WoW vs. EvE

WoW vs EVE = comparing blind man and marksman. They are humans but nothing else is similar. Good troll topic and lack of game understanding.

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I still dont know why this mudslinging topic is open


Yes, because it is a shite game.

I agree.

Ccp could not dream to have a game like wow. The designers are not smart enough for it.

We here of wow clones all over. Exactly how many eve clones do we hear of?

WoW is hardly original.

But you are saying that EvE designers are bad BECAUSE they have ideas not repeated a million times before.

So exactly what does originality have to do with it?


Wow is extremely original. This is like arguing eve is not original, because there are lots of games in the same genre, and its utter stupidity. Every game itself is unique. They may be from the same genre, or have a few things that are similar, but that does not many them copies of each other.

Yes they are. Your just ignorant and dont see it. Lets go over this.

Kill mobs in wow, get items from drops…
Kill rats in eve, get items from drops…
Do quests in wow…
Do missions in eve…
Kill elites in wow…
Kill rares in eve…
Change gear in wow…
Change modules in eve…
The list go’s on and on and on…

Btw, did you know that wow had rank on skills in it? Why is eve copying wow?

You do know that Eve was released before WoW? You are aware of that?


In what way?

Nearly everything about it was old 20 years before it was released!

One original thing; go on.

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I’m still upset your CSM campaign was stopped. Was that by ccp or you? If it was by you I’m sure it was for reasonable reasons like you didn’t want to put your family through the process or something. If it was by ccp then it was obviously a travesty of justice… I mean, just because ccp has usually only stopped CSM campaigns of candidates where they found bad problems involved (such as that one guy they found out who was an actual neo-nazi) I’m sure everything about your campaign was pure and good and right.



In WoW your useless until your max level. In Eve you can be hero tackle day 1.


And die to the onslaught of super capital fleets. Don’t even try it.

No. Eve’s non beta version was released before wow’s none beta version, but wow was b eing tested in early 2003. Also at these stages of early play, eve was a mess. We had all sorts of stupid things, and eve was no where near now with what it had for ship options. In fact, battleships at that point did not exist for another few months, forget about capitals.

Doggam kid, do you even know what hero tackle even is?

Where as WoW never changed an itoa since day 1?

Jury will disregard this evidence as irrelevant.


Ever been to a WH. No supers so your argument is invalid.


you obviously hang out in the trash area’s of wh space.

No literally you cant get supers into WHs idiot.

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Supers can be built in c5/c6 Just so you know. welcome to eve.

Says the guy who continually demonstrates how much he does not know about EvE…

You’ve got to be trolling, Naari…I want to think you aren’t actually so dim despite Occam’s Razor.