I saw this ages ago as an explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/3dme68/eli5_when_the_fuck_did_we_start_calling_carebears/ct6l61p/
I got in trouble a few times for saying “anyone wanna go spacejewing?” because it was offensive and the proper term is “krabbing”.
I thought it was really cheesy imagining Machariels out there with rubber overalls on schucking in the tide for blue loot.
Erm, I clearly stated ‘Concord takes the ISK out of game’.
Last time I checked I hadn’t had a promotion.
I guess you like Trolling disabled pilots? Is that it?
And no, I am not rich. It’s a good job I like space-mining eh?
Erm, I don’t run a farm…
I’m pro subscription fyi, but if the risk/reward is too out-of-kilter then it’s not worth the time & math-crunching.
FC’s are ‘staff’ in this game too, so I think you’re wrong there.
Make the game too stressy & modern players will just find a new home elsewhere.
Even with the Chinese server now on tranq we aren’t pulling 30k players.
As for me having a lot of spare time for flying, well, risk-reward etc.
I think the big fear is Industry being switched off. I’m not the only one worried either.
Micro-transaction culture is simply a fiver a week for a pretty skin & a ship you then lose. You have to lose it or you won’t spend a fiver next week. And what if it’s REALLY pretty and you have to spend a tenner?! Oh my!
CCP had a game that already saw people PLEX’ing, and it had an economy that was over-heating and seeing wealth hoarded too much in places.
Space-socialism would have fixed it, but instead we get a sort of ‘slot-machine’ culture instead. With Industry sinking in a lot of places ( Trigs, loss of Local, & now Cynos ). So where oh where will you get that ship from now? You mean you’ll have to buy it with real-world money, instead of building it like you used to? Et voila, slot-machine culture.
A dynamic change like that is huge. And it’s just not EVE.
I’m a half Indust half PvE ‘farmer’, who will fly PvP fleets too. Half my game just disappeared. How many others are also taking a hit? I’ve had to unsuscribe my only 2 accounts for real-world reasons that I won’t go into ( rule 1, no politics ), but will there be an EVE to come back to? And others are also NOT happy with the way this is going down either. Newbros taking a pasting fixes nothing. It’s the proper rich kids you need to paste a bit, but I’m not seeing that.
We’ll have to see what the Economic Reports look like, but from what I am hearing on comms with my Null crowd A LOT of people are not happy.
Hence the thread.
EVE is not a financial support program.
If someone needs real money they can get a real job.
For the 3rd time, Concord taking ISK out of the game, not players.
The ‘no poors’ argument, to me, is why numbers are falling away. OP, and how people are running out of cash to spend in real life. Make the game too difficult & you lose possible subscriptions.
My own personal situation is just bad luck. Hence why I listed the OP stories. Trends in the market are trends in the market.
Go get a job a contribute to society. I’ve done it and so can you. Please tell me where the inequality is in that?
Interestingly, paying Concord to get your stuff back is an ISK sink. Asset safety.
And I am currently too injured to work, but thank-you for your concern…
Not it you want to do more than pay for ammo and lost drones.
Yeah, if you want to replace a lost hull the pinch is really creeping in now.
And with Null so heavily nerfed the stuff coming into Jita ( and going out in some cases ) may prove harder to sell.
It’s a good job this is just a game
I had to think about this.
Out in Null the newbs were dropping like flies due to Blackout.
The Cyno-nerf hits the Rich-kids.
Charging the faction for Local ( Concord charging ) may well level the playing field a bit. If the caps want sub-caps for tackle etc then they have to pay Concord for Local.
In Lore Concord gains new resources from Capsuleers, & then hires in some more people. Like a normal Govt.
I think levelling the playing field is not a bad thing. I can’t even fly a Rorq properly, & yet there are those running 6-7 Rorqs at a time, so I do see the problem ( as do others in my faction ).
At least they are keeping the supply lines open with Jump Freighters & covert cynos, but…
Newbs dropping like flies due to a lack of Local. That doesn’t fit in with the current ideology of having it a bit more newb-friendly, with the Rich Kids paying up a bit more ( what is needed in my opinion ).
As for the market shift ( OP ) that is all the more reason to switch Local back on. Newbs can’t just absorb losses like the Rich kids can. They have to grind & build. And in a sandbox grinding & building is needed.
Also: I also remember back in 19-dickety-blah. And I also remember pre-2008 spending power. It’s only just coming back now, after a lost decade, so the glory-days of EVE are… the past. In my patch at least consumer debt is not the best.
I don’t like bots either, but black-out was like dropping a brick on a bunch of smarties with the aim of only crushing the blue one. Lore may be Lore, but hopefully Concord will respond soon.
In what way?
Suicide Cyno now costs a fortune. Moving caps now is much harder. Rorq saves are harder.
It’s actually overkill IMHO, but CCP is CCP.
The scaling of Rorqs is the big issue. The Null Ore Mountains ( it’s what they are ).
Supers & Titans were supposed to be rare. Now they are common. That only happens when A TON of ore is coming in. People flying fleets of Rorqs from 1 box. The Rich Kids.
Killing a Rorq helps ( game balance ).
Black-out is just making it easy to kill people barely into a Myrmidon. It’s kinda pointless for the sake of balance. People head out to Null, lose a mint, come back, and… 4% retention rate for new players etc.
Rorqs dropping is Rorqs dropping. That would be the way to get rid of excess resource, & dial back the super-cap thang a bit.
But how?
Bomber’s Bar are newb-friendly, and they do it.
And killing Excavs helps. Again Bombers.
Leshak Whaling Fleets do well, but sub-cap response fleets & local carriers can take them down.
I can’t think of another way.
The Local thing is hurting the smaller players badly in my experience. It’s a bad play. But hitting the Rorqs is a needed mechanic.
If Fleets in Null had local sub-caps & Carriers to help defend Rorqs then that would be some fun play. It would also make it harder to mega-mine places a bit, but…
Once one system is mined out you all jump next door. Hammer that system.
I think we’re heading back to simply limiting the Ore spawned per day here. If there is less Ore on grid you won’t get Ore Mountains.
It’s better than smashing small sub-cap players.
If Concord charges for Services in Null then that would certainly reduce the ISK Mountains flagged up as a problem.
Concord charges for Asset-safety. You have to give ISK back to Concord ( where all ISK comes from really ).
But that isn’t enough.
Which is why I think Concord charging for the provision of Local out in Null might fix things. More ISK taken out of the game by Concord.
ISK goes in, ISK comes out, hey-presto.
ISK Mountains & Ore Mountains. Big issues from what I understand.
30 mil is not a fortune.
Why are those people in Null? Thats a flat question btw, not criticism of a players choice to go there.
Except why would the Blocs bother paying when they dont need it?
My understanding is that Force-recons ( for normal cyno ) cost a bit more than 30m ISK. And 30m ISK is more than 3m isk ( the old way ). If I’m wrong then fair enough.
Adventure & excitement in space. Why else would you play a space game? But if it’s too hard then they won’t get the real world fun-factor.
Choice. The Big blocs may well be fine, but are the smaller blocks?
Games are supposed to be fun.
Correct. But Cov Opsing in the Blops carrying the cyno is only an extra 30mil on top of what you already have.
And lets be honest here, 350mil isnt really a block to a Bloc. Its not like they dont have them or are unable to produce them anyway.
I grant you, but surely there should be a large amount of risk for what there is to gain over High Sec? I guess Im probably wrong, but Im not sure Null should be new player friendly. At least not if they want some kind of sense of progression.
What about them?
True, but one game cannot cater to all tastes. EvE does a great job of catering to the big successes (Blocs) as well as those who dont like optimised playstyles (me).
My feelings about EvE’s middle class are not productive, and so I cant really comment on how they feel.
But anyway my question was really that if the target of current changes is supposedly Blocs, then why are the changes more easily worked around by the biggest and smallest players?