Why Seriatim Foucault is wrong about everything

Evil is evil. Greater, lesser, middling. For a true Amarr, there is no choice here.

You seem to imply that the Empires should be receptive to diplomatic relations with the triglav to combat the drifter menace.

Your adversaries imply that the drifters (who murdered our Empress in an instant by destroying her titan) are of little consequence, and that we should focus instead on combatting the collective.

Even within the ranks of the empire there are those that seem to think that the atrocities of the Minmatar ought to be excused in the wake of the revelation of new Eden being home to other, actually competent villains. Thus, some “Amarr” continue to tether their strings to the fingers of their minmatar puppetmasters in Pochven in the name of Edencom-faciliated cooperation, defending structures belonging to Minmatar loyalists against all capsuleer threats, kyber or otherwise.

Evil is evil. Triglavian. Drifter. Minmatar. All have sinned. None can stand against the might of the Empress’ forces. We need not collude with one to conquer the other. All will burn in due time.

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