Yet Another Skilling Spree

While she used a sledgehammer to get her point across, which I mostly agree with (full disclosure), it still is quite valid. For 15 years people like her has been warning EVE to not appease the carebear too much as it will kill the core concepts of EVE. Sadly CCP did listen and has made HS safer and safer over the years and while I will not outright draw a simple cause and effect conclusion, it does seem pretty obvious that a safer HS has made EVE worse.

That’s where the anger, frustration and hostility comes from. The Space Stardew Valley Farmer types are killing the game…


I have rarely actively sought out a fight, but when pvp has found its way to me and deprived me of a ship. i have both learned, and moved on from the experience. I remember the old days of fitting up a battleship to avoid the seasonal miner purges and the time some guys tried to arty hurricane snipe my officer fit shield legion… lol

Theres also times where i have lost ships to ganks or to losing straighht up pvp to better pilots. The fun thing about eve is that you dont have to blow up ships to pvp. pve in eve is also pvp with contests loot ninjas and scan site ninjas. Theres mining and trader wars and all that stuff.

This isnt like halo where the pvp is solely limited to killing players over and over and I find that is cool


Being completely honest here, posting a clip from that film just got you a whole heap of bonus points

Bloody good job with that one!

To the rest of you: See this? Do you? More links of clips featuring Topol, Yul Brinner, Lee Van Cleef, Telly Savalas and the like instead of flashing animated cats will raise other peoples’ respect for you. Learn from this example.


Yeah when I see these back-and-forth arguments in the threads all the time I’m like:
The Good, The Bad, and the Fugly


Yep, and this should tell you something. When the game has been going this way literally since the day it began maybe this is a hint to you that this is how EVE works? If you want a PvE farming game then go play WoW, stop trying to turn EVE into something that it isn’t.

Other playstyles are just to feed pvp and 'nobody of us cares what ‘trash like you want or do’)

Why should we care about farmer trash like you? You just solo farm your menial PvE tasks and avoid interaction as much as possible. You aren’t content for anyone, you’re just dumb enough to pay $15/month to CCP. If you all docked up for the duration of a PvP event nobody would care, your nonexistent contributions to the game would not be missed.

Seriously, tell me what you offer to the game other than incessant whining on the forums about how unfair it is that PvP exists and you don’t have enough easy farming ISK handed to you?

You’re right!

(Sorry, just absolutely couldn’t resist :wink: )

Why is there no more “Skilling Spree” announcement in the Launcher window or when we log in ?

Why the “EVE Portal” App doesn’t notify us informing the beginning of “Skilling Spree” ?

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Because nobody cares. Not even CCP.

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The SP task spree was included when they announced the weekend log-in special, but for some reason it wasn’t activated until after the log-in special was over.


By the way, will somebody please tell that whiny bitch Merin Ryskin to stop crying about PvP and start doing it in-game. She’s cried so much salt here these forums now look like the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.

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This only teaches ONE thing : That you and your kind are not willing to learn that in todays mmog world your approach is outdated and should not be taken serious anymore…

I must ask WHY CCP 'made highsec ‘safer and safer’ '?

Just because they love it to loose contact to ‘their playerbase’`?
Or is it in opposite to this not more reasonable to say that ‘the playerbase of mmog’ changed that way and ccp just reacts to that?

It’s only you that stays stubborn in your pvp bubble and deny changes that CCP realized to be necessary a long time ago…

YOU are the only ones that opposed EVERY SINGLE change ccp made,even warp to 0 was ‘too WOW like’,this example alone shows how ridiculous your arguments are…

The bottom line of it all is rather simple…you don’t want a BETTER eve,you want YOUR eve…

And that’s stupid in a changing mmog world…

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Eve is a unique game. Do you understand why it is unique?

Yes because PVP was spoiled way too long and eve is the only game that forget to stop it at the right time…

And now the price has to be paid… a shrinking playerbase…

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So why are you here? Pick almost any other game to farm. Let us have our last remaining holdout.

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That’s exactly what was stated in the launcher announcement. 4 days to log in three times for free SP, and then the kill tasks would start on the 28th, which they did. So, they’re following what they originally said, they’re just not saying it any more!

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No. The game working fine for 16 years does not teaches that it’s approach is outdated. That’s the exact opposite.

Your sentence is an insult to logic itself.

Yes, our tastes and what we love to do in a video game did not change.

Are you saying people are stubborn if they refuse to somehow magically modify their tastes?

An other insult to logic itself.

Oh woh woh woh. This one deserve an answer. Hypocrisy over 9000 detected.

Making the game BETTER means that you are doing improvements on what already exist.

What you want to do is to CHANGE the core of the game to transform it into something else. You don’t want the current EvE, you want an other EvE.

YOU are the one who do not want a better EvE, YOU are the one who want YOUR EvE.


We don’t care about your “changing world”, tho I would take some time in the next paragraph to explain why you don’t even understand the changes you are talking about.

Nobody and nothing have the right to force us to change our TASTES. And if you are telling me that I don’t have the right to like what I like anymore because “mMo ArE cHaNgInG”, the only answer you deserve is to watch me rise my middle finger in your direction.

Almost every MMORPG has already “changed” to fit your tastes. You are here to force this change on a game made for people who like something else. Let me tell you the truth: Your behaviour is extremely selfish and disgusting.

Thanks for proving you have no clue or undersanding on this subject.

The playerbase of the ENTIRE MMORPG genre is shrinking. For every single one of them, MMORPG players are more and more rare everyday. Yet, almost every MMORPG is heavily PvE oriented.

If I had to use your own logic to analyse this fact, then it looks like the only thing this situation is showing us, is that PVE is doing hardcore damages to the genre.

But that’s not all.

If you look at what is actually popular this days, for the Online PC Games category, it’s:

->Battle Royal
->First person shooters

Yes, my dear child. ALL of them are heavily PvP oriented. Some of them do not even include a single bit of PvE at all.

Particulary since the rise of E-Sport, PvP has known MUCH more success than PvE for anything happening Online.

Your entire reasoning is ridiculous, selfish, and goes against the real facts everybody can see with their own eyes.

If EVE fails to obtain New Players, it’s because it require quite a lot of investment and patience, meanwhile the modern gamer much prefer games where you can just log-in, do a game in maximum 30 minutes, and leave to come back later.

It is certainly NOT because of the PvP focus, and everything that is actually happening in the gaming sphere show how clueless you are.


And all of them failed…

BADLY…compared to the expectations…

Which has the reason i stated…

You do realise League is still a thing right?

Pretty sure DOTA 2 is still being played. In fact, here you go over 500k online through Steam alone 16 hours ago. Even if it was ONLY 10% of that it is still a figure that massively overshadows EVE (unfortunately) and you are trying to say they all failed badly?

Honestly man, step back from this. Even if only for a while please just take a step back from this cos just shouting things isn’t helping any sort of argument and it really isn’t helping you. If you want to carry on with this then fine but don’t do it now, take a break from it for a bit and then come back to it fresh.

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How about grow a pair and do it yourself…



Did you even read a single line of my post?

The games I’m speaking about in the part you quoted are literally number 1 on Twitch and in terms of number of actives users as I write this post.

Are you gonna tell me that LoL and Fortnite are failures, just to give the two obvious examples?..

Right now at the second of posting this, LoL as more spectators than WoW, despite WoW being hosting it’s race to World First, which is it’s biggest event that only happen two times a year, and LoL being just in a normal day.

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And what farmer trash like you doesn’t seem to understand is that CCP keeps buffing your farming at the expense of PvP and the player base is still shrinking. If what you claimed is true we would see increases in player counts after effectively removing highsec wars, reversing the nullsec blackout, etc. But we don’t.

And you know why that is? It’s because farmer trash is a plague on games. It shows up in a new game, demands instant gratification access to the endgame content and loot with zero investment of effort or intelligence, and quits soon after because they have “won” the game and now it is boring. And eventually the burden of pandering to farmer trash kills the game, but the trash doesn’t care because it has already moved on to demanding more free stuff from the next unfortunate victim.