Change is coming

Dynamic, sure, I wouldn’t say unsustainable.

People form alliances in game as much as people form business partnerships IRL. They do this for the same reason: more often that not, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

People renege on previous agreements in game for the same reason they do IRL. They see a situation where they either stand to lose if they continue their current path, or they see an alternative situation which is win for them and end the discussion right there because they don’t give a crap for the other guy. That can have many and varied consequences, from the partnership simply dissolving, to massive value in materials or currency being stolen/lost/“mislaid” to the point of imminent cascade failure (cf. financial giants going under when brokers misuse accounts or commit huge short trades costing the companies hundreds of millions while they pocket millions in commissions. Or the several examples of massive corporate larceny both in and out of game).

Whatever happens, though, as long as people continue to log in, the economy and ecology of the game will continue, it will recover, as has been demonstrated multiple times, lessons are learned on how to do and how not to do a lot of things, other lessons are forgotten and repeated… EVE is a representative sample of a borderless world where anything goes. Even pixellated murder.

The player count is stable my dear.

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show me where rather than applying such a blanket, nonsensical statement.

aaaand that’s where the thread ends.

The last refuge of the troll: attack the person, not the argument.

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Not a troll attack, a NPC attack…!


That’s all she does. She does not even play the game. She is just hear to gloat about the immediate destruction of the game, which only exists in her head. She also thinks dual universe is super gud and has bought a piece of land on a virtual moon which does not exist but is completely secure from griefers. :crazy_face::+1::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I see your eve dying and my Eve comes in. That is a name of this thread:
Change is coming

Not the one you hope for. But have fun waiting around and wasting your time. I can’t even imagine the amount of butthurt that drives a person to camp the forums of a game he does not like and play in the remote hope that one day the fundamental core of that game will change. It’s super pathetic.

It’s like camping the Hasbro forums in the hope that monopoly will throw out capitalism and introduce communistic gameplay.

What? carebear will stop whining?

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Wrong comparison, Hasbro is the master of his destiny, the CCP is not :wink:

Then why are you shedding your tears here and not on the PA forums?

I am only teasing you here until you realize that Eve has changed and get lost from here.

First time i see so much butthurt. I’m impressed.

PA paid 225 000 000 $, and maybe they’ll pay 200 000 000 $ more but only if CCP meet some financial goals in future.
Taking into account that they have paid 225 000 000 $ companies with 40 000 000 $ reserves in the bank means that they have so far paid only 185 000 000 $


Change is coming :blush:

So, here’s me breaking one of my personal rule and responding to one of the most worthless people it’s ever been my displeasure to come across on the internet (and that’s saying something, I once browsed 4chan).

What you typed there is ■■■■■■■■. You know it. None of has anything to do with “nullbears” (a word that exposes the rank prejudice and jealousy at the heart of everything you think). The original founders of EVE were PVPrs who wanted to make a space game with lots of freedom, according to them. It shows in the game they made. I came to EVE and discovered I really liked it’s PVE scene, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a pvp game. I adapted to that fact on day one, and have enjoyed it sense.

But then came the Epeens of the world, for which actual reality takes a back seat to what they want. You imagine that CCP wanted what you wanted, and somehow they got magically thwarted by the evil nullbears. You can’t stand the idea that for the very most part, EVE is exactly what they were envisioning.

All of that is moot anyways. For 15 years it’s been what it is, and survived when much ‘nicer’ games folded like a bad poker hand. I sometimes think that the fact that this pvp heavy game has survived this long while (mostly) staying true to it’s pvp roots is actually offensive to the bleeding heart crowd.

Maybe soon you will get what you want, a watered down EVE online nothing like what it was. But it will be a shame, because EVE was one of the few real adult games out there.




I wonder what those are going to be.

EVE’s decline started when it moved away from it’s harsh, adult nature and tried to be all progressive and hip… Before that it was thriving, fully resisting the decline the rest of the MMO world was experiencing.

It was the pvp nature that had sustained it (by making loss palpable and thus important). Now loss is trivial and getting more so by the day (which is what a certain segment of players wanted , all in the name of “the new players”).

In other words, CCP has slowly killed the one and only thing that mad EVE live as long as it did, the danger. It’s probably too late to change course at this point, and hell, the current generation wouldn’t respond anyways (EVE was made by Gen X type folks with different sensibilities from what young folks have now).


that would be nice, i remember many wars in hs fondly, even made freinds and recruits from wardecks back in like 2010/2012.
Obviously needs to be fleshed out more if they were to actually use something similar to what you posted in What we need is more tools not a wardec mini-game. A proposal for the expansion of the contract system - #27 by Max_Deveron but i get the idea and its not all that far off from what i was thinking myself tbvh.

Naaaahh cant see that happenin… o wait…

AS for the rest of it (everyone else) i really am not so interested in protecting high sp players who can literally go do one; there are few exceptions to this rule - i guess maybe getting older has changed my view a little.

But my main conerns is that new player retention is hurt by the mechanics

and that yes, the wardeck mechanic or those that use it or what it has become is severely uninteresting. Its like everytime im wardecked i go take a look around highsec and see no one and when i do they wont make a move til neutral logi is in place - and yes, its easy to spot that scythe or augorer sitting on a gate next door and yes its easy to link it to the wardeckers and yes when im decked i do literally go watch how the wardeck corp plays for a day or two on a cov ops alt… just not every wardeck; i ignore ones from pirat for example, not gonna go scout them every time, its pointless…

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Nice try, but who do you try to spin when everyone here know you. :rofl: