@Sansh_Leko yes encountered the 2 spawns you mentioned quite a few times in higher tier sites their numbers of ships get even higher so you can end up dead even faster however all is thus far manageable or has a solution mostly dependant on your actions toward that spawn
I’m currently only having doubts about wether or not faction dmg mods can do the job grinding down the ehp in tier5s in time as far as tank no worries
Some suggestion for the devs can we have different icons for pylons and suppressors please?
It would help quite a bit only having to throw one glance toward them on the overview and know what it is
Well, if anyone deserved to figure it out - it was certainly you. Kudos!
Excellent point on the icons - it would really help if they were all something other than a box.
I agree with this!!! Especially as the names are now the same - starting with either short-range or medium-range.
I nearly died in a t4 filament because I flew across the pocket to a drone suppressor structure that I though was a multibody tracking pylon! Fortunately quick thinking meant the mistake wasn’t fatal.
Faction damage mods are ridiculously expensive though for only moderate increases in damage, so would they be worth the cost…? I suppose if they allow you to consistently complete tier 5 filaments successfully then yes but anything below t5 does not require them and therefore they would be prehibatively expensive in terms of fit to value ratio.
Well, that extra 5-6% (on top of full implants and drugs) could be the difference. Especially if you’re only fitting a pair of damage modifiers - that gain probably becomes even more critical.
• +10-12% from implants
• +7% from DB7 Pyrolance
• +5-6% from a pair of Faction damage modules
= +22-25% additional DPS
If you’re able to fit a third damage module (unlikely) or T2 damage rig that’s potentially another 8-10% DPS on top of that. So @Dark_Engraver, how much are you selling your fits/strategy for?
No, the tier 1 filaments will be seeded on the market - they’ll also appear in data sites, and there were bits of discussion about maybe having tier 2 show up in those as well, nothing concrete though (from chats around fanfest)
There’s no point in selling info when a big chunk of doing or dying is left to how the player reacts and adapts spawns aren’t fixed in composition either
There’s few subtle things for which ALOT of players will die until they figure out so can’t ruin the devs fun before it hits tq:)
Besides I’m sure ccp fozzie hopes abysal rats will beat the burners record
Pretty sure I read it in this thread somewhere, and the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of a 60 second gate type cloak upon entering each of the three pockets. It’s not like that’s going to stop the 20 minute timer, but it would be really nice to allow players facing things for the first time to get a look at what’s going on and come up with something resembling a plan before engaging.
I suggest we make a thread about ‘impossible spawns’ and how to deal with them. For me it is 5 triglavian battleships next to drone suppressor. Nicely spreaded, battleships will punish you if you are too slow at orbiting. And quick orbiting means your guns do not have enough DPS to kill all 5 in time…
Tier 4 gamma vagabond had some really unlucky rolling as far as EHP will highlight below what i used what i missed and how it ended.
First i had a t2 collision rig fitted 3% tracking med proj turret and all turret 3% aswel as standard blue pill.
What i missed : 5% agency dmg booster,med autocannon spec v and obviously those 3% hardwirings couldve been 5%s
What spawns i got first room got a large group of seekers with drifter bs half of the seekers(about 6-7 had tds however i did quite well on clearing them first to improve my aim on the rest)-no time wasted at all as the last seeker died i was within 10km of the bs swapped to hail and started banging on it even using about 60% off the heat on my guns and moved to about 4-5km from it ntil it died (i do this sometimes i can rep them almost entirely as i aproach the gate after).
Went to the gate poped the biocache real quick with drones was empty moved on through immediately.
2nd room a near mirro image of first room this time had half the sleepers damp half scram i moved to a tracking pylon loaded hail and started on the micromanaging drones,looking at my dmg notifications too as i was fighting them i was landing basicly perfect hits on the seekers no tracking issues,just like first room i ran to the bs finishing few more seekers that were following me when i got there same story as first room started giving it all i got,but it occured to me at this point that i have a high chance of dying the bs poped and i went for the gate with under 4mins left.
3rd room had 3-4 lucid support a seeker and 2 lucid deepwatcher bss i went for the support cleaned it real quick no time wasted i then focused on deepwatcher again as with other bs heat and siting right next to it no orbiting nothing to hurt my dmg aplication first bs died i went on the 2nd as it reached low armor my timer ran out,as it is now there is some delay after timer is out and we die so by the time the deepwatcher was nearly dead abysal space killed me.
Now if i had that 5% agency booster i may have made it who knows but gamma boosts the drifter bss the most in this case of geting 2 of them in a row and a third bs spawn in last room it shows once again ehp increase weather is not something to be favoured for site running.
I can not do level 4’s at all, even most of the level 3’s push me that bit over what I call fun and into the realm of frustrating tedium. Simply too much for me. I would test them more but lack of faction/deadspace mods on sisi markets (might need to rethink that if more content of this tier is on the books) and what I had from the last mirror are now fading memories.
Seems dependent on ships I don’t personally desire to pilot and basic bling I wont be able to afford long term… While just hurling ships into the abyss with frivolous disregard is currently jolly good fun, on TQ when it costs real isk it wont be.
That’s ok, I’m under no illusion. I’m not and have no intention (or ability) at being a isk/hour or ‘pro’ player. I play for fun. I hope it works out for those that are/can though.
The jump from 1 - 2 is however a bit extreme, especially with the amount of npc spawns and neuting going on, 2-3 less so but still significant. A odd learning curve, like going from a small step to a 10 foot wall to a 15 foot wall with a small overhang.
At least I now know my place and am content.
Cough… Except for the silly enjoyment restriction harness of the timer… Cough.
Special \o/ to the art team. Stunning works.
I shall now initiate de-commencement of test mode proceedures.
Btw CCP. You should give another 2mil SP’s to these chaps testing the lvl lvl 4 and 5’s. It takes a special determination and innate game knowledge to get to that point and you are lucky to have them. If it wasn’t for them, the content would just be a blanket too hard to test.
To you chaps managing the harder sites, top shelf, spiffing stuff.
There is always someone not as capable as you in this world, and a bit of stoicism towards them is not only more encouraging to them, but good for you too.
I think you are right about this. with the notable exception of dark matter filaments weirdly unwinable inability to apply damage, the hardest filament types are firestorm and gamma because of the sheer EHP buff. I liked your suggestions for weather effect changes but am unsure now given the proximity to release whether CCP will change it - highly unlikely.
I must say of all the turret ships ive found projectiles to be the least effective because of the tiny optimals and massive falloffs inherent in their nature - which leads to lower hit rates and even lower damage rate. at optimal + fall off you have 50% less chance to hit but 60% less damage. This is why i favour blasters over AC’s. Pulse lasers suffer due to low tracking and the ship bonuses/specs of laser ships. I still really want the zealot to be successful as it has the potential to be a great ship and is really underused. A small laser tracking buff would be required though i feel.
We had initially considered NPC seeding of the tier 1 filaments, but we decided to have the only regular supply come from data sites and from the abyss itself. We’ll be keeping an eye on the supply and making changes if needed of course.
please tell us more about your thoughts on abyssal space thus far is it where you want it to be,is more tweaking in order,ar most of the npcs acting as you want to,tell us something!
This totally sucks. So basically for the first week we’ll be dealing with:
• Cherry-picked data sites that will waste our time being scanned down (almost no point in trying, as plagues of null-sec alts will clearcut high-sec).
• An almost complete lack of any F1 filaments available on the market (due to alliance and corporation hoarding).
• For the few that do make it to market, exorbitant prices that make running Abyssal pockets cost prohibitive.
• Zero content for the vast majority of players post-release.