Change is coming


In 2003 you was just a baby. How you know anything about it other than what you have skimmed over?

Learned something today, didn’t you?

Let’s just take this delicious morsel in for a second. Chew on it slowly. Make it last.

That’s it. Up and down, allow it to gently stroke the inside of the cheeks, caress the texture with your tongue as the juices flamenco across your taste buds.

You should be shuddering with delight about now. If not, take another bite and close your eyes whilst picturing the following.

There ya go.

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As i said before…

Taunting and trying to devalue every post that is not fitting inside their bubble as last possible exit…

No options left than just witnessing in awe that even CCP is contradicting their “opinion” that “no changes are needed”…

Must be sad to see for them…like the last days of the roman empire seeing the barbarians take the 7th hill of rome,knowing the empire is lost…

Which last days? It lasted for over 1500 years. That’s a pretty good run and didnt end with any of the falls of Rome.

The roman empire ultimately ended 410 CE as the Visigoths under Alaric raided the town that once was the capital…

The are voices that determine the real end at the split at 285 CE because from that point on the empire was not a consistent one but two individual…

But the raid of rome in 410 CE marks the final point for me…after that there was no empire anymore…

And EVE lasted for 15 years and some people act like a centurio standing at the hills looking in awe to see the carebear barbarians climbing the hills that once were unsdiputed in their property and cannot believe what they see…:slight_smile:

It’s quite a good reference…:slight_smile:

You really actually know nothing, yet pretend you do.

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So why don’t you teach me?

When do YOU determend the fall of the empire? 285? 410? 455? 546? 1084? 1527? 1870?

All dates the “capital of the roman empire” has been raided…

Enlighten me…

And the split 285 WAS in fact the beginning of the end…

Pretending to be ignorant must be really cool in your house.

Pretending to know something and actually having NO clue …

Is this your only line of defense? :slight_smile:

That’s really sad…


I leave you now…

It’s pointless…you seem not to have learned the historical facts in school yet so we have no equal base to talk…please do not quit school as you seem to think about…

All that you state from now on will be left unanswered by me…

Be proud…you are the first in the forum that actually get me this far…

And gibberish like this makes me pretty sure you aren’t pretending.

Which is not true. The empire was finally conquered in 1453 with the fall of Byzantium and not when the western Empire fell.

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It is not a fact. It is a date (which marks an event) some historians agree is the beginning of the end of the western empire. ■■■■, you’re a new level of idiot in these forums.

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Should we REALLY talk about definitions even historians argue about?

FACT is the roman empire was only the roman empire as a single one…spliting it in two parts IS the end of it…

I KNOW that this is an argued definition but still i’m not the only one defining it this way…

Why not? if it helps you. Do you feel better?

From “Wardecs are bad for player retention” to “Every form of PVP in high is harmful”. You twist truth like a french politician, the lowest life form crawling on the surface of the planet.


FTFY, twisting the truth into a pretzel isn’t the sole domain of French politicians.


Of course, it’s just the standard skill belonging to the main corpus. They all have specializations…