You now have infinite money

Isk is useless, so everyone can afford a mining permit!

I would hold tournaments in tiers. One for the new players, one for the not-so-new and one for the veterans, with prices like 5B isk, structures, moons and complete P.I operations.
The winners could only participate again after 6 months.

I would also start a Escort Corporation. No, not that escort, a bunch of PvP-aversed players willing to escort haulers to their destination for a hefty price. And if the hauler gets destroyed I would reimburse everything lost. No tears.

I would also invade Jita with an army of ships every week, shoot down anything that’s not docked or flies through.

I would also invade a random Nullsec system every week and invite anyone who wants to participate, newbies welcome.

I would also create an army whose sole job would be to destroy POCOs with rich rewards for each one destroyed.

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This is the reason I allow myself to be bullied by the leader of a crime syndicate in a video game.
Josie McMiner was asking and perhaps Princess could help me explain such to him.

What would you do if everyone had a permit?

Have to disagree, the casino wars proved money can be a huge factor. Its not the only factor but it can change anything.

Both the existence of a casino magnet and casinos being shut down both created a powerful faction then destroyed it.

I’d focus on Tier 2 sales.

Oh. I didn’t realize Tier 2 permits were available.

The problem with Ganking is not related to ISK. As I have discussed and pointed out to you multiple times. You are not stupid and are fully aware of why Ganking (In it’s current form) is bad for EvE and needs to be rebalanced.

It is the one of the major reason New players don’t stay, and older players leave in droves. When 70+ % of all the Canceled subs reasons are “The game is too toxic”. You have a problem.

Sure, ganking is an integral part of EvE. I have never said it wasn’t. But their needs to be equal consequences which effect the Gankers play time just as significantly as it effects the people being ganked.

15 minuets and a .01 Security loss. Is not significant, compared to Weeks of lost time, and Effort on the part of the player who was ganked, is not even remotely fair game play. Especially when that Ganker can do this to literally 100s of people with absolute impunity because they can just buy tags with the loot they get from the gank and still make out like a bandit.

The system is 500% completely Skewed in favor of the Ganker. In fact there is literally no reason to do anything else in EVE if your goal is to make “ISK” or get Kills. That is how Broken that system is.

All it does is Make people quit the game. And sure you can say Hey, EvEs rough. But when your the only player in space or the only other players in EVE are the gankers, You all are fully aware you will leave. Because there are no more soft targets for you to prey on. And you will go to some other Game ad be toxic there. Because that is who you are as a person. Not who you pretend to be in game.

It requires a very special type of person with a very specific mental disorder, to be ok with torturing others when you know for a fact your actions will cause real trauma to the individual.

This is what Ganking is 90% of the time.

~ Your not fighting a target that can fight back,
~ Your not attacking a trade convoy of an Enemy alliance to stop their supply lines
~ Your not attacking an enemies resource points and mining fleets to stop their production etc etc.
~ Your not trying to force people out of an area so you can take over ownership (and yes you can do this even in highsec).
~ Your doing anything for any actual legitimate reason or purpose which would require you attacking and killing an unarmed vessal you don’t even know.

Sure Pirates do this. Absolutely so maybe your reason is your a pirate. Fantastic. And this would 100% be a valid reason IF their were actual consequences which were meaningful to you in Game mechanics wise. Which there are not. And you know it.

So this type of gameplay does not fit in with the EvE Moto “Actions have consequence’s”. Because lets be real. Again there is absolutely NO consequence for being a ganker in highsec. The benefits FAR outweigh any puny or punitive token measures in place which only serve as an excuse that can be given when confronted with this issue.

So you lose your ship. And get a 15 Minuet red Timer. Who cares? The Ganker certainly doesn’t. I mean hell why even blow up their ship at all? It’s pointless because they are right back at is with 0 pause with another ship.

A claim that is simply not true…

Yet another untruth. The average gank security loss is about 0.16 security status. I know, as I have done ganking. Three ganks and you’ve lost 0.5 security status. On top of that, if you don’t want to spend hours ratting to make up that loss, clone soldier tags cost upwards of 40m ISK. Each one covers 0.5 security status…so about 13m ISK per gank. AND a 6m ISK ‘Concord Fee’ on top of that. Throw in the fact that a good T2 Catalyst itself costs 13m ISK or so, and one is talking about 28m ISK per gank.

Thus ganking itself is not exactly cheap. Three T2 Catalysts ganking a 90m ISK barge barely cover the cost of the gank. That’s the reality.

Can you link to the data sources you have available to make these claims? I would be interested to look at the methods how these data points were collected and analyzed!

Can you explain this claim in detail? Which mechanics gankers use to make their kills cannot be countered easily by their targets?

Link to your data source please.

Can you link some evidence that you are an expert on the diagnosis of mental disorders? Can you link some evidence that people who got ganked experience real out-of-game trauma? Can you present any court decisions that one of those people got any kind of compensation or therapy funding after being ganked?

Thats exactly what pirates do.

How comes that you are the one deciding that a ‘valid’ reason is?

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Nope, I actually don’t think it’s bad for the game.

I was a new player once, and I stayed because of ganking - so my personal experience contradicts your unevidenced claim.

It sure is.

There is, it’s harder to gank than it is to AFK mine, so gankers are playing with a significant disadvantage. If you think it’s easy, go try it yourself.

That’s not true.

That’s not true either.

Is that true? I don’t think so.


What do you propose? Hanging pirates from London Bridge?

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One’s first gank is probably one of the most adrenalin inducing experiences in Eve. I was in a group of 4 gankers, and we all had to hit the target for the gank to succeed. So…no pressure at all ! I succeeded on the first gank, but shot the wrong target on the second one…d’oh. It is not easy at all. Technically it is just target, scramble, move in closer, and hit F1, but one has mere seconds in which to do this and a single fumble and you let the whole team down. That pressure is the hard part.

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I never said people’s first deaths in game were ganks. Stop making ■■■■ up.

I said , The #1 Reason people stop playing EvE. Is because of Toxic Behavior and Ganking.

You are fully aware that most ganks in Highsec are carried out not by individuals in groups, but by 1 person with a mimic program and 15 alts. There is one in one of the systems I go through every day who literally addmits it and trolls people telling them please report him to CCP because they don’t care.

Every Ganker in Highsec I speak to does this. Because when you involve other people you have to share the loot. So after expenses you as individual make nothing. And the gank is not worth your time generally.

They are reported to CCP multiple times with screenshots of the chats. And yet every day they are still there. I actually have a ticket were CCP admits and says the current way ganking is being done is in fact an Exploit under the Eula, but they wont do anything about and do not, because it would “Interfere with individuals playstyles”. Among other BS reasons.

So Again, stop making ■■■■ up.

No one is saying that ganking can not be fun.

No one is saying Ganking should not be allowed.

We are saying that it is being abused. And new systems need to be put in place to make the consequence’s more relevant and meaningful to the highsec ganker.

Have you ever noticed that everyone who complains about ganking has one thing in common - no killboard activity, and no evidence they play the game.

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You stil missed to deliver your hard data points for this claim. Please, you surely have a source for everyone to peer review?

This thread is both rather interesting and funny at the same time.

The funny part is we’re now Y125 and if Frostpacker holds onto all the inward isk this month it will recover most of the 5b deficit from the entire Y124 account.

That is CCPs own data…not some made up story like the stuff you relate. Where does it say ‘first deaths’ ? You were the one who spouted the totally unproven claim that “It is the one of the major reason New players don’t stay”…yet the data clearly shows that only 1% of noobs are ganked within the first 15 days of play.

Now you try to pretend that…

“I said , The #1 Reason people stop playing EvE. Is because of Toxic Behavior and Ganking.”

but that is simply not true. You said…and this is what I responded to…

"The problem with Ganking is not related to ISK. As I have discussed and pointed out to you multiple times. You are not stupid and are fully aware of why Ganking (In it’s current form) is bad for EvE and needs to be rebalanced.

It is the one of the major reason New players don’t stay… "

So you can’t even get your own statements of 10 posts ago correct…why should anyone believe what made up characters allegedly told you in-game ?