CSM 15 | Vote for Komi!

I want to thank all the people that supported me. My family, my friends, my new allies, especially Ushra’Khan, who provide me some shelter right now and were nothing but friendly to me, even forming a fleet to rescue me, when I was in distress.

I will work on my campaign the next weeks and hope my marketing team can finnish a small campaign video.

Fly safe and don’t be afraid of your goals. Face your fear because your goal demands it! That is the Matari warrior spirit!


This was a fun debate! Keep up the good work. :wink:

mad as a box of frogs…

…got my vote :slight_smile:

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I have not felt this motivated to vote for a CSM candidate since my CEO ran for CSM. I’m even willing to contribute to this campaign financially, if required. It would be nice to have someone on the CSM with less blood on their hands than myself.

Miss Valentine,

Would you support the proposals linked below?


Yes I totally agree! It is terrible that CONCORD acts on a scale that values human life the same as a block of hydrogen fuel and this needs to change!
While I see some technical difficulties, I will do my best to raise this before the council.

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Oh? Who was that, @Che_Biko ?

Erik Finnegan, 3rd CSM.

in the books Empyrean Age and Templar One one or the other at least I read them both last year there was mention of crews dying on even navy ships. Not being recloned but straight up dying. That suggests even navy crew can die, even if on a ship flown by a capsuleer who serves a given empire navy (with rank and attached status)


I just wanted to adress something. I was blackmailed to end my life by @Xuxe_Xu. She threatened to Jettison millions of slaves if I would not comply to her and commit suicide by autopiloting to delve.
As a Minmatar Citizen, this weighted heavy on my shoulders and I really thought about ending my campaign and my life. However, this matter is resolved now, thanks to the people and friends that helped me. It was a hoax, a very tasteless one, and I will continue my campaign now. You can read all the details about it here:

As you see, I’m very well qualified to deal with politically complicated situations. That’s an other reason that makes me a good CSM candidate! :wink:

o/ Komi

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“Scum like this slaughter innocents for any “god given reason” that they claim. Should any of our people die and it be said that it was because of Komi Valentine was running for CSM, anyone who believes that you are at fault is deluded and disassociated from reality.”

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I recently did an Interview with one of my hardest critics, who also started the bounty hunt. I think it is a good statement to publish here, however, I want to add this little sentence:

I am very careful with proposals. I don’t want to build my campaign around stuff like that. I think people should feel that I love the universe and that I take my part in it serioulsy as I will take the CSM position serious. :slight_smile:


(Expand) Summary of Archer en Tilavine’s interview of Komi Valentine

Archer: How many other characters are you currently playing with alongside Komi, and what kinds of activities are they doing?

Komi [OOC]: I have my old character on the same account + an alt (2012). At the moment I’m just using my old characters for PI. I want to focus on Komi and drive her story. I have created a second account for RP-Alts, I just use them for RP-reasons and they are alphas.

Komi’s CSM Platform and Positions

Lore/RP Enhancement and Game Immersion

  • Address Lore inconsistencies (eg. regarding Minmatar magic elders)
  • Show and link World News / ISD Articles / Scope Videos in-game
  • Introduce lore guide/library in-game (eg. timeline)
  • Introduce thematic lore elements to FW in-game such as freighters full of slaves warping away
  • Introduce Bloodline/Tribe specific skins in addition to faction SKINs (eg. right now there is only one ship with a Vherokior SKIN even though it is only one of three playable races)
  • Introduce bloodline apparel
  • Push for more faction apparel as well as headwear and tattoos
  • Introduce portal for direct submission of creative content (SKINs, apparel, stories for lore inclusion, etc)
  • Create some civil shuttles (you can’t interact with them, they just warp from gate to station)
  • Show maintenance drones flying around stations
  • Discuss possibly bringing back and expanding the ability to walk in stations
  • Wrecks should not suddenly disappear after salvaging. It’s silly that a battleship instantly disappears after salvaging one “Charred Micro Circuits”
  • Increase input requirements of Upwell structures
  • Split Upwell structures into four functionally identical racial variants each to enhance Lore


  • Dynamically generated mission sites
  • Dynamically generated Exploration sites – static sites don’t feel like “exploration”
  • Adaptive AI (esp. on Rogue Drones)
  • AI that competes for resources the same way players do

Active role in CSM

  • CSM currently acts as an “echo chamber” – focus on countering ideas that negatively affect baseliners
  • There are a lot of ideas raised on the forums and Discords I’m in (TIS, UK, RIP, DammFam, Matari, ARC, etc) that I agree with, and I’ll want to advance those ideas

Archer: You received an endorsement from Ferra Orta, one of the directors of Ushra’Khan. How do you know him? From publicly known information, that is an extremely unlikely endorsement to have! Do you know him out-of-game? Or…?

Komi: Ferra contacted me some months ago, we have done some business. That’s all. [And OOC we share some discords and stuff…]

Archer: A large number of players (RPers and non-RPers) are suggesting you are a hypocrite for leaving CONCORD’s protection in Hisec to get Ushra’Khan’s protection in nullsec, where they are perceived to be vicious and lawless/criminal by many (not me personally). How will you justify these actions RP-wise, especially since there does not appear to be an apparent connection (RP-wise) between Komi and Ushra’Khan/Ferra Orta, or any reason why they should give you amnesty at all. I think it is safe to say that if Ferra wasn’t your friend OOC, they’d have killed you themselves!

Komi: CONCORD simply could not provide protection for me. They would have blown up anybody who engaged me illegally, but they are not responsible for my personal safety. I knew of at least one smartbombing ship that waited for me, so I had to flee in a Probe that wasn’t even fully fitted and I soon found myself stranded deep in nullsec. It just happened that I was close to Ushra’Khan space, so I asked for help and they sent a fleet from Amamake to rescue me. The other RPers calling them criminals don’t seem to understand the concept of Ushra’Khan’s alliance Tag.

If I didn’t ask them for help, or if I hadn’t proven myself before, they might have killed me, but they are honorable and there are things worth more than ISK. I have shown my good will to the Minmatar people.

Archer: What are your thoughts, feelings, or comments on The Hunt up to this point in time?

Komi [OOC]: I think the hunt is an event that really fits into eve. Bounties in Eve are kind of meaningless right now, but since the hunt would end up in a biomassed character that someone really cares about, it would probably give a great feeling of accomplishment to the person that claims it, being the ONE that managed to take the target down. As a target it was giving me a lot of accomplishment, too. Dealing with blackmails, managing to escape a prison. However, I could feel it interrupt my gameplay a little since I was stranded in Nullsec and couldn’t return to my BPC-“business” and production. It was actually a little sad that the bounty didn’t seem to motivate anyone following me into Nullsec. I did not ever think the hunt was unfair or a bad move, but the one thing you could improve is not taking in game events to a personal level. “Egomaniacal RPer” is a personal attack and it really hurt me a little after all the work I had done for my campaign and all the future work I prepared for. So that was kind of a dick move. Whatever, it proves that Eve can be much fun and inspiration ^_^. For sure it has been a good RP opportunity!


Original Link:

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Some context (from the original link)


The best choice for the new CSM!


CCP TV - CSM15 Candidate Interviews - Day 3
Komi Valentine at 42:34

Komi friend, you should make more EvE-related graphics in Blender and so (you seem to have some talent in such areas) rather than stand for CSM.

I think you are not ready to represent all of the game yet. I don’t mean because of language. English language is of course just a tool we all use in common to communicate with each other regardless of where in the world we come from. I give you credit for making a presentation in something not your mother language - not so easy, I would imagine.

You know…you really should pay me a lot of isk for helping to generate so much publicity for you…

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you! YOU! are the only ONLY candidate that I was able to find that even mentions walking in stations. Why has the community forgotten about what CCP used to show at fanfest… The cool demos and new features that would make the game far FAR more interesting. Like Dust514 and Valkyrie. Remember the old demo from the 2008 fanfest of walking in stations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=5l_ZjVyRxx4&feature=emb_logo (all I can find is this grainy video of it. CCP deleted the original) Or who can forget the old demo of a condor flying in atmosphere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Pg1dzAvL2M (same issue with the walking in stations video)

I am going to vote for you because YOU HAVE TO SHAKE CCP OUT THEIR RUT. All they want to do is maintain the same crap that has been there for years. StarCitizen is going to threaten the idea of EVE if CCP lets this abstinence continue. Please you have to convince CCP to do the right thing. You are my only vote. I want it to count. o7


Komi! New Eden’s Most Wanted!

Thank you! :slight_smile:

[ I think some years ago, Eve had a very different mindset to what it wanted to become. There were many innovative ways to attract different playerbases. Like Dust, WiS and Valkyrie.
To me it was really sad to come back after all those years just to find a game, that got rid of all but it’s main core.

I think CCP is aware of this as well, and they have done amazing things in the past, that focussed on the core gameplay and that’s really great. But we should not forget to introduce new visions. The Triglavian Content right now is really cool, and fits well into eve, but there should be a unique selling point besides the worlds best MMO economy simulation or sandbox whatever. If eve doesn’t have a vision for some crazy best enemy AI, completely different ways to interact with the sandbox (dust, valkyrie), beautiful roleplay elements (character editor and WiS) it will not evolve past a certain point.

And there will be a game, that will offer that in the future, it should be Eve ideally ^^ ]

Sorry, but I don’t want publicity from people that blackmailed me in the past. :wink:
[ Thanks, I want to create some awesome eve stuff in the future, that’s on my agenda, but currently I’m not finding the time to do it. Actually I haven’t had the balls to watch the video yet, because I know my representative ■■■■■■ up. <_< I think I need to get rid of him :3 ]

Nobody has forgotten - it’s simply not going to happen. CCP made it clear that they’ve moved completely away from this idea and it’s dead.


Komi will bring it back - don’t be such a downer, man.