So your brilliant plan is to get rid of ±48% of monthly subscriptions from a game that was designed around players having multiple accounts.
Best idea I’ve seen yet to shut down CCP servers once and for all.,. This one really should get CCP’s financial dept attention, I’m sure they’ll get straight onto halving monthly subscriptions to get rid of “alt spam”.,
Hey guys, since we shouldn’t have alts anymore because they are just “spam”, can i get 6 volunteers to move through 5 or 6 regions and act as Cynos for me so i can move my JF. I’l be staying in Jita overnight so don’t plan on playing Eve for the next 24 hrs at least.,.
I like burgers
That same complexity is what makes Eve great. Remove the things that make Eve unique we may as well be playing WOW.
Like everything else in Eve, if you don’t like it don’t do it. Leave it to those who enjoy the game play of building stuff with all its complexity and go shoot NPC’s or gank T1 miners in highsec or any of the multitude of other things you can do that require no planning, complexity, time or commitment.,.
I don’t blame people who eat burgers or play WOW, hell I like burgers and sometimes play a bit in a themepark MMO (not WOW), but not every day as sometimes you just have to play/eat something decent and better for your health.
Thats actually very easy to accomplish, because eve’s engine is out dated. Accomplishing things like 10k battles is very easy with modern technology. The best part is we dont need to use gimic concepts like time dilation
The game was not designed for this. Its extremely inefficient as a dev to try to address multi boxing out side of just designing content that makes it hard to do it. If you try, your probably just wasting money and time.
We are a social species. We live for interaction, not with bots, but each other. Recouping this will not kill the game, it will save it.
It seems that both i, and ccp are united on this, neither of us want that complexity, and as it turns out if helmar is speaking truth, there is 16000 people a week who try this game and leave because of it.
So easy that it requires an experimental cloud platform to carry off, furthermore the tech company behind that cloud platform partnered with CCP to do it, you know the CCP that you’re constantly denigrating.
Hadean teamed up with CCP because CCP have long had the reputation of hosting the biggest slugfests in gaming history, and their customers happen to rather good at pushing both software and hardware to the limit via the power of n+1.
The only person that you’re fooling is yourself, do feel free to carry on amusing us with your delusional idiocy.
No, It does not require a cloud platform to do it. CCP’s choice is for technical and financial reasons. It was an option for them, it does not have to be done that way by others.
They got paid to do it. They are a fairly new company, and working with someone like ccp that can shell out a few mill a year to them is security for their company.
Show us the tech than can host 10,000+ people battling it out within a single location.
Hadean have it, it’s experimental. If it’s so easy why hasn’t anybody else done it? Why does CCP hold the official record for most concurrent players simultaneously involved in a single multiplayer PvP videogame battle and not somebody else.
You claim that it’s easy with modern tech, prove it; alternatively you can continue to make yourself look like a fool.
Wait, who said they are good?
IF you think sitting around for 6-8 hours to be involved in a battle that takes another 4-5 hours a good thing you are insane. This is not even addressing the fact that they require you to be a mega entity which encourages abusive monopolies on the game, which are highly destructive to the social aspects, corporate/alliance identity and accomplishments.
Eve is not eve because it has large battles, its eve because it has a player narrative that is unmatched or touched by any other game. That is what defines this game as truly being unique, not putting a bunch of people in a lag fest, then slapping a horrific band aid on it called time dialation and then think its good.
First why dont you explain to me what enables software / hard ware to run this.
Hadaen is used because it has cloud os / hosting which enables the devs to make changes to the server in real time with out having to kick people, or patch, etc etc. beautiful is cloud tech, its nice dont get me wrong, but they are not doing something super unique that no one else out there does. In fact, they are fairly new as a corp founded in 2014.
On that note, Amazon is capable of offering the same features, and are current in beta stages of building a massive mmo with similar large scale combat like eve (Except in a pre-colonial age).
Eve’s Large scale battles are a gimic, intended to attract attention to this game and the company, but the truth is, any sane company would find this extremely wasteful. These battles have done nothing for eve out side of maybe some advertisement but it remains unseen to know if that has actually has any impact on the games growth.