That’s something only a Frostpacker can answer.
Greatest plot twist ever… well played Frosty, well played…
Now don’t go labelling frosty as a ganker**strong
we are miners
don’t you forget **
that explains so much
The issue is not change itself, but that ‘change for the better’ depends very much on who’s version of ‘better’ is being applied. I often see people speak of ‘balance’…but it has to be remembered that EVE contains many perfectly natural imbalances ( there will always be more predators than prey, for example ) were applying ‘balance’ would likely be ruinous to the entire game ecosystem.
The true balance in EVE is always that people have choice. If you are going to rescue people from their choices then the game is no longer EVE.
Cant do anything BUT push around a push over…
PS- the check is in the mail!
That’s fine, will use that on my next bill payment.
Lol Jump into null > Make safe’s and anchor small secure cans > Warp to 1 of the cans at range > cloak and orbit. Now it looks like ya not afk as your orbit changes > go enjoy your day/night while the forums collect tears from nullbears
Anchorable structure that pings every 15-30 minutes and decloaks EVERYTHING in system.
The timer on Cloak was a good step forward, but AFK cloaky camping has been a stone in CCP’s hoof for literally all 16 of my years in the game. It’s pathetic they have allowed it for so long. It’s causes entire groups to unsub and quit the game for months at a time, if not permanently.
CCP hates it’s players.
Not only should the cloak mechanic be restored back to when it was fun, but when cloaked you should not show up in local chat.
Everybody wins.
Mr Epeen
Would this also apply to gate / wh cloak and with enough grace period for activating the cloak module or popping into a system would still result in showing up in local until the cloaking device is actually activated?
Blopsed-in toons should get stargate/wormhole cloak, too. More people would play Widows and Panthers if there was a means to prevent the marauder bullies to pummel them before the hardeners can be activated on all alts.
So your saying that because a guy can cloak up in a system ( afk ) large groups will unsub and quit for months ??
Wow i just found out how to get rid of most of the nullbears lol.
What i find pathetic is people whining because “my gameplay” isnt the same as yours lol
Love this idea. Would make a big impact on the botters