When you can answer my questions, we’ll talk about it. Until then the only one that has no idea what they are talking about is you, demonstrated by your inability to answer simplistic questions.
This demonstrates you dont know what your talking about and that your just waiting for me to say something about it so you can reply with something chilidish. I dont have time for these sorts of arguments. IF you want, you can join Ramona + his 100 alts on my ever ending ignore list.
Like i said, Its stupidity for you to claim that new technology cannot do this faster and better, when eve accomplished 300-500 man battles in its early days. Something many games today are doing by the way and not even trying to build larger scale combat, Why? because they are smart and know the over all game play experience of it is trash.
I have never made that claim, I merely disputed your claim that new technology makes it easy to host 10000+ players in a single battle by pointing out that the only time that it’s ever been done was using an experimental cloud platform and the assets and players from Eve.
You made the claim, not I.
A claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, a common maxim between people having a debate, even more so when the claims being made goes against what is commonly accepted; it’s also a pretty important part of the development process for any product, claiming to be able to improve a product by making changes without having anything of substance to back it will get you laughed out of town my friend.
Not only have you invoked Hanlon’s Razor by making a claim without evidence, you’re pretty close to invoking Occam’s Razor through failing to produce the evidence required to substantiate your claim that it’s easy to host 10000+ players in a single PvP battle, leaving us the choice of “he has worked for 4 development studios and now runs his own and has evidence of both this and it being easy to do what he claims, but showing it to us would be espionage or something” or “he has no idea what he’s talking about”
One is far more likely than the other; especially with your reputation.
You need to be careful with all those razors friend, you might end up cutting yourself badly.
Alas I cannot give you the response that you truly deserve, for that we’d have to ask @Ralph_King-Griffin for the corpse of Tippia and invoke some arcane rite from the Necronomicon to raise the Logic Bomber.
When you argue with a fool, you only prove there are two. Leave him to drown in his delusions of self-importance.
Back on topic:
(…and all the rest of the summary, I just added the snippet as a reminder)
Is ‘chaos’ something EVE actually needs? To me that sounds like CCP as usual has no clue about game design, and is simply going to change things semi-randomly for a while to see which semi-random changes actually do something useful.
Kind of like when they set up a crappy, buggy, nearly unplayable event and then say “Gee sorry guys we were just experimenting!”. It’s like they don’t know much about their own game, much less game design overall, and so they are reduced to “poke it with a stick and see what twitches”.
Is there something they should be/could be doing other than ‘experimenting with chaos’?
Funny that CCP’s own metrics don’t gel with yours - Their metrics show more people have multiple accounts/characters than not. So I have to assume you and a few friends = “most of us”
There is also the monetary side of it - CCP would have closed its doors many years ago had it implemented a 1 account per IP policy. Multiboxers have been the backbone of Eve for ever. Even “IF” CCP ever find a way to rid us of botters, it will have adverse affects on their bottom line unless they can somehow find a way to improve player retention. Unlikely unless Eve takes the final leap to “Theme-Park” and becomes completely micro-transaction based.
Oh please get this, I would so love to move my JF completely risk free. Nothing like risk free game play.,.
Good luck with that, be sure to let me know when you have it up and playable. Considering everything CCP has tried to copy and expand their own game in different forms, the latest being a mobile platform partnership, I wish you luck.
You do know how long it takes to train up a max hauling alt or a well skilled manufacturing alt? My main character has over 200 mil SP in Ship/PVP skills has been training constantly and has no pve/indy skills.
My 'choice" then is as it is now - I choose to play the game the way i want to, as in using the sandbox we play in as i choose, CCP take that ability away and they will be the biggest losers.
PVP’rs already complain about the lack of content, LOL, Imagine if there were 50% less characters online every day - The tears would raise the levels of every ocean in the world.
If only there was even a modicum of truth to that - I would quite like only have to sub 1 or 2 accounts per month AND still play the indy side of my game as i choose.
Go ahead, remove all complexity from indy - And see online numbers plummet as all the indy guys now only need 1 or 2 characters on one account instead of, in my case 28 characters over 15 accounts. I’d love to keep building caps and supers with a single BPO instead of the 8 or 10 needed now and i’m sure CCP wouldn’t mind all those alt accounts leaving the game.,.
Wow, 28 freaking characters on over 15 accounts? Well, obviously you must not be using all the character slots on each account because the amount of characters and accounts that you listed doesn’t add up. Regardless of that, why would you need that many anyway? Hell, that’s just way too many.
In fact that’s the problem with this game, too many alt accounts and not enough actual players. I played for 2 years on 1 account before I created a 2nd account simply for a Trade alt. I had both accounts subbed for a while but then I just decided it wasn’t worth it and went back with my main. Now I did recently create 2 more accounts for a total of 11 characters on 4 accounts but those are mainly for RP.
I have well over 200 mill SP’s and can do almost everything in-game except pilot Cap ships. I don’t need to log in a bunch of other characters to complete a task and if you gotta do that then you’re definitely doing something wrong. And if it’s mostly just for PvP action with you multi-boxing a fleet of characters then you’re part of the social problem in this game. Suppose to work together with other players, not be a single player with an army of alts.