Daleks are technically the first aliens ever shown in Eve

I think the point here is that they are bastardizing the IP, and how this is just the first example of the new reality that could come later.

As others have posted in other threads, if this is going to be a trend, we will have other IPs continue to dilute what has made eve… eve. There will be no more continuity to the story/lore that has been built into the game over the years; which honestly is what makes this game interesting.

We will have a bunch of foreign concepts leak in for the sake of advertising. Maybe new players will come in, but how long will they stay, how loyal to a now diluted brand will those players be? And also, how many of the really loyal players that have been here for over a decade will this new road alienate in the long run?

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Don’t care!

Ok so why did you ask in the first place? LOL
Anyways to each their own. You do you m8

I just don’t understand why you are whining so hard.

I don’t care. CCP obviously doesn’t care. Why do you?

I let my opinion known because I can, and because its all I can do. In eve’s history there have been times when a massively negative player feedback has led to some sort of change.

Regardless, if you don’t care, why do you keep replying? Just move on and enjoy your Dr. Who.


I think it’s more likely CCP had to pay a licensing fee to the BBC to use their IP, than the other way around. If the BBC really liked the idea, then the fee might have been very reasonable.

The changing of a plot or thing because of customer dissatisfaction is certainly a thing. The New Coke. The most extreme I can think of is that entire season of Dallas back in the day that was pawned off as just a dream.

Someone else in these forums thought of the Rogue Drones generating something because of old video they came across that might have been brought through the Eden Gate way back when. Maybe some of the mad Jovians made a large “hollowdeck” space using old BBC video for the heck of it. Anyway, what’s the lore behind the proving grounds?

Proving grounds is a whole triglavian thing to weed out the weak, as (if I’m not mistaken) they also use that same method between triglavians. So now its been extended to capsuleers to see who’s worthy or something like that.

Not really 100% up to speed with my Triglavian lore at this time.

And yeah I do agree, in eve there are monuments and items that each tell a story of player outrage. Just some examples of this are my clothing items. The monocle in my character’s eye has a story of outrage behind it, which led to that item being pulled from the store in a heartbeat (hence why there are only 7 in game). The Silvershore Greatcoat i’m wearing was created as an apology by CCP for messing up in another occasion.

But you can also see physical representations of outrage in many places in eve, for example the Jita memorial being one of the most famous ones!

Bro do you not know how to quote a source? Where the link at? You just typed that. You aren’t even sure who said it ROFL.

Companies wanting to make money. Amazing.

You mean doing an accepted business practice that literally almost every other game is currently doing?

Again, you aren’t mad cause the lore. You don’t even think about the lore on a daily basis bruv.

Foreign concepts? Like companies wanting to make money? How is this event stopping you from doing what you want to do in EVE?

You literally can just not do the event and continue as normal. Or yennoe, throw a tantrum on an internet vidya game forum.

The same could be said of you :smiley:

So you mad about the lore, but don’t know the lore but they breaking the lore and thus your immersion, that you don’t even really know.


So in other words, you’ve contributed to what this has become. Awesome :smiley:

You know they’re just going to be reskinned Abyssals, right?

I found the quote on Reddit and as it was about the same as I remembered it to be I copied it. The original is in the old forums archives, which I could not find a way to search for. If you believe that quote to be untrue I could care less.

Maybe you should go back to the likes of fortnite as you seem to enjoy these “acceptable business practices”. The people that don’t like them, such as myself, will continue to be vocal in our rejection of such brainless IP dilution.

On your other completely wrong assertion, I did’t contribute to anything, I’m just a collector of rarities and as such I do care about lore.

On the las of your points, I’m a civil person and on the contrary of you, I keep my conversations with other in a civil manner. If they ask me something I reply, and do so without insults or implications of sexual harassment as you have done to me in other threads.

I say this again… you are toxic. I pity anyone dealing with you in real life.

LOL. Its the same thing as “you know a guy”. You aren’t even sure who allegedly said it bruv.

And apparently you can’t take a joke, which is understandable :smiley:

Fortnite? Not too good at 3rd person shooters. I do have some rare skins tho. Gotta look fly as you die amirite?

These are acceptable business practices. Ones that have been going on for decades. You claim its IP dilution, when in fact the IP is in the hands of its owners, which you are not.

You don’t like it? Vote with your wallet friend. You don’t wanna quit? Fine. But then don’t complain. And if you do complain, be prepared to made fun of. Welcome to EVE :smiley:

See that’s where you are wrong, I don’t like it so I let my disagreement be known like a civil person. You apparently don’t like nor believe in free speech as you keep harassing me in all the threads just because I have an opinion that differs from yours.

I don’t go looking for your posts as I could care less, but you keep going after every one of mine, like you are obsessed or in someway crossed that I’m expressing myself.

It’s really pitiful.

As for the Reddit post, you can easily find it if you use google. I believe it to be true as it’s the same thing I remember reading on the old forums. Again if you don’t believe it… I don’t care.

Wut. How do I not believe in free speech? You’re free to say things and so am I :smiley: Bold you of you to assume I’m American however. I mean, I am but our countrymen barely understand the 1st so

So in other words, I just take your bare word, which is terribly biased, on it because you know its there and made the claim but can’t be bothered to back up your own words but expect to be believed.


I actually never assumed to know what your nationality was… freedom of speech is not an American exclusive btw.

No you don’t have to take my word for it, look it up yourself.

And I say you don’t like people exercising their freedom of speech because of your overly negative and continuous barrage of comments on each of the threads where people are giving their opinion. It’s like you thing that by posting your insults you can diminish or even shut their voices down.

LOL you know it is in the context, albeit a weird context, that you were using it in. And like most Americans, you probably have no real concept of what the 1st actually is, and that’s why you used it in such an awkward claim.

Brosef, you made the claim and you didn’t back it. The onus is on you. You didn’t provide, ergo I am under no obligation to believe you.

Not really. Have I ever said stop posting? No, I am simply replying to what you’re saying. We’re literally engaging in a free range of speech right meow :smiley:

I get you can’t handle actual debate and back n forth. In no way is that an infringement of your rights. Sigh. You def American for sure tho.

Interesting you accuse me of implying your nationality yet you brand me as an American just because I talk about free speech… news flash I’m European; and even not living in US I still know the American constitution 1st amendment.

You are assuming I care if you believe me or not… you think too highly of yourself. If you want to check it out I told you where to find it.

You see that is where you are wrong, debate is actually something that I enjoy, but to be enjoyable you have to be debating someone that is educated enough not to become offensive which you have been, or harassing… which you have also been.

You can throw as many ad hominem as you like… the bottom line is, you are the only one that thinks anyone needs to prove you something.

Off to bed, thankfully tomorrow when I wake up, I’ll still be me and not you.

Imagine the cringey amendment EVE: Source now requires to explain this rubbish…

Ahh so you’re one of those Europeans. Explains it even more :smiley:

Nah bro, you know I’m educated, hence why you’re throwing out the Logic 101 terms :smiley:

I don’t need to prove anything. I’m just here for the content bro :smiley:

This is just a mutually beneficial cross promotion and they probably agreed to exactly what they would say and do with each other’s IP.

Both of the fanbases will get exposure to each other so Eve will get new players and Doctor Who will get a bunch of media coverage which could lead to more viewers and consumers.

They don’t really pay for this it’s just about promoting each other. Many games have done this over the years especially eastern games where I think it has been way more common (particularly mobile games) until recently where we have started seeing more and more western games and media crossovers.

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