[Winter] Fleet Abyssal Deadspace Feedback thread - feature now available on Singularity Test Server

PVE doesn’t always mean solo play, though; as an example, my wormhole corporation will run fleets with multiple pilots, not just multiple ships, to clear out PVE Content when it’s available. More fleet-oriented PVE is a great option to get more PVE-focused players flying together.

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but you can fly pve fleets without in-build restrictions. There are no rules how much players can participate, hull cap etc. That’s the difference. It’s not sandbox when sandbox tells you how to play the game.

This is a bollock comparison. The station isn’t supposed to be “fought over”… but space IS! It is the most important difference between EvE and every single other game. You’re the one that is narrow-minded if you can not see that, or you’re just too stupid. Pick one.

I corrected for you ! :kissing_heart:

Someone has to correct child mistakes and send the children in the right direction.

CCP has kept at least part of their promise to keep Eve a sandbox in that you can camp the exit and kill the guy as he comes out. They have even gone as far as to give a suspect flag to players leaving higher end holes. Is it perfect? No.

You are absolutely correct that it brings us a little closer to the theme park we all fear. However, I think we need to balance keeping Eve as the purists might want it and having Eve at all. I am satisfied that this feature is risky enough that it preserves the feel of Eve while allowing players to have the PVE experience they crave. We need more players, we need new players. We need to keep the lights on and also we need to have Eve make enough money that Pearl Abyss is satisfied. If not they might do something drastic that we absolutely don’t want and that betrays the core tenets of Eve.

Remember to buy your cambion/virtuoso today because you’re gonna need that AT dps

That brings up a problem.

With solo abyss, if you camp the trace you know who has the loot. Fleet abyss can thwart this because you don’t know who has the loot. Do they all have loot? Only one?

It potentially makes abyss runners to safe loot wise.

RR worms…Guristas master race!!

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depend what means: “3 times the amount loot available”. 1/3 for every player participated or 3xsingle loot drop salvaged by one person.

Battleship Abyssals, when? :smiley:


This does not appear to include the Damavik - confirm/deny?

Additionally, after being able to log in to Duality one time briefly, I have been unable to as it has been reporting that it is not taking connections. You mentioned that we can expect the market seeding to be good by Monday, which would imply that you intended the server to be available at that time - can you give any word as to when the test will be available again?

Well done CCP, I like where this is going. The Abyss genre of gameplay is a great concept. I’m Excited for Eve.

I’m going to translate this to real-speek.

“more accessible” … “new players” = bring in more farmers with rather low intellect but loose wallets, who don’t care about playing for playing’s sake, but play because they’re addicted.

“trying out a triple multi box” … I am a farmer. I have no friends.

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The Damavik is included in ‘Frigates’. This is the type group, not the market group (like overview).

Sorting out seeding right now on Duality, and should have a more updated mirror too. I will reply here when it is done.


deleted because the feature is too lacking to matter

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The suspect flag is removed.


Just a note for all those who are saying that this is the start of “instanced space” somehow. I ran nullsec escalation sites as my sole form of PvE for eight years. Between local and acceleration gate mechanics I think I got caught in a site and blown up once? Maybe twice. I was really absurdly drunk both times too.

On the other hand, outside my blue doughnut space, the thought of jumping from abyssal space back into J-Space completely blind, flying something spendy, and specialty fit for PvE has a huge pucker factor attached to it.

Instanced PvP functionally exists already for players who know how to set it up. So long as CCP doesn’t go full Disneyland and make it possible to run high end abyssal sites in highsec without some kind of suspect flag this won’t do jack squat to the sandbox. In fact I might move in to hunt these folks…

This sounds super cool tbh!

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Oh no. A 2016 is quitting and a 2013 character says this is the end of EVE.
It isn’t like Abyssal space is a monocle or something.

People have been ganking Abyss runners since this was released. How many station traders that never leave the station have been ganked? How many spamming scammers have been ganked?

Until they spit out market pvpers 1000k away from a structure after 30 minutes or less to be ganked in a place that is marked by a scannable beacon I say there is nothing wrong with Abyss space.

This is coming whether you like it or not. Bye :slight_smile:

Smart bomb them.