Banned Players need flags on char accounts

I pledged to conduct myself better on the forums, so I only say the following because he subject himself to intense scrutiny as a CSM candidate (who strongly I suspect will run again): Brewlar has an extensive history of posting very extreme, narrow-minded, and objectively naive views on botting, RMT, and other “bad actors”. Most of his ideas have been soundly rejected by the community, notably when he recently ran for CSM.

There are numerous other posts that have followed along the same lines. This thread is just one of many. Oddly enough, “public branding” has more merit than some of his other ideas, and while it has a considerable subjective component to it, the objective aspects far outweigh them.

Here’s the problem with public branding: public branding = CCP-sanctioned ostracization / weaponization of threats/framing = second class citizenship = not true clemency. Do it right, or don’t do it at all. It is not CCP’s place to directly or indirectly sanction the ostracization of or encourage the community to ostracize an individual. The community should make such decisions organically like they always have in the past. If players want to call out others for botting, RMT, racism, etc, the community can respond accordingly.

Regarding the forums specifically, forum rules are delicate but surprisingly flexible on ‘call out’ threads when crafted carefully - several such call out threads have persisted even after ISD has evaluated them. Threads calling out player misbehavior persist in “Crime and Punishment” if there is an accompanying “call to action”, and threads shredding individuals for their conduct in the context of “political controversies of relevance to New Eden” often persist in General Discussion (eg. the ongoing Noori Naarian + alts thread is a perfect example), etc. And even if forums are too restrictive… there is, of course, Reddit, where there is no shortage of controversy.

The community already does this very organically on forums and Reddit. Do you agree with Brewlar that this should also be done by CCP themselves? (Shown in game, listed on CCP website, accessible via ESI, etc?) Clarification would be appreciated.

Indeed, this proposal ignores the fact that certain classes of players are excluded as well as chronic/high-magnitude offenders.

Take this anonymous fellow, for example: I had this very entertaining (abridged) conversation with a random person who contacted me on Discord yesterday who is unlikely to get redemption.

XXX: BRO im trying to get back on eve online but im perma banned for 3 strikes by Senior CCP GM and for racism

Me: I mean, racism isn’t something that happens on accident :man_shrugging:

But this may interest you if you’re trying to get the ban lifted: Capsuleer Redemption | EVE Online

XXX: ■■■■■■■ christ dude

The following actions remain expressly prohibited and will still result in a permaban if the allegations are substantiated:

Extreme and repeated racism and/or hate speech

Me: :man_shrugging:

XXX: i emailed them so wish me luck, i wont distract you

Needless to say, I did not wish him luck or respond to him after that.