I think the best thing CCP can do is to get out of the way. Don’t obfuscate illegal incidents, and be fully transparent with law enforemcent.
I understand language and cultural differences are very wide in this game and you probably can’t account for all slang terms across the dozens of languages and countries, but I agree there are some broad strokes that can be taken like those shown in my screenshots.
Chinks is a derogatory term used against the Chinese in a few English-speaking countries.
As far as naming characters and corporations goes, just look at the in-game character and corp search function and type in pretty much any vile, racist, antisemitic, misogynistic term you can think of, and I guarantee you there are at least 100 players or corps named that. And it’s been that way for almost 2 decades now…
Ironically everyone that did that in the early days got the rename to Caldarichar000234202 or something who had a free rename and where worth more in character sales because of it.
Rewarded for being a %$#$.
I even saw some Corps with Nazi-German-Symbols. The funny part is, the players are not german. In germany you come in jail if you swing a Nazi-flag. I heard in the USA noone cares.
Thing about the Nazzi symbol is that it was used in a totally different way before the germans, the germans stole it and destroyed all its previous meaning.
2 things stand out here that need to be addressed. Sometimes players claim to be harassed when they were actually just PVP’d. This leads to the following:
GMs will often reimburse PVP losses when the character submits a petition. I know this because the character brags about it afterwards and shows screenshots of the reimbursement. This same character spouts of racist remarks and IRL death threats to the person who PVP’d them. The GMs reply that the reason they did that was because they were griefed/bullied. Apparently, according to Senior GMs, being griefed makes it acceptable to threaten someone IRL and be a racist.
Bans are handed out to players sometimes “without option for appeal”. Why would we not be able to appeal a ban? What if the circumstances behind the ban were false or misleading? You can always just refuse an appeal. Why not allow for that process?
I realize my style of gameplay is controversial and some consider it to be “griefing” and “evil”. I would rather be labeled a “griefer” than a racist piece of crap that threatens people and their families IRL.
Do other people on this forum believe that being PVP’d in a game is an excuse to be a racist or a psychopath?
How about we start by addressing the elephant in the room?
EVE’s player culture is a direct outgrowth of the behaviors and attitudes fostered and encouraged for the first 15+ years of EVE’s existence by CCP GAMES.
When you make it ok to scam and grief people, you’re telling your players that it’s ok to treat other players as targets for more than just guns, missile, and drones. You’re telling them ‘it’s ok to disrespect other players and treat them like something that exists solely for your own amusement’.
Nobody should take this as any kind of excuse for anyone’s behavior. People who do terrible things should be held accountable for them. People who enable terrible things should, too. There are things that have come to light recently that I’m never going to stop asking myself how—not if—I could’ve prevented them. There are other things that I will always wonder if I didn’t know about it because I didn’t want to know about it. And that’s as it should be: I ■■■■■■ up, I should always have to bear the responsibility for those fuckups.
But you did too. Game communities behave the way the people running them let them behave, the way the people in charge encourage them to behave, either by action or inaction.
This bit here? It reads real well, but where the hell was the enforcement on that when CCP Falcon was actively harassing Gevlon under his CCP handle on /r/eve? I’m sure as hell no fan of Gevlon Goblin, but for one of the guys responsible for enforcing the ‘no harassment’ policy here to be going over there on his company handle and harassing players? That just shows you guys didn’t take this crap seriously then.
And I’m quite sure Elise Randolph’s past includes some episodes of let’s say… aggressive ■■■■-headedness, doesn’t it @CCP_Swift?
CCP are stewards of the community, and that entails more than just posting feel-good policies while your community managers act like dicks and you actively encourage people to treat one another like crap and hide behind ‘HTFU’.
Players bear responsibility for our actions and inactions both, and the fish rots from the head. As we’ve seen in recent weeks, sometimes that means big name heads have to roll.
So where the hell is Hilmar, and why aren’t we hearing him address any of the ■■■■ he’s celebrated over the years?
There’s a reason why this game has only 2-4% female players, and it’s because of harassment, doxxing, and threats. Complaining about rampant false accusations is pretty ridiculous and also tone deaf, especially given that false reporting in every other real life sphere is absurdly low.
If you want the PCU to stop tanking, not taking offense when CCP puts some effort into making sure everyone who isn’t a straight white man doesn’t have to make a safety plan to attend an EVE event is a great start.
Crap like the “I want people to have to take medicine to be able to endure EVE”? (Hilmar, Falcon and Goodfella in the TIS Blackout Podcast from 26/7/2019)
EVE is a highly competitive sandbox game. People who say terrible things (NOT DO!) can provide the morale boost a campaign/objective needs. They can be the glue that holds a community together. Every successful leader in history made it clear it’s we vs them; that’s how humans work.
Yes, this game allows almost any type of competition, requiring a very specific player to enjoy it. While IRL harassment is absolutely not part of the game, if CCP starts policing people on what they said out of client, it will end in witchhunt and smear campaigns.
Lmao no there aren’t, there never was, and “your experience” is a poor justification for allowing continued harassment.
You can say whatever you want to me, either in-game or out. I’ll just think it’s funny. And when you get mad about me laughing it off, I’m going to think that’s funny, too…
You can provide motivation without attacking people in the ways we’re talking about here. You don’t have to abuse people. You don’t have to harangue and mock people you don’t like because of physical characteristics outside their control. You especially don’t have to do that ■■■■ when you are ‘the glue that holds a community together’, because that encourages others to emulate you. And one person being a jackass is annoying, but a hundred doing it, all using the exact same language, all the damned time, in a group effort? Coordination, even if only informally. And it’s harassment. At least.
In-game harassment is still harassment. And I’m not calling for CCP to police ‘people’ on what they said out of client, I’m calling for CCP to police what CCP says out of the client. Because their own history makes this policy a joke.
You ask for ideas, then here is an idea:
Ban the players who are outed in threads with screenshots of their behavior, whether in-game or in Reddit or in a Discord somewhere. The source is irrelevant. The content is the damning factor.
Start banning people who are being outed by the community. The community has no other recourse than simply bringing it to your attention.
I am sure you’ll only have to “break a few eggs” before people understand that you really mean that it is NOT TOLERATED (as you have said before).
Oh, and post publicly when you do these bans for these reasons. Make it visible. Don’t do it quietly for the rumor mill will nullify your actions.
Again, how is CCP going to police out-of-game speech and activities? What proof will they have? I’m QuakeGod in EVE, but if I post something nefarious on Reddit under the name BarneyFinkelstein, CCP has no way of knowing who that is. I’m not even on Reddit, by the way…
The content has to be verifiable. Just using this thread, I could make a screenshot of anyone in it engaging in sexual harassment.
People need to be held accountable, but the evidence has to be independently verifiable.
Edit: FFS, @QuakeGod don’t like my posts. Anyone who wants to encourage ‘sociopaths’ isn’t anyone I want agreeing with me.
They can for in-game stuff thou which CCP has logs of. But it still has to be over the line thou, like threat’s/harassment and not something purely emotional after a loss or something.
Thing is that we’ve been raising people in a manner that rewards egocentric behaviour for a very long time. Very few people actually consider themselves to be a part of a wider community, or if they do, this does not seem to affect their behaviour towards other players.