This is the best reason for doing it I’ve seen.
An Agency rework is already planned for spring. Check out the CCP Updates page
I don’t check this page anymore because it’s incomplete and not maintained properly to be worth checking.
SortDragon mentions the deliveries hangar and if it can be removed. The development team agrees and will work on removing it.
as someone who really likes using it and its way faster than contracting stuff as in amount of clicks, i have but one question, WHY?
It’s because it’s messy from a coding perspective, and it annoys some people who get delivered items because you cannot contract items in your deliveries hanger or search for items inside. So you physically have to manually go to that structure on that character to do anything with those assets.
it’s not ‘get rid of delivering stuff to people’.
Because there’s no real need for it anymore - it’s a legacy from a time when there were no contracts, and they have designed systems that drop things directly into players hangers now, so it’s superfluous. Plus there’s a lot of abuse with it.
Making it possible to deliver directly to another players hanger without a specific deliveries hanger makes more sense.
good to know, it just appeared that way from the wording in the minutes
The current way EVE Updates is working makes rivr’s observation spot on; it’s almost as if CCP themselves have no idea what’s next for EVE.
Remember when CCP was ahead of the game in regards to keeping their customers informed via well tended sites and frequent EVE forum interactions? Now days if you aren’t on Discord,Twitter, or memeing on Reddit, your connections with CCP are tenuous at best. So they hired a bunch of people to help fix EVE and shape it’s future; I hope we get to meet them some day.
STructure spam is getting ridiculous. Not in high sec. In null sec! And there you have a much much harder time removing the spam than in high sec. I’ll just leave this here:
Instead of “balancing” my Rorqual as well as its drones and support (( again ( again… adnauseum ))) and Supercarriers and thier support, how about you fix TIDI FIRST and see how THAT balances out issues in large combat.
Every time I achieve a step in EVE ( ability to use jump freighter, you introduce aids ), ability to use rorqual, you continually scale back the performance of its drones… for years you continue this and finally supercarriers and you are not happy with the support ships (FAX) that support supers and rorquals.
You doing this makes me angry because you keep moving the goal posts. Changing the rules… in what is SUPPOSED to be a “Sandbox”.
It is unfortunate that you (CCP) listen to those who whine the most vs encouraging those whiners to use the existing systems to overcome their obsticals.
Null-sec got its wish for player-built and player-destructible outposts. Is the lesson: ‘Be careful what you wish for?’
(btw that’s quite a statement: two keepstars near a gate? I think some entire regions can still be found, with zero.)
Not 1 person can bother to bring up the topic that caused new Corp war dec changes…
The real need for Corporations with no purpose other than to provide a method of asset sharing between characters/accounts.
I dropped Carriers entirely at the Forced onset of Force Aux ships.
And when we were able to sell off those skill points, I was less angry, but that’s just it, less angry, not pleased. And time after time we still don’t have a kick ass 64 bit system.
And now that we have War-Dec exempt Corporations, we are supposed to be satisfied with using these for sharing assets between charaters and accounts instead of having a system just for this purpose.
There are several whole threads on the topic, beyond that, since it was not talked about there is no reason to discuss in this thread.
This is just like a teenage male waiting year after year after talking and talking to the females and getting nowhere.
Merkelchen adds that a skill farmer not only doesn’t give CCP any money but also takes the purchasing power away from the other customers who may be relying on PLEX for extra accounts on top of their paid account.
One skill farming account consumes 2814 plex, that’s just under 100USD.
I really hope this statement is a typo, a CSM member cannot be this ignorant.
I would like to thank especially to @Brisc_Rubal for your availability and constant presence on the official EVE forums, your dedication to address various issues discussed here, and your work to convey our opinions to CCP.
Very much appreciated. Thank you.
I look on the minutes, but probably I will not finish it this evening, but I will continue tomorrow. I must say that this and the previous CSM minutes have a huge influence on my decision who to vote for in next CSM election. I very much wonder where on these forums are other CSM members which were voted by direct order by their disciplined and numerous clan members, but I personally don’t see them here on the forums and I don’t feel represented by them (this does not apply to Steve and Jin tan).
@CCP_Dopamine. What happened with us getting custom skins that we could make? It was mentioned at fanfest a few years ago.