-1 All This Scarcity Has Made Me Scarce

I just hope their scarcity changes are impacting resource stockpiles the way they had hoped. Not sure if they have a blog updating you guys on things, or if they are just quietly monitoring stockpiles across New Eden. Regardless if it is having the effect they had hoped then maybe that’ll be a good thing.

They took a huge and necessary gamble at base, but with an extremely and poorly thought out execution, which results in the stockpile not diminishing but simply disappearing as subs and players leave.

Thing is they still might reappear, and the problem at base would not have been fixed, because it’s beyond fixing at this current state, and they know it too.


Based on the economic report data, it appears that the impact of scarcity has leveled off to a ‘new normal’. That just means that whatever CCP was intending to have happen during scarcity has happened. They study this data inside and out, so I’d expect they’ll next determine what a non-scarcity phase looks like (ramping up income generation beyond what it is now, but nowhere close to what it was during the abundance phase).

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Great at least they can then start to rapidly initiate the non scarcity phase in increments, hopefully sooner rather than later, if it is truly hurting their player retention. I remember Goons taking full advantage of crabbing in Nullsec and being total degenerates and it worked out very well for them. Yet, all that crabbing just ended up destroying the underlying economy apparently.

It reminds me of the balancing that was done to mining over in Elite: Dangerous prior to the introduction of fleet carriers. That was for a very specific purpose, though. They made sure everyone got rich off deep coring so that the new platforms were broadly affordable before collapsing the market for void opals. Oddly enough, that balancing got Frontier nowhere fast. Now, with the absolute travesty that is Odyssey, they’re set to bleed even more numbers. Significant numbers, in fact. The new expansion is the most hated Frontier product ever. The way it’s been going over there has actually made me thankful that CCP killed the CQ and all the “Walking” in favor of just keeping this a spaceship game.

That said, I’m still sore we never got atmospheric flight.

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I’ve watched a lot of people quit over the years because of some change, and what I’ve found is that the common trait I see is lack of willingness to adapt to the situation. EVE is almost completely different from when I started playing in 2007. I’ve had to shift gears more than a dozen times with what I do in game, but I always found a way.

Even after everything CCP could do to get me to quit, I’m still playing, not because I’m special, but because (a) I refuse to let CCP chase me away lol, and (b) there is always something NEW to get into. Most of the people I’ve known who quit didn’t even try to get into something else.

EVE is about change, even changes we don’t necessarily want at the time. If we can’t stand change we shouldn’t play a game about change.


There is an law in evolution which also apply to EVE: if a species (EVE: player) overspecializes into an niche, it will die out (EVE: quit) unless it is able to adapt to an environmental change.


This is exactly what happens in EVE. I mean, why would you try to sell for a higher price if someone else doesn’t just to sell their products before you sell yours. That’s how EVE markets work, after all. And since you cannot easily correct your prices down after you set an order for a higher price – thanks to ridiculous broker and order adjustment fees --, there is no incentive to setup an sell order for higher prices just yet because someone else will always undercut you until pre built stocks ran dry. That, however, can take months in case of battleships to years for capitals.

Still confused?


Why wouldn’t you buy out the under-production items and relist them for above-production prices? :thinking:

If you expect to make more by changing your price (more than about a 2.5% difference for an unmodified relist fee), why wouldn’t you? If the product price increases by something crazy like 50% due to material restructuring, it seems like a common sense response would be to adjust your orders up instead of committing to your initial price because you don’t want to pay a relist fee…

…But I don’t know. I’m pretty new to this whole “EVE” thing and only made something like 5-10 trillion ISK as my sole source of income in this game aside from the 50 wormhole sites I once ran in 2010, so I probably have no clue what I’m talking about.

They announced the changes at the end of March or something like that, right?


God, none of this makes any sense to me. I wish I stayed in school instead of becoming a Twitch titty streamer. :cry:

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Because you never know when CCP releases more updates to the system that would then reduce the price of these items again due to higher material supply and crumbling prices before you could sell off the hundreds of battleships that you bought before to keep prices up. But if you want to buy out every battleship anywhere in high sec that is listed for under production value go ahead and give it a try.

Because someone else will just undercut you again and again and again.

And then someone else comes along that undercuts you because they built the ships for the old prices. And then someone else. And someone else and so on and so forth. You can surely try upping the price if you don’t want to sell your items for months to come. But if you want to sell soon and don’t sit on order that could very well run out of time before market prices have caught up to production prices, you just can’t do that. :man_shrugging:

Yes, you better had stayed in school. That would have helped you with your inappropriate level of confusion.

Props to you for admitting to your own shortcomings. It is a step in the right direction. Because:

This is new:

This is old:

And this is current prices:

It’s almost as if you’re trying to tell me that in order to be successful at making money through industry and trading, a player has to perform calculations, analyze supply/demand trends, and account for factors like market speculation and price drops/rebounds stemming from game updates, instead of complaining about the developers nerfing their income and quitting the game in a fit of anger… :thinking:

…But once again, I’m no expert, and all of this is really confusing for me. So I’m going to go club some baby seals now! Bye!

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I wholeheartedly agree, in fact, I wonder the Eve Cluster hamsters were doing secret Crypto mining by some insiders due to many hiccups, performance issues, database issues, connection issues.

This scarcity thing is like Eve’s devs are trying to apply crypto market logic to the Eve economy.

Let me list out the similarity:

Changing Ore belts = chainging block rewards
changing mining meta = changing algorithm
Creating new industry components = creating new copy-paste s#itcoins

and the implication, well, players adapt!

First, instead of finding uses for their crypto stockpile, they devalue one thing and hype another (Life support Backup Unit…etc).

Players are just HODL instead and people who got the newest ASIC/FPGA/GFX (Orca, Rorqul, Porpois…etc) cards are the only one hopping on those new s#itcoins on exotic algos that are hyped, and they jump around the assets.

The clever dudes that is the blue donut and giant null blocks are the whales, they just pump and dump as all whales do.

In the end, the same problem still existed, stockpile not depleted, just lay in dormant whale wallets, instead of finding use for the current stockpile (liquidity), they just wait for an EON Musk to show up in New Eden and dump when their old stockpile moons!

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Have fun with the seals clubbing. I enjoy this activity a lot, too.

While it is true that you need to calculate things to be profitable and ahead of the curve, I rather see people quit EVE than put up with terrible development practices like these. I mean, Rattati and Psych said that the Myko gas sites should be implemented weeks before the release of the industry changes so that people could start creating gas stocks to make the transition smoother. And then they conveniently forgot to introduce more Myko gas sites until the day the changes hit the cluster. No word of apology or admitting that they made a mistake (despite knowing they forgot to implement the additional sites contrary to what they said) since. With developers like these you don’t need actual enemies in your EVE life that ruin your day.

While devs lying and/or not communicating properly is an issue, it’s a wholly separate consideration from players being angry at the developers about their incomes being “nerfed” because other players decided to sell their goods under cost.

IF you would get more loot and easier loot of scan sites, salvaging or normal wreck-loot the price would drop and you wouldnt get anything more.

At one point income would be so low that noone is interested.
Scarcity is needed in those areas to keep the value up.

You want things to be easier and to get more stuff but dont think further what this would do with economy.


It’s like, real life trading thinking that institutional candles are a myth and liquidity manipulation a fairytale to tell the children (players) …

The big boys will continue to control the money supply, no matter what CCP tries or does to “fix” the economy, and the average players will have to continue deepthroating the carrot, or choose to quit on this toxic relationship for good.

I guess you can’t read…


What we used to do for fun? We used to fleet up and go fight with our war targets. Griefing was fun, otherwise called mercenary wars.


Don’t know what you’re going on about and don’t really care.

Loot and salvage has been scarce for plenty of years now, all thanks to CCP and their constant nerf spasms. At one time players were able to have a viable salvage career but that’s been nerfed into oblivion.

Also nowhere in my post did I say I wanted it easier to get more. That’s just you projecting your own desires.

