Simple: Leave. If you do not want to research something, even most basic things, about EVE, you won’t manage here anyway and are no asset to the community. You will end up whining and whinging all over the place with your entitlement issues, and join CFC for easy-mode gameplay. Neither helps EVE to get better.
If you really do not like web guides, you can go around the starter systems or even ask in busy local chats like Amarr or Dodixie where you should turn to learn more about EVE. You can use ingame chats to learn about EUni or other new-user-friendly entities and I have personally suggested those groups via chat or mail to a variety of people.
Again: Solutions already exist.
I personally do not see a problem with wars at all if you are around competent people. The coming changes to wars with the half-measure of only allowing wars against structure holding corps will only increase the grievance because war decers now know you have a structure and will look for it. And other groups who outsourced them can keep farming without impunity.
Also, just 3 anecdotal examples of my experience with wars:
- When I first joined a user-created high sec corp a couple of weeks into EVE, we also got a war by a then very infamous war declaration group. My corp had a couple of competent people that organized a little defense effort, we found their base of operation, we camped their station and prevented them from leaving that station for a few evenings. Was funny, but also boring because we just sat there. I kept using EVE.
- Then we had another friendly high sec corp that got a war and we tried to assist. It didn’t went so well because we lost a few things and battleships to the attackers. The friendly corp got hit hard, merged into us eventually and we kept playing in different areas and tried different things. I kept using EVE.
- We later moved into NPC null sec with a group of people, who turned out to be very enthusiastic but not really knowledgeable. Even I with my barely a year long experience noticed serious issues and that endeavor ended in failure. Welcome to Null Sec. My corp moved to a different alliance with a lot more competent people and we had a smashing success in Syndicate instead. We even worked together with Rooks and Kings, which was an amazing experience back then. Despite the initial hardship, I kept using EVE and progressed further.
Based on these experience I expect people to play “my” way, and not their ways because “my” ways provided me with enjoyment, fun, excitement and knowledge. “Their” ways always seem to end in failure, though. Based on “my” experiences I am confident that “my” way is, if not the perfect silver-bullet to solve all issues, a way to enjoy EVE in lots of ways. Sadly, CCP seems to disagree with “my way”. hums Sinatra