Everyone I talk to from any game I play I have their Email, Facebook and I am in a Discord with them every day.
We rarely play the same game any more but we all still chat and BS with each other on Discord, hoping to find that ONE game that we can all get back together in. But those games are becoming increasingly rare.
On topic,
I still sub to Eve because in all of its flaws and everything else, it is the ONLY sci-fi Sandbox MMO out there that is worth a damn.
I didn’t read the other responses as I don’t have time right now, however I don’t really need to.
If you still enjoy the game and want the additional content available from a subscription, then renew. If you enjoy the game and don’t need the additional content then try alpha and see how it goes. No other consideration than you level of enjoyment matters as it is after all just a game.
I don’t have an SP farm. All my accounts have multiple characters I play with if they are Omega. The only thing I do is I train a big skill like battleship V and at the end of the month I extract it and purchase PLEX with the money. If you get the PLEX from buy-orders it is almost free. If you do some PLEX trading while at it you make the missing money back in days.
To pay with $ is a choice I have and I did it because I valued the game and CCPs work. Since they turned it into a storefront I no longer have serious doubts about doing this any longer. And from all the answers I get here I’m not the only one who feels like this.
to cut a loong thread short, EvE is obviously in a death spiral, as are CCP who have never really known what to do with EvE, but if a sub will let you have fun then…so be it. EvE online is still the home of internet spaceships.
The disaffected get to have the positive feels associated with withdrawing thier credit card, all while maintaining the status que wrt thier in-game capacities.
CCP gets more $$ overall, all maintaining the status quo wrt to development.
Any small changes at CCP validate the dissaffected (CCP listened…I made a difference) thereby keeping them paying with PLEX… brilliant really.
Oh you mean that fart in the wind Crytek lawsuit, lol, who gives a fook about that really. It’s rather quite an amusing move from Crytek who just want attention grab back, and the fact SC switched to another engine in 2016 anyway.
No. The went ahead with making the game “softer”, IMO. We can have PVE in a HTFU game. In fact that is what @Jonah_Gravenstein likes/liked about the game. And I agree with you that PVE could use updating. Not just new PVE but even the old stuff too like missions.
CCP has made changes that some players want. For example, some players wanted the watchlist removed and that was likely bad in terms of things like targeted war decs. Some players felt war decs should be larger, the effects was to drive smaller war dec corps into the larger war dec alliances, IMO. Both of these together increased the incidence of trade hub/trade lane camping/roaming and may have contributed to ganking as well…which in turn some players complain about (even in this very thread).
And yes, your complaint that NS probably dominates the discussion is probably true. The very same infographic you point to to support your PvE argument was updated to show who goes to Fanfest and “your side” had the most dismal attendance–i.e. to the extent that the Devs mingle with and talk to players at Fanfest…they generally are not mingling with “your side”.
Frankly, in reading your posts my view is this: you want to fail. That way you can say, “See, CCP sucks.” You’ve gotten used to that, comfortable with it and it is easier than trying to build a coalition of players to push CCP into looking at PvE and updating it in a positive manner. In the thread I’ve referenced pretty much nobody (IIRC) actually argued against your “PvE needs some attention” view, they were arguing against your strategy…and you alienated pretty much all of the people who did not share your “Ugghhh NS/Yay HS” view. The view is irrelevant to improving PvE, IMO and since players from the “Professional”, “Entrepreneur”, and “Traditional” categories all do PvE and comprise 80% of the players…that is a big chunk of the player base.
This is good. This actually shows that those categories are to varying degrees somewhat arbitrary/meaningless. When we aggregate data we lose information. You might “technically” be a “Traditional” player, but sounds to me like you also have a strong streak of “Social” as well. And that’s good. This is in no way a criticism of you…but the idea of “Lets aggregate data and see if it tells us something helpful.” The act of aggregating, if anything, reduces the likelihood the “data will tell us something useful”.
I agree with the “not forced” aspect. Let players make their own choices. To some it could be argued I am “forced” to PvP, but actually it is a choice I made. I want to live in NS. I want to PvP and I want all the attendant benefits of living in NS…does that mean I sometimes have to fleet up when I might want to do other things? Yes, but that’s part of the price, but in the end it is my choice.
If a player wants to log in and semi-AFK mine roids…fine. Run missions? Fine. Camp a gate in Rancer? Fine. Just also be aware others might come along and interact with you…whether you want it or not. In fact, in terms of having PvE content that is challenging…that interaction kinda/sorta does that. These players who do want to interact with you (FYI, generic “you” there) provides a challenge. It isn’t exactly PvE, but still it can make things interesting and different.
I agree.
According to @Yiole_Gionglao and the infographic it is something like 20-25%. I’ll like the post that has the infographic if I can find it.
Has that helped make things generally more dangerous? Being able to look at contacts and say “all caps/SC just mass online. I better not hot-drop/ better dock” was a nice way to keep high $ assets safe(ish).
I figure you would have better info than I do on that.
It also made targeted war decs largely a thing of the past. And it made it safer for people to move those high value assets…so yes it makes things actually safer overall, IMO, even with your point duly noted.
Interesting. I would have guessed that the value of ships that have been popped because watchlist was gone far exceeded the value of target wardecs.
I guess I never thought the kind of war decs that were only possible with watchlisting accounted for a very large percentage of the player base (that which supplies risk) much less actual PVP.
Well there are two effects form a NS/cap-super cap stand point.
Sure, if you have watch listed say key players that you know can and do counter dropping and you see they are logged in you might not drop on a target out of concern for a counter drop. Removing watch list changes this increasing risk.
However, when moving a cap/super-cap people who hunt them would routinely watchlist these people (especially those with super caps). Removing watchlist make things less risky.
Which one dominates? Hard to say, but my guess is that it is the latter which reduces risk/danger. Add on that targeted war decs went away and it ends up making the game, overall, safer. But it is really an empirical question in terms of danger.
As for people logging in, I think a non-trivial number of people moving on were those who did targeted wardecs. This is just opinion though and only CCP can say for sure…if they are actually curious about the quesiton at all.
That makes sense. I tried the whole watchlist hunting thing a couple times and was terrible/never caught anything. It was just easier to AWOX high sec loot pinatas.