YC 121 New Eden Capsuleer's Writing Contest

Reposting to clarify as some people thought it was another date. Plenty of time and we have 16 submissions so far!
I’ll try to list those in the next update.


Fully aware my writing skills may be lacklustre at best and this is no entry for any sort of competition but for any that are learned on such matters and have the time to reply via ingame mail i would love some feedback on the ‘fiction’ part of this page.
Not that i will change anything just yet i’d really just like some different pov, maybe some advice and so on… please? :stuck_out_tongue:


Submission acknowledged, thank you!

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Updated OP with the 23 entries so far!

There’s about three weeks left and plenty of chances to win a prize so hope to see more Capsuleers share their poems, stories, and work.

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You can add my topic in the contest at the “PROSE - NON FICTION/ACADEMIC/NEWS”.



Thank you for your submission!

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Ten days or so left! Updated OP with current (as of today) list of submissions :slight_smile:


For your consideration:

An Entirely Fictional Account of an Entirely Fictional Incident


Thank you for your entry!


New Entry (is it acceptable to enter an incomplete work?):



if that is your submission and your intent, yes it is. You do have another 9 days to try to finish if you’d like. Deadline is May 15th.

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Not sure I have anything worthy. I tried last time but my reward was held back on a contract during vacation, and it expired… that, and I didn’t receive any criticism… I don’t know if any of my three entries were bad or not.
I’m just going to assume they were, since no one said anything.

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Sometimes you have to share something irrespective of whether it will win anything, be read by anyone, or be any good.

It’s worth just getting it out there sometimes for your own benefit.


ISK Awards for this contest have always been sent directly to the wallet not via contract.

I think you are thinking of Pod and Planet which did have some physical items and which you entered last year. I just checked their page and you did indeed get a third prize for Abyssal Nightmares :slight_smile:

Let me know. Happy to help you sort. I can try talk to Telegram Sam if you are not able to get in touch with him.

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I did? I didn’t know I actually got the third place award… but I’ve already sent a message to TS, he hasn’t responded, and it’s been a while since.

And as for you, Baracca (trying to refrain from saying barraki), I suppose… but all I can think of is that suit, and being stuck in it, and the life around being in it and so forth. It’s a meme in its own right, and it’s wormed into my head.

I could do something based on that, but how…?


I do believe this is the opportunity to explain what Sakabkei’s condition is… and describe the suit a little more…


It sounds like a fascinating topic! Though perhaps you should get started writing, then. The deadline fast approaches!


You underestimate the power of my CreatiDrive, Baracca. Once I set my mind to something, nothing short of a nuclear detonation will stop me from completing the task.

And one of my affinities is crafting tales and spinning yarns.

Just watch. By the end of tonight, the story will be up.


And as promised, here it is. “The Talk of Tintoh”.

For anyone who is interested, this is part submission, part player fiction that is easier to post on forums that it is to execute in game… so make of that what you will.


You know, one is not enough. True to last year’s form, and as part of the invasion of threes, I’m going to make two more. One for each.


…when I have an idea for the other two.


Have at it!