Change is coming

“I’ve argued before that the wardec system is used almost exclusively to harass newbies”

Clearly the author hasn’t a clue what he’s talking about and is likely as poor a player as the OP. If you can’t win, change the rules, right?


Apparently some don’t play it but hate it so much they made it a hobby to hang around here. This game is so amazing it allows to harvest tears from non-players :kissing_smiling_eyes::ok_hand:


Wow, you’re one big loser. :smiley:

Maybe we should stop calling them carebears and start pointing out where they’re all coming from. In the end, most of the world isn’t like this at all. The majority of these people come from the US of A. The amount of toxic safe spacers I’ve met around where I live are less than ten.

Okay and there’s Sweden, of course.

Hey, are you by chance from the US?

Isnt that called incest? The things born look more like monsters after few generations of inbreeding…

Also ICELAND lol. A small Island with small population. :smirk:

Maybe koreans could provide some good crossbreed material. :thinking:

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Why is for some people everyone that pushes a needed change those people don’t want because they pray to the holy god of standstillness who denies the need of any evolution of a game as “not needed because we did it this way for decades now” a "terrible carebear?

That’s stupid…evolution is change and change is good,standstill is death…
But i hear voices from the believers of the standstill god that say eve should rather die than change a bit…and they MEAN it…

Well everyone can decide which opinion is good for eve…

I choose the “terrible carebear”…


I dunno, I’d choose someone who actually knows what he’s talking about. But I guess that’s just a way too radical concept.

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We just hate the opportunity PVP has to force the crude playstyle you have on everyone…

That’s the problem…

A slight change to PVP only be possible in low and 0.0 would be enough to calm us down… :slight_smile:

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As long as people try to tell me “this is impossible because we did it THIS way for 15 years now” as major argument i rather choose radicalism because “we did this for 15 years” is no voice of reason anymore…it’s just concrete…


About time change happens.

What will be the solution… no idea. The problem is there are several plausible targets for wardecs. Solution for one facet of the problem might ■■■■ up the other. The big problem is that on one hand you want to have wars and safe hisec being less safe, on the other hand people leave if they are in war. Balancing that is likely impossible.
I can only offer some general things I see as a problem, and some possible solutions that shouldn’t break too much.

  • Problem: Can’t find war targets.
  • Solution: Map mode showing all war targets. 15 minute average. Shows number of enemies in system, split between docked and undocked.
  • Problem: Gate camping is lame and boring and stupid everywhere.
  • Solution: Same as above should help. Just avoid system with several undocked enemies. They would at least have to change system every now and then.
  • Radical solution: Upon taking the gate, you land within 1k km of the gate on the other side. Globally eliminates gatecamps (good) and makes transport risk-free (very bad).
  • Problem: Cannot help others fighting a common war (remote reps)
  • Solution: Enemy of enemy is friend - can repair ships fighting a common enemy without going suspect. When ships engage enemy, they get flag “in war with X”, and everyone sharing that war can repair without penalty. It will break “neutral logi” stuff… though this is already mostly broken.

Two suggestions that favor wars at the expense of people who would like to avoid it.

  • You leave starting NPC corp at the age of 1 month and automatically join FW corp. On leaving player corp, you land in faction FW corp. Leaving player corp in war is possible, but you cannot join another player corp until your current war week is over => you cannot really flee war.
  • Cost scales based on sizes of corps. Omega members of defender (prevent corp stuffing with alphas to make wars expensive), all members of attacker. Perhaps a formula like 1M * ((defender+1)*attacker)^0.5.

$425,000,000. dollars says change is coming and the griefers are being shown the door, the game is broken. Taking a year or so off will see what the state of play is in 12 month or so. Fly Safe laters. o7.


You can’t tell this to the white knights of this game that see changes like this as the end of eve

No wars and no ganking in HS? ok, explain to me what do we do with citadel proliferation and poco ownership?


It looks like concrete wall in case of “free for all” PvP available by high sec wardecs and CCP was splashing people in high sec player corps on it for 15 years, and watching who survives.

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Because reading is hard?

“CCP Larrikin pulls up activity data for players of corporations that have wars declared against them
and it shows considerable activity drops in all activities during the war. They also show that the low
activity continues after the war ends. Brisc Rubal noted that the numbers here were so stark, it
would justify immediately removing war decs as a mechanic and promising a fix after the fact. The
CSM in general were surprised at how stark the numbers were and noted it was clear this mechanic
was having a significant impact on player recruitment and retention.”

That’s on page 12 on the minutes if you missed it.

Brisc even discusses it here:

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CCP changed hands for $250,000,000. $200M is in bonuses afer CCP meets the criteria PA and CCP agreed upon.

The $250M went to shareholders, and CCP was not self own, but by Novator Partners and some other investment guys, rather small percentage was owned by some CCP devs tho, and Hilmar. I dont know how the $200M will be shared (if ever).

Actual percentage and who owned CCP in 22.2.2018:

Name %
NP ehf. 27,17
NEA 15 Global VC S.a.r.l. 23,12
Teno Investments S.Á.R.L 21,31
NP II ehf. 8,45
Hilmar Veigar Pétursson 6,51
Dreyfus Sons&Co.Ltd,Banquiers 2,33
Axis Capital Pharma Investment 2,13
CCP Holding S.á.r.l. 2,05
NTP II S.á.r.l 1,32

While i agree that wars are perfect avoidable, especially for experienced players, and a good opportunity to pew pew, OP are entirely right about one thing: the “tough” bois who wreaked havoc on the newbs in last years will gone live great times of sorrow in the near future;
The new owner don’t give a damn about who have bigger balls, but they only care about who have the deepest pocket.
So I see coming a lot of whining from you this time, and that very soon :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

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Citadel proliferation? Have you been to perimeter lately?

Its moving day.

Yes, now, with wardecs on. I asked what if, if wardecs removed… simple.