It’s not entirely my business, and I certainly shouldn’t be weighing in on matters concerning someone I’ve heard described as the Queen of Pochven so I apologize in advance for the rude intrusion here, but I do have a question. The mouthpiece who claims to speak with consent is calling the empires a rotten, corrupt force of stasis that impedes human potential. This opposition seems pretty integral to the whole thing.
You’re asking people to not interpret your words as support of this idea, but if I understand correctly, your actions already involved standing alongside and supporting the forces imposing that same idea? Or do I not understand correctly? I suppose I’m just a little unclear how this separation is defined for you, and also, why you feel it important to make a statement like that in the first place.
That the Triglavians did not take more core worlds like Vale was not the Triglavians doing, mind you. It was the defense that made that possible - a defense that required co-operation the Empire was only barely able to gain, and which remains precarious as is. Trusting the Triglavians to not try again and trusting that they could defend alone if the rest of us fall would be foolish.
And the Empire is many things but on that kind of strategic level, they are not fools.
Back when the Drifters first came onto my scene, they affected me very directly. I spent a lot of time and effort fighting them. The fact of the matter is that when everything the two groups have done is compared side by side, the Drifters just don’t seem nearly as problematic. Certainly less immediate of a threat at the very least.
Not a bad idea. Maybe I’ll plan one.
I don’t have the exact numbers, but I find it a pretty safe bet that many, many more than a billion people have died in the fighting with the Triglavians. With the people on the Triglavian-occupied planets, some have been murdered. Others have been forcefully bioadapted and are living under the oppressive rule of the abyssal invaders.
I have no love for the Drifters. I’ll gladly burn down their hives and take them out wherever they are. I know for a fact that they also hate me. But if they’re poking around Pochven, shooting at Triglavians, that’s at least one positive. I understand that they’re also hostile to the empire forces trying to make headway into the occupied systems and that they’re as dangerous in Pochven as they are anywhere else to the inhabitants. But in the specific instance of Drifters shooting Triglavians, yeah, that helps.
At least the Drifters are ■■■■■■■ honest. They’re hostile and don’t want to speak.
The Triglavians show up, murder and abduct billions and billions, and then suddenly want to talk about it when they decide they’re done and need to rest. You don’t get to ■■■■■■■ hit us and then talk about it when you want to be done with the fight without actually making amends. While they continue to hold onto the abducted people and occupied systems, any words they may have are entirely meaningless because their actions say something entirely different.
Who exactly is the “us” in this sentence? I know for a fact that you aren’t talking about the actual empires, seeing as you are (1) an apostate heretic burned out of the Book to the Amarr, (2) a barely-tolerated curiosity at best to the Minmatar, (3) a non-entity enemy terrorist to the Caldari, and. . . Well, maybe the Gallente like you. They are, after all, the last great bastion of the self-absorbed.
So who is it, exactly, that you presume you are speaking for here?
But the fact that I’m not widely liked in general is pretty irrelevant to the fact that each of the empires was attacked, suffered many casualties, and lost non-zero numbers of systems full of prior.
I know quite well how I’m viewed around the cluster. But I assure you, in systems the Triglavians attacked where we (the independent capsuleers bolstering the empires’ defenses) held, the people on average have a much better view of me than they did prior.
There’s nothing to apologize for— certainly not for participation on a public forum.
(And for God’s sake, please don’t take the “Queen of Pochven” thing seriously. It’s a good-natured joke and a term of endearment in the Kybernaut community.)
I support the Triglavian Collective - the nation, the civilization. I respect the Intriguerre organization tremendously, but Intriguerre is a separate entity from the Collective. As are my kybernauts and I — we are independent actors who choose what causes, if any, to support.
As for why I made that particular statement? Well, this forum is populated by more than one bad-faith capsuleer who like to ascribe thoughts, beliefs, and even words to me that I do not possess nor have said. I therefore clarified in advance that in discussing Subcommander Foucault’s message, I was neither endorsing it nor criticizing any part of its contents. Sadly, the precaution is necessary.
I would hazard a guess that the Kybernauts out there are putting on masks not so they can survive in the Pochven but because it’s made their face look so hideous! @Seriatim_Foucault my love, use some face cream or something. If you’re going to be in front of a camera you’re going have to look good or you’ll get no end of grief from your fans.
Among the peoples of this cluster, a point of near universal common ground is the sense of connectedness to the past– to where we came from.
For someone who so entirely broke with past and people to deign to speak for humanity is risible to say the least, for that same person to decry others for a degeneracy so near her own… it reeks of delusion.
Just to be clear, you’re talking about the same drifters who’s last incursion to null resulted in your coalition terminating its deployment so it could return home and deal with the crisis. On the other hand, you did indicate that this attack “endangered only idiots…”, so I guess you’re at least partially correct.
Evil is evil. Greater, lesser, middling. For a true Amarr, there is no choice here.
You seem to imply that the Empires should be receptive to diplomatic relations with the triglav to combat the drifter menace.
Your adversaries imply that the drifters (who murdered our Empress in an instant by destroying her titan) are of little consequence, and that we should focus instead on combatting the collective.
Even within the ranks of the empire there are those that seem to think that the atrocities of the Minmatar ought to be excused in the wake of the revelation of new Eden being home to other, actually competent villains. Thus, some “Amarr” continue to tether their strings to the fingers of their minmatar puppetmasters in Pochven in the name of Edencom-faciliated cooperation, defending structures belonging to Minmatar loyalists against all capsuleer threats, kyber or otherwise.
Evil is evil. Triglavian. Drifter. Minmatar. All have sinned. None can stand against the might of the Empress’ forces. We need not collude with one to conquer the other. All will burn in due time.
No, I’m talking about the same drifters whose incursion two years ago happened after we’d already finished our campaign and decided to go home. The last keepstar in Tribute died on the 25th. We’d had extensive discussions about our next move over the ten days between PanFam’s evacuation and the attack on the SH1-6P Keepstar. In those discussions, Mittens had initially wanted to pursue, but he recognized that the rest of us were telling him ‘that’d be amazingly stupid’. As a result, we had no intention of continuing the campaign against PanFam (but of course, we weren’t going to say that publicly).
The drifter attacks began on the 26th. So we announced the move we’d already planned to do, and just used the drifter attacks as a way to kick people in butt to get home on the first few move ops, so we wouldn’t have to keep the 6RCQ keepstar operating for three damned months.
So, congratulations on getting it completely wrong, again. How are Bos I’s eukaryotes doing?
I would suggest that you learn to stay in your lane. I grow very tired of seeing militia pilots sniping at other loyalists rather than working to support the many needs of Holy Amarr. It is disorderly conduct that verges on heresy.
The decision to work with the Minmatar Republic, Caldari State, and Gallente Federation in the war against the Trigs and to support the formation of EDENCOM was made at the highest levels of the Empire, if you criticize it then you are questioning the Privy Council and Empress.
Amarr loyalists focusing on that conflict actively working to help defend the last EDENCOM loyal port for Capsuleers in Pochven does not mean those loyalists are excusing past aggressions against Amarr nor does it mean that they have Minmatar “puppetmasters.” It only means that it is strategically important for the potential recovery of Raravoss and Niarja that the last base EDENCOM aligned capsuleers have in Pochven survives.
To be more on topic, Seriatim Foucault is wrong about everything because he is a zealot working on partial information and elevating the Triglavians’ recent attack to a driver for other political pursuits that the aliens he worship likely don’t give two fucks about.
I doubt the Triglavians are wrong about everything, though.