[Winter] Fleet Abyssal Deadspace Feedback thread - feature now available on Singularity Test Server

Cool idea but wish it didn’t require fleet. Could have the potential for some hilarious nonconsentual co-op.


Instanced space is not EvE any more. It is that simple. This is also Abysmal space isn’t it? Your comment is dumb, not to say retarded.

Instanced content is logical direction in EVE development as MMO game. Today modern MMO must provide content to paid customers. My toughts was that WH space will be instanced space for “theme park content” but CCP ( under PA influence ) decide that it will be Abyssal content.
As the next step I expect the ability to buy Abyssal instances and use it as a private garrison or a housing :wink:


Retarded is claiming that Abyss space is the destruction of EVE when it’s been around for a couple of months without any indication that players have left because of it. If anything, new content will draw new players. Even Abyss is PVP. A player has to enter and leave and can be caught doing so. Loot has to be traded on the market and transport to it. It is in no arguable way any different than running complexes or missions. And those parts have been around since the beginning of EVE.


2x DPS AFs and one Logi should be able to wipe the floor with any BS and 300 DPS is on the low side for some AF’s. With conflag, overheating, drugs and implants can get over well over 300 with a retribution (can push up to 500 for a while).

Woo! Yes, more abyssal content, and the ability to bring friends.
Please add more more more to this, I’d love this to be able to scale in other areas such as ship type, and adding friends.
As a major abyssal player, I love this.


When will we be able to use a filament to invade an abyssal trace? No time extension so it’s a gamble for the attacker to get to the target before the deadspace collapses.

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Sentinels can turn off trig guns.

If the reward was higher for three frigs this would be interesting but as it stands there’s no point when you can solo them and claim full rewards. Why would three frigs do one site when each character can do their own in a cruiser and get triple the effective loot?

Did you not read where he said the loot would be tripled for the frig version?

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Apparently not lol ty

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I think anything that encourages playing with other people in EvE is inherently a good thing. Great idea.


They can be forcefully interacted with when they come out of the “little hole”. What’s the problem?


I NEVER claimed it is the destruction of EvE. You used those words. I claim it is the next step in a series of steps taken by CCP to change EvE beyond recognition which, to me, is almost the same as the destruction of EvE because it is becoming a completely different game. I don’t want an instanced space EvE! I don’t give a ■■■■ whether Abysmal Space draws in new players. It is not my game anymore if more of it enters EvE.

AS is not the same as missions or complexes at all. You’re an idiot for claiming it is.

The problem is you can not interact INSIDE the little hole! It is a core principle of EvE … at least it has been till AS was introduced.

Yup that is a point of all these new changes.

no, they cannot be forced to do anything if they know the game’s mechanics simple enough. im sure when the new instances come out, there will be another suspect timer free grace period. hell i wouldnt be surprised if they got rid of it all together for t4/5. but yea just wait your session timer and light a t3, run it for 5 minutes and no more suspect timer

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From gameplay perspective is should be fun, I saw SC doing DED 4 in frigates once and it looked very fun, undersized hulls in content not exactly for them.

From sandbox perspective I think all 3 players should get suspect flag no matter abyss tier. It wouldn’t be solo kill on abyss explorer and may facilitate group play furthermore.

From Jeremiah Saken: how many players would actualy do that kind of content, because you know, pve=solo play, and you keep forcing group play all the time.

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You can’t shoot someone when he’s inside a station either. Yet that player still engages in pvp, though without shooting. Your point makes no sense and displays a very narrow minded view of EVE. None of your name calling will change that.


Any chance of making Abyssal content for BC or BS size ships?

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