I raised my children to do the right thing. I don’t see why that’s hard to understand.
Your true character comes out when no one is watching.
I raised my children to do the right thing. I don’t see why that’s hard to understand.
Your true character comes out when no one is watching.
Yes. Quite substantial proof of people crossing very bad lines.
The game’s turning 20, maybe it’s time for it to grow up
Where is this? And who are they?
And what are CCP doing about it?
For simple questions these seem to be extremely hard for them to answer.
It’s all over SA and Reddit - as in all of the confessions, chat logs, recordings, apologies, gas lighting and grooming.
For anyone who want’s to know, it’s all public knowledge now.
OK so nothing from CCP, got it.
Thanks for that
It is, for good reason, highly unlikely that CCP will ever give details of any complaint. It protects both accused and accuser and, of course, CCP itself.
Here’s a helicopter view:
As to reddit/SA, there is no evidence of anything illegal, but plenty of allegations concerning one individual. Then there is a lot of public branding and shaming, the usual pile of historical garbage being dug up to achieve a certain goal, sowing unrest within the community. Some of it involves real life threats “in the pursuit of justice”, and a few high profile community members have been on the receiving end of that rule breaking behaviour, one of whom left the game for good because of continuous real life naming and shaming in what may be described as a direct and planned attack, damaging his real life reputation. It is of course, in the current atmosphere, not popular to mention this, but I do wonder if CCP would look into that particular case of harassment, considering the person involved had a large net financial impact on CCP’s revenue, and considering that - like him or not - the person has the same rights as anyone else, and the allegations and actions taken against him are at least reprehensible.
If the original goal of this thread was to have a sensible, balanced and perhaps wise discussion about Safety for the community, it hasn’t reached that goal by a long margin. There is no guidance by the “stewards of the community” - who fail to tell us what they mean with "protecting the community ! Protecting against what exactly ? Doxxing, racism, sexism, harassment ? Bad language, salt harvesting, needling ? I’d say that it is important to know the scope of the discussion. I agree the thread is better off stopping, before it does irreparable damage to the community and its interactions.
So nothing concrete about anyone in particular.
Threads like this are just rumour mongering by CCP.
I think it was ccp’s intent to bring back some rest in certain parts of the EvE community with this thread and the announcement that they are taking the reddit/SA stuff serious. I also think this could have been done differently, let’s say more productive. After all, they do import a real world issue into the game with this, don’t they.
Rumour in the sense that it is vague. Yet that vagueness didn’t prevent them to urge the community to have a discussion without any scope. That leads to all sorts of attempts at calls for change - most of them to the detriment of personal liberty and choice, and to diversity within the community. It’s only the CSM member(s) who talk about Safety from harassment, doxxing, private life threats, rights, procedures, focusing on the real issue.
Im going to guess yes, but I still dont know who we are talking about or what they did.
Im not an SA member (though the rumours Ive heard so far are nothing compared to what used to get posted there regularly) and I hate Reddit.
From my recent experience, I could read the SA forums without membership. And because I strongly believe in “innocent until proven guilty” I won’t mention the name(s) of the person(s) used in those threads. Some threads on reddit have been deleted. But I’m confident that, with some effort from google, you can get a clear view on the swamp
Look, if they are innocent until proven guilty, and I cant wish it on them falsely no matter who they are, Im not going trawling in either of those places because they are effectively rumour mills and not official sources of information.
Thanks, but really if no one can actually say it was X in the Skullery with the Candlestick, then its all just rumours.
I truly can’t believe the amount of nonsense I’m reading here since the last time I visited the topic. If you can’t read the links to discuss the subject why are you even talking?
People here are “discussing” as if CCP had problems with people saying a few bad words, which is hilarious, it is not that! This is not a preschool and CCP is not the teacher and you are not the kids whinning about the other kid calling you a name.
No one read the links CCP provided, the topic is about stalking people and turning other people’s lives an EVE battlefield even outside EVE. The topic is about making real life an extension of EVE, so people shouldn’t haul their toxicity and dump into other’s people’s life.
Nope. CCP post more on Reddit than they do here.
Had to look that one up.
And it turned out to be not as interesting as the name and context would suggest.
Mr Epeen
Starting to think ISD Trainwreck is flagging all the posts on alts so he can have something to do and justify his job.
To which they are not paid for, sure they got that kind of time on their hands
Yea I think they are anouyed with all the nancies as much as we are that get offended by someone mentioning nutella .
Watch this post get flagged just for irony sake.
No worries because the fact remains that people pay even more attention to hidden posts so the flaggers simply achieve the opposite effect of what they seek. The posts remain and people will be curious thus if someone would otherwise miss the post now even they will click to see what’s it about. I guess it is poetic justice and there’s nothing the flaggers can do about it.
So when they announce something official, its done on Reddit?
If so, do you have a link?