Worst game ever

This is someone who, if real, wasn’t targetted enough as a new player, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN WINK WINK NUDGE.


If we had beat some sense into him when he was little we would’ve made him a respectable EVE player.
We as a community failed you OP.

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Eve is dead again. Long live Eve.

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Its true.


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The horse is not sick, nor is it resting, stunned, or pining for the fjords.

It’s a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! If you weren’t beating it with a stick it’d be pushing up the daisies!
It’s metabolic processes are now history, it’s kicked the bucket, shuffled off this mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisible!!

This is an ex-horse.

The horse is dead, and people have been beating it since 2003.



Why else would you be playing a game?

–Confused Gadget

Please Use EvE Responsibly.

–A public service message from the Department of Gadget


TIL my right eye is worth a super, now I regret not buying one for all my characters.


Let us look at the evidence, shall we?

I postulate the opening poster’s quandary may be related to his lack of earning power. Did he, perchance, decide to test out a botting program, only to find he had become immediately flagged by CCP’s bot detection algorithm? Perhaps he is thin-skinned and quit over a potential wardec, fearing the loss of his mighty 20b ISK? His killboard doesn’t necessarily warrant a ragequit, it seems he is quite used to losing ships.

Who knows, I doubt the opening poster will share the true reason with us regardless.


<---- Hello Kitty Online is that way.

Her 2 pod losses in Geminate when she tried to reach Horde capital through BWF, then she left… Priceless.

how much are those going for these days? my wallet has been getting a bit heavy and i’ve been looking for something to burn it on.

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Only 13? Pff. Amateur =D

Right eye monocles are around 9b isk at the moment I believe. Left ones are closer to 200 billion.

The last few sold for around 20billion in jita (right), there are now 4 for sale for 35 billion.

Edit, buy orders are around 20billion hahaha.

To be fair, my account has been active since late 2013 and I only have about 12 bill in assets at any given time.

Depends on how much you grind, I don’t.

Bye! ,

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imo if you’re having fun doesn’t matter if you have 200 billion, 20, 2, or 20 million.

OP, frankly nobody cares if you dramatically flounce off in an enraged huff, sorry.

Many people have played this game over the years. Some have stayed for a long time, some have decided they would leave for their reasons, a few decide others will care about their dramatic departure announcement. Human nature, maybe. Eve is real.

Moved from General Discussion to Out of Pod Experience.


Nevermind then, I’m marginally wealthier than I thought in that case lol

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