Changing the sex of character

I think this is a great suggestion and for a lot more reasons than just the original posters reason.
I’m all for it.
Besides, if it makes someone happy I don’t see how it could be a problem because as others have pointed out it doesn’t change anything in the game it self.

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As long as it does not come with a character name change I don’t see how it can possibly affect anyone’s gameplay. We can already resculpt, so just push the resculpt a little further.


Grasping for straws I see. There appears to be conflicting lore.

There could be unfortunate reasons why changes can’t be made ( coding / databases ) but bad lore aint one of them.

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Resculpt token says you’re just flat-out wrong.

till someone changes gender with a blantly male name then they cry over that…

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the more i read this thread the more i am convinced half of you in support are trolls… and the other half just turned off the alarm clock… and are fully woke up it seems

Let me tell you what I see in this loaded thread.

I posted a suggestion on the possibility of altering the character creator in ways that no longer require a token binary choice. It is an attempt at compromise, because such is life, and a bit more constructive than kicking a can around. But perhaps you didn’t get that far in your reading yet.
A bit of feedback would have been nice, perhaps to see if it really is a viable compromise ?

I don’t see any suggestions on altering it, all you said is that we shouldn’t be able to and hid behind some ■■■■■■■■ “lore” reason that is obviously wrong based on what we see in game already.

right below the ISD’s post

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@ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode I’m glad that not only did you reopen this, but that you got rid of some of the more unpleasant stuff as well. Normally I’m opposed to that sort of thing (censorship I mean) though I do have some exceptions and it looks like you nailed them in this case.

The request the original post makes doesn’t just impact the original poster, it’s something I think would be useful and fun for a lot of people in Eve.

For me the options available in a re-sculpt aren’t quite enough for what I want to be able to do anyway, but as I said about selling me cosmetics if some of the constraints were removed I would be one of the first to throw money at it.
This is something CCP should be aware of, If I can customize the hell out of my many selves I will do it. What I will not ever do is pay to have an actual advantage over other players in any way.
Sell me clothing that doesn’t suck, sell me hair that’s not absurd and I will blow money on it, but don’t think for a second that I’m going to buy expert systems, skills, injectors or anything else that alters what I can do in game.
Personally I don’t have a need or the desire to change the sex of my characters yet, but when or if I do I want to have the option. I also want everyone else, for any reason they desire to have the same ability.

If I were to make this happen I would make re-sculpt available by default and not cost anything, but I would add a few things that would compensate for the loss of potential income:
Lots of clothing, cosmetics and hair, all with the ability to have their colors changed.
More flexibility in terms of extreme sculpting.
More and better skins, there is a thread on this forum where one person has made a bewildering array of absolutely stunning skins. Hire that person! Buy all of their skins and sell them to us, they are awesome.
The more simple ability to recolor our ships, clothing and cosmetics, sell us color palettes like they do in Warframe.
Make all of this stuff very affordable and you will sell huge amounts of it, but if you are selling skins for fifty bucks you aren’t going to sell many.
Have a few expensive items that are either very rare, or benefit some charity, these will become a status symbol of sorts. They will sell well too, the rare ones because they are rare, the ones for charity because a lot of Eve players are just good people with some cash to burn.
When I get online today (if I have time) I’m going to add up how much I would be likely to spend on just one of my characters, then I’m going to multiply that by how many characters I actually have. It will be a lot, and because I have a thing for wanting more it’s not a one time sale. If CCP sells me a nice pair of boots today and then comes up with ones I like better next week, guess what I’m going to do… Yep, I’m going to buy another pair of boots.

The color pallet thing would, I believe, do really well, especially if it becomes possible for corporations to make their own custom logos like alliances can. The logo editor for corporations as it is now is really aweful. It’s confusing, hard to use and creates a very limited number of mostly ugly logos. Improve that thing while keeping the basic editor free and make it possible to upload our own for a few bucks and you will sell thousands of logo upgrades in no time flat. Obviously these would need to be checked so they aren’t too nasty in whatever way, but that would not be a bad thing, it would “create jobs” as people are so fond of doing lately.

If CCP has the time to change things that don’t need changing and doing it in ways that no one wants, and that don’t earn them any money, they have time to make changes we do want that we would pay for.
No one wanted the probe and Dscan sub-windows moved from left to right, but we got it shoved in our faces anyway. No one (that I’m aware of) wanted,asked for, or needed the jumpgate animation changed especially with the bugs it introduced that still haven’t been fixed and yet change it did, and the bugs are still driving us nuts. Did CCP make any additional money off those changes? No, I don’t think they did, they just added to the exhaustion they have been inflicting on players making them even less likely to want to log in.


The answer to this aimed at a very small player base is .

Strip your skill points and inject into a new char of different gender…

Fine I’ll biomass a toon I’ve had for 10+ years. That’s what’s half of you want me to do. I might as well win Eve at the same time too. Idk how wanting something simple is being woke. Sorry for wasting everyone’s time.

What anyone else want is irrelevant.
But, unfortunately, the choice you want is not available and you need to decide which one is the lesser of two evils for you:

  • Be uncomfortable with the character you have
  • Giving up the the character along with the things that makes you feel uncomfortable

It’s your choice. And each choice come with an associated loss.

OK, my opinion, in case anyone wonders.

Make a slider for gender, just like length of nose . . . if people want to be in the middle or extremely to one end or another? let them

But I am STILL against name changes.



Slider idea seems ok, but I doubt ol’ PAccp would do it as long as they’re selling clothing items not wearable by anybody.

Name change arguments were negated by character bazaar and even more so by skill injectors.

But… clothes are binary in Eve.


we are in a video game EVERYTHING is binary except maybe the triglavians.

Seriously though? Yeah I have no issue with the clothing being non gender specific. Thing is? It probably has some hidden art development that makes certain devs break down and cry. I doubt it is a simple fix.


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How about we just delete the character portraits, gender, and clothes altogether? They add nothing to the game

I mean, isn’t the whole point of PF&I forums to suggest things that would make the game better? Being able to change a character’s sex with a resculpt token is probably not a huge dev effort and makes the game better for some people without adversely affecting anyone else.

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I’m not half or even close to it but I want you to have this feature because it’s important to you. I also want it because for me it would potentially be fun, and I think that a lot of other people would like it for your reason, mine, and a bunch I haven’t thought of.
Don’t let the people against it get to you. None of us know what it would take on CCP’s end, so even “it’s too much work” isn’t a valid argument. Besides, we are paying them so we can have fun, so unless it involves reworking large amounts of code or even replacing it it shouldn’t be a big deal.

Seriously, the people on your side just aren’t as loud as the ones against in a number of cases, including the ones who got deleted.