Community experiment. Why the attitude?

Or they got shot a few times and moved on. Its a cost of doing business. To make the isk gods favor you they need the occassional (virtual) blood sacrifice lol.

How high risk high reward pve works, the real short version. Make more isk than you lose.

Make 5 billion…lose 1 billion isk ship. Still 4 billion made. 3 billion if one gets really picky and makes the replacement ship and modules part of the pve excursion cost.

Make 5 billion, lose 6? Maybe find a better spot.

0.0 is not consistent. If by chance a filament dumps you into 1dq…yeah one got screwed there. Neuts are not welcome in the heart of the goon swarm. Some other crews spaces…would struggle to probe down even a titan.

And some 0.0 is quite dead.

This is how ever works. Make more than you lose. I have lost many ships over may years. I made more than I lost, all good.


I have met a few really nice people playing Eve for the last decade. I have met some nice people. I have met some racists. I have met some complete lunatics. Whereas my experience IRL has been that most people are pretty nice, and only some small fraction are difficult to get along with, in Eve, I find that the majority fall into that last category.

All you have to do is look at the responses you will get here. I am reading a couple of them now and already I’m laughing.

“…it’s probably you.”

Thanks, doc. What an expert analysis and diagnosis that was. Very helpful.

“You ate a shy little pilot who will not own up your true self by hiding behind that avatar.”

Because the healthiest thing to do on these forums would be to reveal your identity to other Eve Players. A game with a history of doxing players, making death threats against them, and even a guy being driven to suicide via harassment.

“you’re probably the asshole.”

Another brilliant psychological researcher showing us he is ready to open his own therapy practice. he follows with

“Also post with your main coward.”

in an attempt to be able to harass you in-game.

Talk about a lack of self-awareness. Those quotes just prove OP is right.

Eve has a concentration of people who behave badly online. There are nice people in-game. I hope you find them in a corporation and get on voice comms with them. I once was in a great corp and had great friends. Those people exist. You have to try out some corps to find them.

There are even a few nice people in this thread, as you can see them trying to engage you intellectually on the topic.

But yeah, Eve, the Eve subreddit, and this forum are filled with some really toxic, and probably underage boys who don’t have a lot of success or power over their real lives, so they lash out online to feel bigger.

“everyone reacts horribly to me” then that’s a him problem.

I’m imagining a gang of people standing in a circle repeatedly kicking some homeless guy telling each other if he thinks all of them are assholes, it’s probably a him problem. I don’t think there’s even a shred of logic in that line of thinking. It’s a rationalization to justify bad behavior and avoid guilt.

The way this thread went down is definitely not a “him problem.”

That wasn’t eve’s pvp or attitude though.

I bailed to the land of azeroth as CCP was taking a shotgun to shoot themselves in the foot just to be sure they didn’t miss a piece.

Some of my deal breakers are still in game btw. I’ve come to terms with them. I didn’t want to do hardcore industrial stuff anyway. I came for the FW changes. Kind of nice in all honesty.

CCP also got lucky blizzard has been on one hell of a it ain’t broke…lets break it trend.

(post deleted by author)

reveal your identity to other Eve Players

Causing intergalactic tension was written on my reference letter that was written by the Princess of Highsec, noone is higher than my Saviourette of Highsec who also is the leader of the CSM.

example my skillset


A few really nice people,

I am seeking training about becoming nice and have paid my fees already for the module.

Training modules

Really? I hadn’t noticed.

Not everyone has to win in New Eden which is why the learning curve is ever so steep was my guess.

I think it’s the other way around. The learning curve is steep and that’s why not everyone has to win in New Eden.
Maybe I’m missing your point?

:innocent: :popcorn: :snowflake:

When you focus on losing you control your own learning curve by learning from your past mistakes quicker which in time generates a swallow learning curve.

I’m sorry, I read it 5 times and still don’t understand it. It sounds counter-intuitive so maybe I have an excuse but then again, my IQ is kind of low so I can blame that too. I’m not ashamed of saying I’m not intelligent if that’s the truth.
Also, I don’t understand the picture you posted with it. What are the blue geometric forms, constellations? The ganker drawing looks like an elongated Venture, lol.
I did understand something though. You are advertising the Mining Permit for Aiko Danuja.
I also read you gave her 2 billion isk for some classes…? What is it you enjoy about letting yourself be bullied by the leader of a crime syndicate in a video game?
Anyway, I don’t mean to sound combative or rude.
I will re-re-read your reply and try to understand it.


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You might not think that you understand though I now believe that you do after reading what you typed 22mins ago in your reply to Wadiest Yong on the other thread about Nulsec.

I feel bad. I must be more dense than I thought because I still don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me.
Is it about me mining without a permit? lol
Why don’t you EVE mail me and tell me more? You got me curious now. :smile:

FYI, I did not receive notification of your reply.

The drawing wasn’t for you, it was my response to Uriel as he was sort of being snotty. :popcorn: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Oh. I didn’t notice you quoted Uriel, I thought it was for me DU-UH

I’d actually have some other games worse at times for this.

All games get this attitude. Key is to find place with cooler people. I won’t say some butthats aren’t in eve. The are here, they are everywhere. On my return I e-stalked some prior homes. One home a dude I jsut did not like was still playing and still the CEO of the corp. And a corp in goons.

I will never fly for that CEO ever again. And I’ve been a goon pet when a corp went there and I stayed a bit. No desire to be a pet again either. So, I didn’t reach out to that crew lol.

I’ve come across quite a few cool peeps as I try a few FW fronts. Good people are out there.

If some wander they will see this as well. I know cool peeps in wow (wrath and retail). and I know people who will not give you the time of day unless you meet some metrics. they won’t care if your main has them. You “suck” because your alt “sucks”.

Butthats are everywhere really.

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I’m not saying they aren’t. It takes a bit longer to find them now.

This convo between you and him now became a meme. Always fun to read a convo that delivers. :blush:

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn: :innocent:


@Uriel_the_Flame ROFLMAO! Really. Thank you for the laugh! I needed it.

Maybe there’s some hidden meaning in that post:


:thinking: :smirk: :shushing_face: