In this patch we are planning to solve this problem by removing all navigation related penalties from the warp disruption field generator.
Unfortunately, wormholers will be unwilling collateral damage, as they often are, due to the incredible usefulness of HICs for rolling holes. We may address this with a specific mass manipulation module at some point in the future but want to move forward on fixing this broken behavior as fast as possible.
Lot’s of notes from most sources about ECM and of those that meantion the HIC changes, almost everybody agrees that a WHer solution should be delivered w/ the change. I wasn’t aware of the tactic (as it applied to NS), but I watched the eve-is-easy video on it and the whole thing seems to revolve around the bubble velocity penalty only applying at the start of the MWD cycle if the bubble is active.
My question would be, why not switch the bubble code to be more in line w/ non-covops cloaks? Those allow the current MWD cycle to continue, but your speed penalties begin immediately.
I am kidding you not CCP - HICs changes are completely retarded without specific mass manipulation module… I know 500mn HICs are a problem but how common are they ? During the last 8 months I encountered that cancer maybe ONCE. On the other hand I use rolling HIC EVERY SINGLE DAY (And I use it A LOT) to collapse crit holes.
Please do not give me that collateral damage ■■■■■■■■, just do not.
Thank you for the answers. I am familiar with the theory of arty claws, but am not very practiced in their application; my perspective was from the viewpoint of a fleet of bombers doing a similar thing.
I had hoped for a more eloquent solution than the heavy handed response presented in the dev blog, but it seems you are the first to respond that a theory of suppressing warp immunity (for example while a weapons timer is present) would not solve the problem presented.
I counter with another question, however. If said arty claw fleet is so difficult to pin down, how does removing the interdiction immunity make it easier, ignoring ‘catching them on a gate as they come in’?
What if, instead of using the Weapons Timer (60s) as the supression check, the Capsuleer Log-Off Timer (15m) was used?
@CCP_Falcon please consider making triglavian ammo “laser type” so it uses special crystals ( bottles ), like amarr lasers.
My cargo is constantly full with exotic plasma charges because leshak needs so many. Changing charges to bottles / crstals so you only need 1 crystal ( like t-1 crystals for amarr ) would be far better.
I cant actually beleave that ccp thinks the HIC change is a good one, yes lurch HICs are cancer but the removing of the HIC bonus TOTALLY kills my corps and many other corps main source of content. If this change actually goes ahead it will be a disaster for the whole of wh space.
Instead of having ECM attack the ability to target, an all-or-nothing win the lottery concept, have ECM attack the total number of targets. Each application of an ECM attack has a chance to reduce the total number of targets for the duration of the cycle.
This way, multiple ECM ships will be required to disable the logi wing of subcap gangs, instead of a single frigate keeping two or three logi disabled. With this change, maybe you won’t even need to be able to target the ship jamming you, since it’s very unlikely that you are out of the game permanently.
500 MN Hictors
“It’s quite broken and has been in the game too long”
“want to move forward on fixing this broken behavior as fast as possible”
Since this broken mechanic has been in the game for so long, why not work out a proper fix for the “collateral damage”, er, wormholers before you barrel ahead and change this mechanic while screwing them at the same time?
Sure, maybe someone on the dev team is sick and tired of this being used against their player character(s) out in Null and since few (if any) on the dev team reside in wormhole space then it won’t affect that person or his/her friends negatively whatsoever, but please take a little bit longer to consider everyone in the game. I’m sure there will be no end to suggestions for remedies from wormhole people.
The struggle with the Damavik, and the Vedmak, centers primarily around the long ramp-up time for the disintegrator. Unless you’re blobbing something larger, your opponents just won’t be around long enough for the damage to ramp up to full, especially in frigate fights, so there are better ships to use that are much cheaper. Adjust the damage ramp-up time and you’ll see more use out of the two smaller precursor ships.
Sorry but that Hic change is just poorly thought out and really should be taken off the deployment until such time as you have work around in queue to fix what you’re taking away from wormhole community.
Pretty rude and not a productive response. Just to re-elaborate on what minimax said, using HICs to collapse holes isn’t risk averse in a PvP sense. It’s a mechanic that used by every wormhole group, big and small, pvp and pve, to reliably roll for new connections without having their characters rolled out. It especially helps pvp groups find new pvp by quickly rolling holes without collapsing one of their characters outside their home and having the spend an hour+ getting that character home. Killing that mechanic helps nobody, and if anything results in less pvp. You’ll find people spending more time trying to get lost characters back, and less time hunting for content or fights. You’ll probably eventually just see people rolling holes less in general, resulting in less excitement in wormholes.
Again, this helps nobody, and just dismissing it or making fun of a whole region’s worth of eve players for losing an important core mechanic isn’t a good answer.
(Just to add, if you want to make pve more risk averse in wormholes, make rats scram so you can’t mjd out of sites in battleships as easily. I would support that, but that’s a topic for another thread…)
Pardon if these questions have been addressed… @Brisc_Rubal (or anyone else who knows really)
Does the EMC change effect Upwell structure ECM?
When jammed by a ship, are you limited on what you can activate against them? I can see some situations where jamming friendly targets to make them “jam immune” could come to play. Much like the issue from years back regarding some wormholes and tracking disruption on friendly.
Will there be a balance pass done to the ECM ships to make them more survivable with the changes? Since they basically all have no tank; ECM was their tank.
@CCP_Falcon would you be able to share the definition of done of the developers?
removing 500Mn HIC without a propper solution for WHers? Refactoring code and willingly opening a bug on another end of the code. Who would accept such a PR?
you built your entire playstyle around some weird bug and are now mad that it’s getting fixed. surely wormhole space can’t be so terrible that without glitches like this it breaks down