Change is coming


Please stop paying attention to them.
They can not do harm and only want to suck you dry.
Remember, the only weapon losers have are words on the internet.

You know who they talk to when you stop listening to them?

No one. They’re trolls. Weaklings. Spineless.
They have nothing.

Remember that you have it far better, next time when you step away from the computer. :slight_smile:


Time is on my side, and you have only words and letters …

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Letters, yes, 4: V.O.I.D.

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Even worse, they don’t even have a game to play they like :rofl::rofl::rofl:


You are passive/aggressive in your replies… also a bit defensive. I am sure i had missed your weak spot. :smirk_cat:

Friends, y’all need to stop feeding the risk-averse and change-wanting plebs like Predvo, Lugburz and co

They know they’re wrong, they’re in a denial state about what’s really happening.

Let’s not give them any more attention by posting here


I’m an avid PvP’er, but one must entertain the argument that Player-Versus-Environment players (carebears) make large sums of money for the business. Die hard low security pirates / Null Security Participants? not so much…

One could also heavily argue that ‘non consensual pvp’ does keep the playerbase smaller whether we like it or not.

It is a distinct possibility that there are lots and lots of players who leave because they get blown up repeatedly, and I have to tell you something. Even though you may like that, it’s not good for business to have less customers.

You think: only ‘players who are good at not dying should be playing eve online’.

CCP thinks ‘Everyone should be playing eve online, because then we make more money’.

Once everybody begins to understand that, there will be less arguments.

CCP is a business, not a charity who’s sole purpose is to give ‘L33T PvP to all low sec pirates (of which I have been)’.


Again, see my above argument.

You think: ‘They have no place in eve’.

CCP says: “(almost) Everyone has a place in eve, because we make more money that way”

Unless you are prepared to pay for the subscriptions of the people who ‘have no place in eve’, your argument holds no water.

As I’ve said in the post above, eves purpose is to keep making money so that it doesn’t have to repeatedly sell itself to other companies. Yes, eve needs to be cold and harsh. But you are deliberately trying to eliminate lots of people from eve.

Eve Online supports LOTS of different play styles, not just yours. If it didn’t, it’d be dead already.

Three quarters (more than that) of eve online is null security, the vast majority of it is happy fun-time PvP roams.

There are too many people in here who want to ‘eliminate everyone but hardcore players’ for this community to survive forever, and you have to stop. When are you going to realise, when CCP has to sell the game again, when it goes entirely free to play? Or when the servers shutdown?

You make your decision, because I’m choosing to invite as many people into this universe as possible, not watch it die.


While EVE is a competitive sandbox game, the steps a player has to take to make himself almost 100% immune to all forms of space violence are extremely few and easy.

I would say there is hardly any other sandbox MMO game that let’s you farm in so much security where you still earn a non-trivial amount and stil have access to almost all high end resources.

To shift that balance can have multiple outcomes. You take away all the danger, even the imaginary one, you may as well have killed all the purpose, motivation and sense of achievement people get when building their sandcastle. It is therefore not obvious and not certain that more security will lead to more players, it could very well drain people because you kill an integral sandbox aspect.

It is either 100% pvp or it isn’t. Here you are losing to a very simple enemy in the Abyss…a pve expansion.
That fit is pretty noobish. Just saying.

So not 100% pvp. K thanks.

I don’t know why people assume that PvP games are intrinsically less popular than PvE games:


Of the top 10 most active games on Steam right now, only two of them aren’t PvP games - MONSTER HUNTER, and some Chinese RPG. Ok, maybe GTAV as well is more PvE than PvP.

Gamers love PvP games. Perhaps not all of them like full-loot, open world ones, but PvP games are arguably more popular than PvE games. They also require much less resources to do well than PvE games that constantly require producing new and interesting scripted content for PvE consumption.

Yes, we could reduce the full-loot aspect of the game, but not without decimating the real jewel of this game - the vibrant player-run economy. CCP has spent years testing this - making things safer and everyone richer but the player counts just stay stagnant, and if anything it has only pushed out the industrialists who can no longer compete in the strained economy, not the PvPers.

Honestly, there is no evidence anyone want to play a PvE, no loss version of Eve Online or that undermining the original harshness of the game is going to spark any wider interest. In fact, there is plenty of evidence to the contrary that nerfing the competitive aspects of the game only hurts player retention and activity numbers, and does not help increase it.

Yet people keep suggesting it for some reason.



Great Thread.

I’m mainly here to indulge in Hate Reading.

That’s certainly not what CCP thinks. Else, they would have never started this massive capital proliferation project because those ships suffocate a lot of playstyles due to them being so overpowered.

My playstyle would kill EVE? Do you know how I play EVE? Let me give you a short summary: I make myself available to PVP by ratting, by missioning, by mining and by doing things on the market and with hauling. I PVP myself and hunt other people in the before mentioned situations. I provide my alliance with materials and tools to PVE and PVP by keeping markets stocked or help move things around. My playstyle keeps EVE alive. Can you say the same about your playstyle?

I am not trying to eliminate them. They were not necessary to be here in the past, until CCP started alienate those people who made EVE great and who gave EVE a lot more growth than the current users that you naively defend and that CCP wants to see in EVE.

EVE did that better in the past, until CCP started to cut down playstyles and alienate the people who made EVE great.

With the current trajectory of development, I rather see the servers shut down for good. I don’t want to be associated with a failure of a software that did so much better before some Gen Y devs decided to change things to their liking.

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It is not good when people leave EVE but if you wish that, bye, and close door behind yourself.

The Latin alphabet is not hieroglyphic or gibberish in nature, nor are Chinese characters.

Educate yourself before spewing forth ignorant nonsense.


I thought we were discussing wardecs, not “how to start a wardec”.

Closed for a quick clean.Removed a number of off topic posts. Please keep it civil, on topic and sensical when posting. Thanks.

My bad :zipper_mouth_face:

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