CCPlease revert logi changes

Oh yea, I’m obsessed because I aspire to do something other than shoot at tech 1 frigates all day. :roll_eyes:

Well… that is a first time I see somebody that “PVP” use the “Think about the NOOBS” reserved normally for people that want to nerf the game even more. I feel like I need to take out my miner bingo card and start ticking some boxes since you used that reasoning.

If you feel so strongly about it I might suggest the following:

Post a more coherent “other than MUH GAMEPLAY, while sniffing back crocodile tears” in the correct part of the forums on how you would like the make changes and maybe evolve it so it makes sense in the current EVE format. But more importantly, do it in the right part of the forums and also less about how you are impacted and maybe more how the suspect mechanic can be improved.

I did just this previously in the post.

The solution is to make separate timers for war and suspect combat. Have neutral logi go GCC for War combat and have neutral logi go Suspect for Suspect combat.


In the correct section of the forums.


i don’t even think CCP understand the logic flow of their own crime watch so map it out like we had to everytime they made a change. Explain what you would like to see and do.

and what section would that be?

Player features and Ideas and for good measure towards the CSM as well in the assembly hall and Jita Park. @ Them.

Why yes, lets make it more complex so more people don’t understand it and you can ambush more victims with 10 logi to back you up…
I’m sure that is great gameplay and makes everyone around you have fun.

Right now, people know they can actually consider taking a suspect baiter on, because they know there aren’t 10 logi in the wings, so it’s a question of is their fit right. Your desired change will instead revert it back to only being the utterly clueless who even consider it, and back to being a grenade in the fish pond in terms of fun.
I’m sure you have fun killing people of course, but your personal fun does not override the need of the game overall to be fun.

besides FW i love to suspect bait myself
i dont see why shouldn’t a logi become suspect if they heal someone in battle
imo its unfair but…
you can still do it , with range , positioning , warp in/out
i think your idea is extremely unpopular for a reason
you are free to continue pursuing the change

I think you misunderstand. They changed it to where when you Logi a suspect you get CONCORDED instead of going suspect.

ohhhh didn’t know about it
i was wrong LOL

No problem you probably wouldn’t have caught it because, as always, the changes made in regards to suspects were done-so in stealth. They made big talk about changing it for War Decs but when we asked them how it would effect suspects the CCP forum moderator first said it wouldn’t effect suspects at all then later corrected himself after talking to a Dev. They literally didn’t even consider the suspect line of play with this change.

So stealthy they wrote a Dev blog giving nearly 2 months warning of the changes.
At this point you are just openly lying.

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I see that Nevryn made another, likely ill-informed, reply. I suggest others do as I have a block said individual. All he does is post fervently in defense of his right to play by himself… in an MMO nonetheless :roll_eyes:

combatants cannot effectively engage neutral repair ships until they activate their modules and cannot engage neutral command bursting ships at all without incurring CONCORD’s wrath.

How Fair was that?

Recently the bulk of the community feedback we’ve been seeing on these particular issues has been in favor of making direct changes to remove these tactics.

Seems as though you are in the small minority.

The safety system will prevent the activation of the targeted assistance modules under these conditions, so we suggest that support pilots in highsec engage their safety at either green or yellow levels to prevent unintentional CONCORDOKKEN.

Is it really that hard to stay at green or yellow to prevent losing your ships?

For area of effect command bursts we are approaching the problem a little differently as you may want to continue boosting the members of your fleet that are not involved in a war. Therefore, after the April release neutral command bursts will simply not affect a pilot that meets the conditions listed above when activated in highsec space.

The increased penalty for neutral targeted assistance will also apply to limited engagements (such as those caused by duels) but for performance reasons we won’t be preventing command bursts from applying to pilots in limited engagements.

Neither of these changes impact assisting your corpmates or alliancemates in a war (since you’re in the same war as them), and neither of these changes apply to lowsec (the penalty for targeted neutral assistance in lowsec will continue to be a suspect flag just like today).

looks like if you still wanna sus, go to low, otherwise meet the wrath of concord. have a good day

and how was @Nevyn_Auscent ill informed when it says plain as day in white lettering behind a blue background, the changes to logi?? I see no stealth issues (no pun intended)

Totally fair considering you can warp in an infinite amount of ships to shoot said suspect and any logi on grid. Logi is literally free kills for an actual prepared group of pilots. The problem is people want to NOT be prepared, still shoot, and still get a fair fight… Funny thing is, they still don’t get a fair fight… How has this change made ANY positive effect in regards to SUSPECTS?

I have no way to verify where they’re getting this information. Most of the suspect population gave up on the forums a long time ago.

See this is how I know neither of you know what you’re talking about. You always pull in some completely uninformed angle that makes literally NO sense. I’m not out here concording Logi ships lol, I KNOW how the mechanics work…

Again… we are still as successful as ever in High-Sec. The only difference is that we no longer have an incentive to fleet up and support each other because there is no REALISTIC way for us to do so.

sure there is… be in the same corporation… oh wait, you can’t be a “neutral” logi if you are in the same corp… get over yourselves.

It doesn’t work that way either. Even if my logi is in my corp they will still die to concord if they rep me as a suspect. I wouldn’t hesitate to put my logi in corp if it meant I could recieve remote reps.

So, as long as your corpmates are in a war, you won’t lose your ship.

and when I asked about how far it was that Logi or command burst ships couldn’t be shot at, with the old mechanic, you either way could not attack a neutral command ship without being concordokken… so that part there wasn’t fair… you could drop all the command burst ships you want, and they couldn’t be attacked.

Yea I’m not talking about command bursts. I’m glad they nerfed that. I would just like to receive the same treatment as the War Deccers. Let Suspects have IN CORP Logi too.