WoW vs. EvE

You can take your agist crap and go take a running jump.

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Because ccp directly interacts with the economy in eve, aside of what people think. they directly add things to the market and intervene to keep this at a specific isk value. This has been stated as such by ccp many times, for many years on end.

Some reason people think that ccp does not interact with the economy, why, its beyond me.

Wow ironically does not generally have as much interaction. Ironically, wow is more player driven then eve (go figure).

We are not comparing wow and eve, we are comparing the effects of casual vs hardcore catering. Wow and eve are just a straw man term we use to ultimately mean the above (Casual/hardcore) or more appropriately egotism vs its counterpart).

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blackout only slows some of the isk farming, the issue is other than a tax here and there, theres not a lot of isk sink that remove isk from eve like other games having NPC markets. No one goes and gets insurance incase they die anymore and other than taxes on market or pi, or LP market isk sink. there are people so spacerich in this game now they corner markets or have so much stock in ships and equipment you could never blow everything up.

In WoW one can disappear for weeks or month at a time and come back as if nothing happened. EVE requires playing commitment

u cant compare wow to eve they are total diffrent games!!

(vanilla/classic) wow is a teampark based casual mmorpg were the focus is on doing quests/raids in groups and also having world pvp as endgame feature! also u can craft some items to get some bonus in pve/pvp but the best items u will get from instances/raids/npc drop

(retail) wow is a dumbed down version of the orginal wow where the focus is on the lowest type of casual! the whole game is now playd solo besides some raids which u do with random groups over a raidfinder tool! every social aspect of the game is removed which makes this game a solo rpg with online coop option! (guess why they lost 10million players over the years lol)

eve online is a sandbox space mmorpg were the focus is on crafting, pvp and guild(corp) and grouppllay! 99% of the world is controlled by the playerbase! besides some minor npc/pve events the players form the world with what they do and how they play! the social aspect in this game is much bigger than in any other standard/teampark based mmorpg like wow! every item is made and controlled by the players!!

also there arent any real rules for pvp like in world of warcraft (besides concord which just punish players for killing other people in highsec)! in world of warcraft (vanilla) u had to choose between pvp or pve server. on pvp server u had open pvp, on pve server u had to flag for pvp otherwise noone could attack u (thats why these servers were calld carebear servers back in the day lol) also i heard stories that u could get a ban on pvp server for killing one and the same player over and over again but idk if that is true! on retail wow, there is no real world pvp anymore and u only have arena fight with 2vs2 or 5vs5 but i dont see this as real pvp more like as esport mini game!

both games got a whole diffrent combat system, wow is more like a traditional action rpg system and eve is more like a strategy space rpg system (idk how to call it lol but its fun :D)

in my opinion the biggest diffrence of these games is that wow is more focus on ur singleplayer adventure were u have the option to play coop with or against other people! its not really needed u can do most of the game solo without saying one word to another player! u are THE hero of the world! it is ur story!

in eve online the social aspect is one of the main selling points of the game! u are just one dude of many thousands trying to survive in new eden galaxy! being in a group isnt just more fun it even gives u alot more options in the game and also makes u gives u a bigger chance to survive! with a huge group of friends/players or a giant corp u can own a huge part of this world!
u can make ur own rules in this part! u controll what is going on in this part! its a sandbox, were u get some tools to have fun with and the players create their own content!

also it is important how other people see u in this game! if u steal from people, kill everyone and lie u will have a hard time in this game! if u help other people and get there trust u will see that more people are willing to help u if u have a hard time with something!

all this stuff u wont find in wow or in most of todays mmorpgs anymore and it was one of the biggest reasons why i joind eve online! its the last real mmorpg in my eyes!

all these new solo carebear friendly mmos are just scam in my eyes! solo games that costs money each month and item shops to milk ur credit card! ton of rules that prevent social interaction because they call it gank or they report u because they hate to see other people in a online game… times have changed in the mmo market and in todays gamer communities… and its really really bad!!!

lets everyone hope that someday we gonna get real mmorpg back like ultima online, star wars galaxies etc…

if ccp now starts to transform eve into the same casual solo game crap, then im done with mmo! i lost too many awesome games because of that reason and we have way too many of these crap games which die like flys and only exist for making fast money!


That’s because they don’t have world PvP.

It’s that simple.

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Well in WOW people actually log-in.

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For those who don’t know what WoW is like:


Oh you snuck this in when I didn’t have my tinfoil hat on! :fearful:

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I had a harder time playing WoW PVP servers than playing Eve.

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yes thats true it falls under harassment, per the EULA of Eve you can be banned for harassment if you kill a person and they move, so you move with them to kill them some more, however if the person does not leave the area where combat is than its not harassment.

also making people targets like Codes red pen is a layer of harassment, they were warned by a GM not to do.


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I see the same Democrat got you too lol

they really should change the eula then and tell people to quit the game if they want to tell others how to play the game!! the world in eve is playd by its Players and not by the devs! so pls let leave the rules to the players/corps and owner of each sector! me and my corp have fights against code and because of em we have some really great stories! i dont want em to leave the game just because a handfull of carebears cant handle online gaming! if u think pvp is harassment pls leave the internet and play offline games! there u will be 100% safe, no pvp and no social gameplay! u will be the hero!! no reason to report :slight_smile: !!

i play mmos since the 90s and the reason i play em is not pve! the reason i play em is the social interaction with or against other players!!! if i want a awesome pve game i would play Skyrim or something else! but the core of any mmo is the social interaction with/against other players and the fun and problems that comes with it!! making rules just flattens this aspect and makes it boring!!

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well they had pvp worlds on their old pvp Servers but… they removed it and made the game for retarded people and lost 10million players lol

IF you’d like this i can show you many video’s of the economists saying this. And then we can go to patch notes or pricing history to demonstrate how its still taking place. Have a look at amarr command ship prices over the last few years when your next logged in. Its clear that some people tried to manipulate the values, as they changed (in price) significantly many times in the last few years. this shows that ccp is actively still manipulating the economy.

Further more, No gaming economy can be fully player driven and remain stable. Out side third parties, and players are actively trying to crash, consume, and inflate pricing for their self benefit. it’s unrealistic of players to assume that the economy is only player created, and further more, there is no evidence this is the case (its purely conjecture).

I am active in wow atm, there is 80-160man fights constantly through out the day (in open world in naj (a new zone)


Kinda hard to compare eve and WoW. They have some similarities though. I think most of the gear in WoW comes from dungeons and raid drops. And of course the gear makes you stronger. How would that work in EvE? I can’t even imagine it. The reward loops in eve and wow are super different.

But maybe you can compare a WoW raid to a headquarters fleet? And just replace Exp grinding with passive skilling…

Ah who cares. Now that were on the topic, I would like to add some sexy dark elves to EvE’s races. No pandas though, that would break the immersion.