How does anybody in Eve get poorer? Yeah, you lose a ship sometimes, but it isn’t as though anybody is struggling to pay for their ship’s fuel and docking fees.
Ore Redistribution makes ore value go up.
Dynamic bounty makes isk value go up.
Both combined make ships (or any industry product) value go up x2.
But there are less of both ore and isk overall in the game, and while some people may keep their relative income levels, some people are being set to lose. If you cant keep your income over threshold (ship value x2) you get poorer with every ship loss.
Some professions might not notice the change. Destroyers are cheap to begin with, doubling the price is insignificant. Loot drops are even getting juicier. There just may be less targets over time.
If they find a reliable, unexploitable way of preventing rich people from getting richer …
… and poor people from getting poorer …
… they’d be the cause of a global revolution.
But besides that would most likely be a rather unnatural state to live in.
The modern idea of “social equality” is nonsense caused by Envy laced with Hate.
The only way to reach such a state in a natural form is by making sure that at least the next generation is being educated based on highest standards and principles and the only way of achieving that is by getting rid of those in power, including all bankers, politicians and secret intelligence “services” … I wouldn’t worry about Mafia, though.
Sadly the times for necessary revolutions have passed long ago.
Oh boy, my inner Anarchist is shining through again, isn’t it?
There’s something to add here.
In the real world children inherit the richness of their elders.
When you die, all your money and belongings stay in existence.
Any potential gap in richness between one “caste” … (for lack of a better word, though it’s actually quite fitting)
… and another “caste” …
… keeps being passed on and stays within the system.
When you quit playing EVE, though, all your stuff is practically gone unless you give it away …
… and I’m pretty damn sure that the vast majority of people aren’t doing that.
So all that stuff is now out of the system.
There’s one less rich guy.
Everyone’s now a bit more “equally poor”.
Equality in the sense that “everyone is poor” is achievable because of that and will take a few years time …
… though there will of course … or maybe just likely … always be people who manage to “beat the system” in their favour.
Btw … there’s a chance CCP’s adaptive resource distribution system will try achieving that.
Where’s the Nash Equilibrium in all of this?
The server is in South Korea actually…there was a long post about the day they moved and how they missed the plane etc etc…
You’re probably thinking of something else, TQ is hosted in the UK and always has been, if there is a korean server for something its not related to TQ
Lel no, that was a troll post by eve onion. The server is in London. I am not even sure CCP owns the server, I think it maybe rented.
CCP designed and built the server.
TQ has been upgraded numerous times, its still hosted in the UK as it has always been
I know, it’s in a vault 130 miles away from where I’m sitting.
My bad i thought you wrote “rebuilt” >.<
My three characters net worth is 32B, with corporate assets of 10B. Pennies, indeed. Chump change to some, I know, but appreciable assets to some.
Edit: Correction, total net worth is 72B, with 32B Isk on hand.
“'ey mate gotta dolla? got kids needin food 'n shoes ya know!”
The one with the unlimeted credit card?
But that’s the thing. If they wanted to go for the cash cow …
… they’d not be getting rid of the farmers and, especially, carebears.
They went that road for the last years and stopped with BlackOut.
Maybe they’re really just not worth it. Money alone doesn’t keep this game running.
Seems some people here just keep echoing words that they don’t understand.
Farmers are not cash cows, farmers make ISK in-game and buy PLEX from the market to sub their account.
Carebears could be farmers or cash cows, just depends on how they sub their accounts.
Bottom line - CCP is a business and they want cash cows.
You’re that guy who believes Alphas don’t make CCP any money. lol
And you’re that guy who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, especially since I never said that.
Heh, you’re about as stupid as they come bud, that post was directed to somebody who was trying to justify removing Omega subscriptions, make all accounts Alpha and implement MT’s for advancement in the game.
A person with an Alpha account might every once in a while buy PLEX from CCP and sell it in-game to purchase equipment or skill injectors, but they definitely aren’t going to be doing that on a regular basis compared to an Omega account that regularly brings in money to CCP.
As for your very last comment, you can take that and shove it up your arse…