I would suggest that you learn to stay in your lane. I grow very tired of seeing militia pilots sniping at other loyalists rather than working to support the many needs of Holy Amarr. It is disorderly conduct that verges on heresy.
The decision to work with the Minmatar Republic, Caldari State, and Gallente Federation in the war against the Trigs and to support the formation of EDENCOM was made at the highest levels of the Empire, if you criticize it then you are questioning the Privy Council and Empress.
Amarr loyalists focusing on that conflict actively working to help defend the last EDENCOM loyal port for Capsuleers in Pochven does not mean those loyalists are excusing past aggressions against Amarr nor does it mean that they have Minmatar “puppetmasters.” It only means that it is strategically important for the potential recovery of Raravoss and Niarja that the last base EDENCOM aligned capsuleers have in Pochven survives.