…as a representative of RMT endorsing alliance.
Who are you kidding, mate?
ED: You’re also obviously interested in the game-ruining, which makes you a lot less attractive candidate than UAxDEATH.
…as a representative of RMT endorsing alliance.
Who are you kidding, mate?
ED: You’re also obviously interested in the game-ruining, which makes you a lot less attractive candidate than UAxDEATH.
I am sure many people have lots of reasons one of my main ones on a selfish level is that I have invested allot of time and money into this game and I want it to continue to make me feel as if I have invested wisely.
You can call it dividend on your investment, but it’s still RMT, renter.
Plus, you’re obviously interested in game-ruining, which also makes you a worse candidate than UAxDEATH.
Can you please elaborate for me as a renter I am sure my intellect is considerably lower than yours but I am unsure on how this would transcribe as Real Money Trading (RMT)
I admit I have nothing to prove your RMT interest at this point (other than belonging to an obvious RMT-defending alliance), but it’s apparent you have one - you’re running for CSM.
You seem very Jaded, I am as of yet unsure why but your claims are just, well remarkable. Would you care to try to enlighten me on why you are so jaded by the idea of the CSM? I am genuinely interested
How many CSMs have you followed?
Every single CSM member of every single CSM was involved in at least one RMT scandal.
Every single CSM had at least one member kicked (RMT leaks being the leading reason).
Every single CSM was notably useless on critical issues of the game.
At some point, it came to the fact that CSM election became a game where major nullsec coalitions try to deny leet RMT leaks to each other, literally campaigning like “hurr durr I’m a (insert bloc) RMTer but if you don’t vote me in, (insert enemy bloc) RMTer will take the spot, and outplay us on RMT leaks market, so vote me to ensure we can deny leaks to (insert enemy bloc)”.
As for critical game issues, CSM stood there and either did nothing when game-crushing changes went live, or sometimes even endorsed them.
As such, CSM has no purpose other than leet RMT leaks, everyone interested in running has only that purpose in mind, and the whole CSM bs needs to be abolished.
If it can’t be abolished, then I’m going to either boycott voting, or vote for the guy who will participate the least.
Yes, because the gallente FW NPC corporation is an “RMT endorsing alliance”…
I do not want to keep posting on another candidate post so if you like you can drop over to mine but I will have this last post so its not just dropping out of the convo.
Quite frankly is a grossly inflated comment and I am sure you made it this way fro dramatic effect or something and I would assume, unless you tell me otherwise, it was in fact an over inflated statement of a few cases that seemed to have seriously ruined your view of what the CSM is, understandable to a degree.
You must also know that people are different and you can always find shadows where light shines, sometimes, just sometimes we need to focus on those shadows but other times we need to see the light that is shining.
The CSM doesn’t have ultimate power, in fact they have 0 power to make any changes, They have the ability to converse with CCP about the changes they put forward to the CSM however I am unsure on which changes you are referring to and or if the CSM was made aware of them prior to implementation.
You are clearly someone with a massive amount invested into the successful future of this game, you have followed the practise of CSM for a while or done some research, again assumptions but educated ones. You are smart enough to realise that people are different and some people out there are genuine, do not taint them all from some negative past experiences.
“Forgive and forget. It may not change the past but it gives the future a chance”
But are you smart enough to realize voters are the same? It is what ensures the repeating farce CSM is.
Don’t forget about new chinese voters added to the mix too, with a lot more tolerance to RMT than us on average. This not only ensures the farce will be repeated, it will ensure it’s getting worse.
Pretending we don’t know what happens next day after election, when you pull Jin’taan, and join goons the moment you’re elected as an “independent” or “fw” or “provi” candidate. That totally never happened before, right?
ED: Forgot “wormhole”, because wormhole candidates also did that. Ah, CSM farce…
Still waiting on those sources other than your hollow attempts at insults.
There’s no way this one may represent nonexistent community.
Whatever is called ''Russian Community" nowadays counts only for subscription and plex market diversifying. And maybe translation.
Players of that marketing targeted group are divided to the point you may meet Russians everywhere: from obviously Russian-speaking corps to any historically English-speaking bloc corp. And they are pretty fine to express their ideas, their concerns and doing well on their own to allow someone covering their very private goals with vague expressions and common words.
отдам ему 70 рофлосов
This is beyond the dumbest thing you’ve ever said, and you’ve said a lot of dumb stuff over the years.
Truth hurts you that much, eh?
It’s not truth. It’s not even remotely close to the truth. There hasn’t been an RMT removal from the CSM in years, if ever. who exactly are you saying was removed for RMT?
Проголосую за Дича. Наиболее значимые, упорные, красивые бои происходили, когда он был в игре. Было РМТ или нет, главное что рукорпы были на коне, были победы и поражения. И что немаловажно, он русскоязычный.