue one at that. So its no great surprise that people don’t ‘stay on topic’ and answer the supposed question but instead you get 547 posts refuting the implied statement in the title.


Everyone complains about highsec, but I recall venturing into lowsec and in a station in Kubinen with just 4 people in the system…two of them had over 10,000 solo kills each, in lowsec. Yeah…welcome to lowsec !


Yeah that’s pretty common down there.

Come take a look at the state of FW space though, especially min/amarr, you’ll find all sorts of multiboxed goodness …

No more than an F1 money in null

This is completely wrong.
People will bot the inconvenient ones.
Of course, people bot the convenient ones already. But they also bot the inconvenient ones. and the more the difference, the better for the botters.

And if the inconvenient ones are the most lucrative, this is what will be botted the most. In turn, making them less lucrative.
To the point only bots consider them interesting.

I agree with the base idea but the reality should not be ignored for dogma propagation.

Is it? There are at the very least 4 active players sucide ganking in highsec with 20+. Not all of them have 20 shooters, but they are running (multiple) scanning alts, loot alt, DST looting trick alt and some of them also bumping alt.

There are plenty of 20+ alt mining fleets all over highsec. Who knows how many of them is in null.

At least 2 massive multiboxers using around 20 alts to do FOBs in highsec. I heard that incursions are multiboxes as well, but not sure how many since I don’t do/track this content. I remember one massive multiboxer who did them in lowsec, he had over 20 accounts, but it was some time ago.

And I saw a 20+ fleet of stealth bombers in Sarekuwa recently, doesn’t seem to be a highsec ganker, so probably for some lowsec ganking.

Not sure about FW, another content I don’t do. Lowsec related those hunting without cyno are using 2-3 usually and one of them is neutral alt. Those hunting with cyno might be using 10+ but that is just a speculation, might be actual players (although I bet at least few of these hotdrop fleets are purely multiboxed).

So, I mean sure only handful of players is running so many alts. However if you actively look for them keep your eyes open, you will see this quite often in space. And that’s 20+, if we talk about 10+ there is multiple more players running that many.


I certainly encounter more mining fleets than ganking fleets in my preferred region (Fittakan), by a significant factor.

Many of the mining fleets operate daily and for long stretches, sometimes completely clearing out the better ores in a system and leaving only those of lesser value.

By comparison, large ganking fleets, though present, seem to be located in only a few strategically important systems, and they operate more sporadically. Smaller ganking fleets are, of course, harder to record and track, so I don’t pay much attention to them; likewise smaller mining fleets or groupings.

Moon mining is quite a thing where I live, and I have seen fleets upwards of 10 or so barges feasting on the Brimful Bitumens. Rather unimaginatively, they often bear the same forename, surname or incremental numbering system. Not bots, but bot-aspirants, surely?

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Fraternity (Chinese alliance) uses fleets of 20+ algos alts to control an entire system, and even awox friendlies out of sites to maintain LP monopoly.

It’s fckin dumb …

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Don’t you guys have stormbringers ? Should be fun to deal with those algos fleets :rofl:

Stormbringer is cruiser, you cant bring them inside destroyer size sites.

My point was that the title claims’ everyone’ and it is quite clear that not ‘everyone’ is multiboxing and the claim is an exaggeration.

What’s more, there was a thread recently…no doubt someone can dig up the relevant pic…where there’s a display from a fanfest showing the average person has 2.4 accounts and 4.2 chars or something like that. This means it is simply not mathematically possible that large numbers of people are multiboxing sizeable fleets.

In fact an average of 2.4 means a sizeable number only have one account and another sizeable number only have two. It would be a distribution similar to Eve wealth, with the extreme cases being at the far end of the graph and constituting a small number.

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@Wadiest_Yong have to ask, but where are you guys located ?