An Open Letter to CCP from Current and Former CSM Members on the "Prospector Pack"

same , i run punishers and coercers , wen i fell fancy i run a omen

Don’t worry, cupcake, my pockets are plenty deep.

I agree with this sentiment.

One of the players I brought in recently (last 2 years) is already able to fly most of the subcap doctrine ships from the Imperium. There are a few they can’t… but they can fly T1 logi in those.

All the successful groups I’ve been in have always looked for ways so new players can contribute to help the cause. New players don’t need to “catch up” to contribute. Veterans need to use their superior knowledge to educate new players while helping said new players find a way to contribute.

As Merk said: make a good space game and get out of our way.


There’s no official stance. You’ll have to ask each member.

I personally don’t like tether on general principle.


Yes, they were hoping you were not :slight_smile:

Provably wrong. Eve once did but a n+1 account monetisation policy was since introduced. The only time CCP moves fast is to close any loopholes to favour n+1 in near all areas of the game.

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They’ve done worse and do worse on a weekly basis.

If you actually look into the the CSM you’d see CCP just hand picks who they want. Loads of players are rejected by CCP despite player votes.

Perhaps you could ask CCP about giving structure owners the ability to block players based on their security status. It would be much easier than constantly updating a “block list”.

Thanks for responding.

#Maybe not all Goons are bad… :heart:

@Brisc_Rubal has changed my mind about this subject.


I’m sorry. I just needed to sit down and drink some water. I nearly passed out

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It is actually quite surprising they worked with you at all again despite their mistake. I’d have thought they’d just have paid you off.

I know you are not an employee of CCP.

Don’t be dumb. Also organisation requires talent, effort and time and that is me saying it as a (mostly) solo pilot.

Soon enough, we all come to age.
It’s interesting to see how “coming to age” is becoming a shorter period of time.
I guess maturity in EVE and the speed for it’s achievement, receives an upgrade every time the old is crushed under paving for the new. Remember when the old was that other guy…?? Now it’s you!
A noob, if such thing exists, will mature in 2 days… I’ve seen 2 day olds and their “sleazy ways”…

No matter how many chances we give, I don’t think it will ever be clarified or even recognized… perhaps the instant mechanics try on catching the wave to “help a new player”, it would increasingly be “too little, too late” as the toon might have outgrown the effort. It’s a trend, not a wild guess.

As Brisk said, aside from open letters you seldom find us having an 'Official stance" Each CSM is their own person and makes their own stands and proposals.

Me? I think that criminality should have consequences. I include docking and tethering under that umbrella.



suspect and criminal tethering is the most idiotic thing in the game
i enter a system i see a dude suspect i find him and he is invulnerable the ■■■■


Criminals are good at their jobs. They have to be. If you change the mechanics, they will just change with them.

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i don’t dispute that , i just hate tethering in low / null sec
bunch of targets floating afk invulnerable
but wen the guy is blinking red or yellow thats drives me mad

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and that, to me, is a good thing



Tethering is completely stupid. It should be on a timer, at the very least. A few minutes might be ok, but having people invulnerable in space on dscan just doesn’t seem right.


where do i sign?

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